Panasonic GH2 general and hack info base


Here it is.
I don't think it will work with anything less than a 95/s 64G card. Especially, it won't span on slower cards, and it reaches 4.3 GB in a about 4 min. I'm not a huge fan of the 60p in this patch, (probably because the 24p is amazing) but it doesn't crash. So sometime soon I'll be testing other 60P ones. Driftwood recommended Mystereon.

One thing to note- Sedna is a VERY detailed patch (this is the A version with most detail, in fact) so you should keep the sharpness down to -2 in your profile settings on the camera.


  • Sedna Sanity combo for 24 and
    1.4 KB · Views: 403


Getting a GH2 currently using a G2 looking to upgrade. Which of the hacks are stable with good quality and does not need the super high end SD card.
Any information would be appreciated.



...However, for shooting mainly 30/60p, try the new Flowmotion. Been stable for my ground shooting, but I haven't put it in the air yet.
Yesterday and today testing with Flowmotion 2.02 with 32G 45/s card but it freeze with around 3:30 sec. take about 8 fight. Somewhere read that 45/s have recording problem with hacks...
Waiting just for testing 32G 30/s card. Could be better?


Heli's & Tele's bloke
Are there identifiable changes in the menus or different options available or something because I honestly see no difference whatsoever in the imagery between the standard camera and the Sanity5 hack. Is one supposed to activate some of the items under the 'Testers' section or simply use the 'Users' presets as supplied with the hack?

I had the 64GB 95MB/s card before I even had the camera but have yet to find a use for it - other than as a big capacity card. The 'high data rate' hacks either don't record at all or stop after 10 -15 seconds with an Error Message inferring the card is not fast enough.

I ask again. What the hell is so attractive about a hacked GH2?


Sanity is a very mild hack. Differences will only show up with heavy detail and motion. Some of the differences take a while to 'learn' to see them, but once you do, it's a significant improvement.
I feel like I've repeated myself several times in this thread so just go back and read my comments.
I recently used flowmotion for a project and REALLY missed Sedna.


Yesterday and today testing with Flowmotion 2.02 with 32G 45/s card but it freeze with around 3:30 sec. take about 8 fight. Somewhere read that 45/s have recording problem with hacks...
Waiting just for testing 32G 30/s card. Could be better?

Depends on the brand. Some are faster than others. I don't think it's likely that a slower card will work better, but it is possible. I recommend that anyone doing aerials with a hacked camera buy the best card. Sandisk 95/s 64 gb


Heli's & Tele's bloke
Sanity is a very mild hack. ... I feel like I've repeated myself several times in this thread so just go back and read my comments....

Yes you have, and I do appreciate your input on the subject. However, it appears that you are about the only GH2 hack user who is prepared to share their experiences or give any clues as to what works and what doesn't. Rather a shame that no one else can contribute.


Iam new to the hack world as well, I am running Sanity 5. Seems to work real well on my Y-6 detail is definitely alot better. I was looking for a hack that performed well and not have error issues and not have to have just 95mbs cards. Right now I am running Sanity 5 on a Extreme pro 16 GB 95 mbs card but it did run fine on the Extreme 45 mbs Scandisk cards as well. You are right about getting input from people on the hacks. Alot of them will not open up to new users very easy if at all. All I want to do learn about this stuff for my use I love doing aerial video.
May question is Sedna Sanity different from Sanity 5, I would think so but not sure. Any and all information is very much appreciated.



There is Sedna, which failed on me with 60p, so someone made a hybrid patch that is Sedna for 24p and sanity for 60p. The hybrid is what I use. Sedna is way better at 24p than Sanity. Way way better.


Do you by chance have a link to the patch. One more question how do you truely know in the menu which frame rate you are shooting at. Sorry for asking questions but trying to learn about this stuff.



The link to the patch is on the previous pg of this thread. :)

The frame rate notation is a little confusing on the GH2. There's a table in the manual that is handy to have around.


Will this patch work with a 16GB 95mbs card and with the Extreme 45 mbs card or just the high 95 mbs card. Also does it handle movement well such as flying it on the Multirotors.


The link to the patch is on the previous pg of this thread. :)

The frame rate notation is a little confusing on the GH2. There's a table in the manual that is handy to have around.


Depends on the brand. Some are faster than others. I don't think it's likely that a slower card will work better, but it is possible. I recommend that anyone doing aerials with a hacked camera buy the best card. Sandisk 95/s 64 gb

Have SanDisk brand... I think that developer post about error writing speed on 45/s card. He told also that is better 30/s or 95/s...
But SanDisk 64G 95/s are so expensive card...


There is Sedna, which failed on me with 60p, so someone made a hybrid patch that is Sedna for 24p and sanity for 60p. The hybrid is what I use. Sedna is way better at 24p than Sanity. Way way better.
Loaded your hybrid patch and want to try with HD mode but when I connect GH2 to Video converter cannot get HD mode. Converter auto disable HD mode on Hdmi connection. Strange, never recording, until today in HD mode. Other mode recording without any issue - try on ground, never fly with that patch. Can you please confirm if you can recording in HD mode when flying. Also which video converter you use to video recording in HD (*.mov) mode (can put link or model name).
Thank you for any help.


Must correct my self. With GH2 and live rec view trough HDMI it is not possible rec in .mov file directly. Factory disable. Load original GH2 patch plug into TV HDMI result is the same.
Is there some workaround to rec in .mov file, 25fps PAL directly into card (HD mode). Coz 24p Cinema record .mts, 23.97fps, PAL.

Thank you


I have that sedna-sanity hybrid patch on a 64GB 45mb/s card and it works flawlessly on 24p and 30p(no audio). I've got a 32Gb card that does 25mb/s and it fails writing on 30p so those extra mb/s are useful.


Drone Enthusiast
There is Sedna, which failed on me with 60p, so someone made a hybrid patch that is Sedna for 24p and sanity for 60p. The hybrid is what I use. Sedna is way better at 24p than Sanity. Way way better.

yeehaanow tried out the combo patch sedna Sanity, with 24 1080 is am getting dropped frames after 4 5 seconds. Have you experienced that ?


