Photohigher skyline rsgs

Yes, We Dealers are receiving the new wire harness's for the Skyline. I am not sure if we had to. But I specifically asked to be sent the upgraded Harness's along with dummy pots. That way I could get them to my V1 customers, simplifying their installs, and set ups. Your dealer should be able to get you a new harness and dummy pots. If not, email me at, and I will get you one sent out.

Take care,


Is Photohigher sending out new wiring harnesses with dummy pots to dealers? I contacted the dealer I got it from and they acted like they don't know what I am talking about. I bought my RSGS during pre-order and have never even had it out of the box, figure if I have waited this long I can wait for a new harness. I know I could do it myself but I don't have the time to sit down and do it. I rather just get one ready to go, I also feel like I diserve it since this thing didn't work out of the box as advertised.

Thought I read they were but maybe I'm wrong. Sorry if this has already been asked.


Merlin of Multirotors
Finally stopped raining here and the sun came out, gave me a chance to get a test flight or two in with the newly rebuilt AV130 and RSGS. I'll be working with the gains a bit more to see if I can improve on where it's at now but I doubt it's going to get too much better with the current servos and the flexing Cinestar isolation mounts. I've tried a lot of gain settings as well as stiffening the iso mounts both before and after the gimbal rebuild, this is about as good as I can get from it...

Still have some tweaking to try to get the last little jumps and bumps out, not sure if it's possible on the CS frame. I'm in the process of setting up my Droidworx AD6 frame with a functioning flight controller so I can try the AV130/RSGS on that for comparison.

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Is Photohigher sending out new wiring harnesses with dummy pots to dealers? I contacted the dealer I got it from and they acted like they don't know what I am talking about. I bought my RSGS during pre-order and have never even had it out of the box, figure if I have waited this long I can wait for a new harness. I know I could do it myself but I don't have the time to sit down and do it. I rather just get one ready to go, I also feel like I diserve it since this thing didn't work out of the box as advertised.

Thought I read they were but maybe I'm wrong. Sorry if this has already been asked.

Hi Mactadpole,
I confirm you that Photohigher have send the new harness and dummy pot to their resellers. I'm actually sending these to my customers.
If your reseller don't know about it: ask him to contact photohigher quickly.
If you are in emergency and can't wait to have it, it's very easy to build one.

you will need :
- 4X 2.2Kohm resistors
- the version number of your skyline (written in the top right corner of the connector on the skyline)
- your actual connector
- wires, servo plugs
- one of these two scheme
View attachment 6868View attachment 6869
Hope this will help.

Best regards,


  • Skyline-Loom-REVA-Modified.png_thumb.jpg
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  • Skyline-Loom-REVB-Modified.jpg
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after many problems with the skyline i have upgraded to 1.2.2 with dummy pots ans new wiring first attempt was almost good but tilt was reversed so i reversed and try a new auto-tune. but the roll servo went one way and locked and now only tilt is working good.
the roll seems to have no signal from the skyline. i have tried to disengage the roll servo and it turn permanently everything else works good. do you think i have fried the skyline during auto tune ( i have tried the servo it is ok )
it's an AV 130 with savox servos. Any idea ?


I know this and to solve it you can do a manual tuning:

- disengage tilt belt, roll servo wheel, and pan belt.
- put all your gain to 0
- click on servo on, your servo will start spinning
- go in the tunning pannel (where you have the autotune function)
- click with the mouse on the up button (and let your mouse click on it) until you ear the servo accelerating or decelerating : it can take a long time do this until your servo completly stop.
proceed the same for both servo

by experience the avergae alue are the following:
tilt -1500
roll -2500
pan 80

start with these values

once done, check that your servo are compensating the right way (you move one way, the servo goes the other way)
replace your gain to 100 then click on servo off, register setting, replace the belts/servo wheel and try to do an autotune again.

I have seen skyline that don't want to make a good autotune at first. it seems that on the roll the autotune can go divergent instead of convergent to a value. sometime if you place -8000 in the roll value before doing the autotune it works fine :)

I have to do some little research about this and communicate it to photohigher.

By the way, I apologize if I have been a little away these days but I have moved my webshop to a new place and it takes me much more time than expected.

Best regards,


Merlin of Multirotors
looking good ken!! what gains are you using?

From memory, around 100 on tilt, 140 on roll, 50 on tilt velocity, and 30 on roll velocity. The gimbal is an AV130 upgraded with Cedric's V2 kit, well worth the investment if you have an older AV130.

I have seen skyline that don't want to make a good autotune at first. it seems that on the roll the autotune can go divergent instead of convergent to a value. sometime if you place -8000 in the roll value before doing the autotune it works fine :)

I have a V1 Skyline and I've run into this myself. What I do is set the level values, save them to flash, power cycle the Skyline and then the autotune works correctly every time for me. If I don't follow this procedure sometimes the roll goes full lock to the tilt servo side and stays there when doing autotune, it's unpredictable without saving the levels and doing the powercycle.

One thing I would like to see is the ability to save Skyline configurations. I've found that the Skyline needs to be slightly retuned going from a big to small lens, having to write down the settings and change it back and forth is a PITA. If the config could be saved and then quickly loaded from the saved file it would make it much easier to get things dialed in for any camera/lens combo you use regularly.



@aerial media pros and 1001 copters

Thanks to both for your responses. From what I had already read I figured they were being sent out. I will contact the dealer and see what they have to say. I don't want to invest the time and little bit of money, mostly time. Guess I'm lazy but its actually more of a principle thing at this point.


What is the best recommendation for roll setting?
slew or normal, what is the difference between the two


You may try to play with your subtrim, it worked well for me.

tried that and no change at all in slew mode. It keeps moving not matter what, I even tried a three position switch
even in the middle it want to keep moving one direction or another.

any other ideas?
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sorry, allot from me today..

OK.. I did hand level, auto tune ( which always defaults to slew mode on tilt)
it is level on both axis level and operates pretty good.
I take slew mode to off as I it will only go to level or 90 degrees, nothing in between.
If I try in between is moves to the ends points slowly

The tilt goes to about 45 degrees just by switching off slew mode.
why is this?
I can adjust this angle with my radio BUT!!!!
When it first comes on it still wants to go to 45 degrees banging my lens into the ground.
then if I move my pot it will come back to level. Yes I have tried multiple pots. My radio has 5 adjustable

any help is appreciated.
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I know this and to solve it you can do a manual tuning:

- disengage tilt belt, roll servo wheel, and pan belt.
- put all your gain to 0
- click on servo on, your servo will start spinning
- go in the tunning pannel (where you have the autotune function)
- click with the mouse on the up button (and let your mouse click on it) until you ear the servo accelerating or decelerating : it can take a long time do this until your servo completly stop.
proceed the same for both servo

by experience the avergae alue are the following:
tilt -1500
roll -2500
pan 80

start with these values

once done, check that your servo are compensating the right way (you move one way, the servo goes the other way)
replace your gain to 100 then click on servo off, register setting, replace the belts/servo wheel and try to do an autotune again.

I have seen skyline that don't want to make a good autotune at first. it seems that on the roll the autotune can go divergent instead of convergent to a value. sometime if you place -8000 in the roll value before doing the autotune it works fine :)

I have to do some little research about this and communicate it to photohigher.

By the way, I apologize if I have been a little away these days but I have moved my webshop to a new place and it takes me much more time than expected.

Best regards,

Thank you very much cedric for your help, it was not so simple especially for the pan and the values was not at all the same for me but finally i am impressed the skyline work very well after a so long wait !!!!
i haven't tested yet in fly but it already seems that everything is Fine. i have one regret , to not have bought it with you !


Merlin of Multirotors
Some clips from today's tuning and testing sessions, getting very close to where I want to be. If I can just smooth the roll out a tiny bit more I think I'll have it as good as this combination can get...

This weekend it will get a good field test, weather permitting, we've had more rainy days than sunny days the last couple weeks.
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Active Member
Some clips from today's tuning and testing sessions, getting very close to where I want to be. If I can just smooth the roll out a tiny bit more I think I'll have it as good as this combination can get...

This weekend it will get a good field test, weather permitting, we've had more rainy days than sunny days the last couple weeks.

Thanks for sharing mate, I take it the video is unstabilized?
I don't mind adding some gentle post stabilizing when video is as good as yours. What camera are you using for this?
On another note, I see your getting ready for winter with that plow sitting in front of your truck....
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Merlin of Multirotors
Thanks for sharing mate, I take it the video is unstabilized?
I don't mind adding some gentle post stabilizing when video is as good as yours. What camera are you using for this?
On another note, I see your getting ready for winter with that plow sitting in front of your truck....

Yes, unstabilized and just as it came out of the camera. Setup is Cinestar 6 with AV130 and Sony Nex 5N.

I hope the plow stays on the ground in front of the truck until April...



Heli's & Tele's bloke
... If I can just smooth the roll out a tiny bit more I think I'll have it as good as this combination can get ...

This footage is reminiscent of what I often get raw with the AV200/3X combo. It is basically pretty good but the roll axis always feels somehow loose. It does a reasonably good horizon levelling job but cannot soak up the tiny, almost imperceptible movements and it is this that lends the vaguely unstuck sensation when watching the video. Currently the Z-15 seems to be the only system that delivers a solid feeling, but of course it comes with a load of baggage, restrictions and conditions.

If it is any compensation, the weather in Europe is crappy and is probably set to remain that way for another four or five months :upset:


Merlin of Multirotors
Here's the same video I posted earlier but this time with a light touch of post process to clean it up a bit. Problem with this is the limitations of the Nex 5N begin to really show themselves in anything other than straight fore/aft motion as the stabilization takes its toll and I can see some slight pixelation in places where the movement is on the pan axis. I know that I can slow it down on the manual pan or leave those clips out altogether where appropriate but I'd much rather not be restricted because of what needs to be done on the backend to get decent output. A couple solutions could be a better camera with more pixel density so there's less loss in post and/or a better high end NLE app that doesn't butcher the data quite as much, and of course there's always the holy grail of having the camera platform stabilized well enough that post process isn't needed, much easier said than done. None of the solutions are inexpensive and not anything I'm going to pursue anytime soon...

This footage is reminiscent of what I often get raw with the AV200/3X combo. It is basically pretty good but the roll axis always feels somehow loose. It does a reasonably good horizon levelling job but cannot soak up the tiny, almost imperceptible movements and it is this that lends the vaguely unstuck sensation when watching the video. Currently the Z-15 seems to be the only system that delivers a solid feeling, but of course it comes with a load of baggage, restrictions and conditions.

If it is any compensation, the weather in Europe is crappy and is probably set to remain that way for another four or five months :upset:

I'm not so sure where the roll wiggle is coming from although I suspect that some is a direct result of the Cinestar isolation mount system. Two things I see there, one is the mounts are too soft allowing for motion in directions the RSGS can't compensate for very well if at all such as vertical and direct side to side (the cause of the slight rolling in the vid I suspect). The other is the number of mounting points of the Cinestar system. On the CS 6 there are only three points at which the gimbal mounting plate is attached via the isolation mounts while there is the possiblilty to utilize all 6 spots on the lower center plate. I think a 6 point mounting using the existing design of the isolation mounts may be a possible cure for the wiggle and wobble by removing or at least restricting the motion of the mounting plate in those directions. Problem is it would take a custom cut mounting plate plus an additional 3 isolation mounts to test that theory and that would not be a cheap proposition especially if it proved to be only slightly better if at all.

I do agree the Z-15 would certainly give me what I'm trying to achieve but at a high buy-in cost with the added inflexibility of being locked into a single camera and lens, not to mention the WKM requirement on top of all of it. Given how quickly the technology is evolving I simply cannot justify that kind of expense for something that limited that will also certainly be displaced by something better in the not too distant future the way things are headed.

Raining here again today, been very wet fall so far and unfortunately by the time conditions improve enough for APV I think the foliage will be past its peak and a lot of it already on ther ground...

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