Old Man
Active Member
I had mentioned this in another post awhile ago. But how come we've/I've never heard of any complaints, problems with the model rocket people? Those things can go to amazing heights, and at a tremendous speed, "basically uncontrolled". And they must still be pretty popular, as most hobby shops stock rocket kits and motors, as they refer to them. Maybe we should start calling our machines, "ELECTRIC ROCKETS"
Too small in numbers. Those that play with the big stuff mostly use designated ranges with cleared airspace. And some of them are really big! Plus they don't compete with aerospace giants for a piece of the business pie.
Don't make the mistake of thinking this registration thing is about aviation safety. That's just the ruse being used to push the first step in an agenda. If it was seriously about aviation safety there would be something in all this talk about being able to see and track sUAS while in flight. Registration does absolutely zilch for aviation safety.