Oh great... is this true? (registration)

Old Man

Active Member
Big deal in West Hollywood. Some outfit flying an Inspire chasing a Mini for a reality show parked the Inspire on the power lines, shorting the area out,shutting down businesses AND downing the power lines, draping them over the Mini, which smoked in short order. Made the evening news, even showing a picture of the barbecued Inspire sitting on the ground. That or DJI is now making Inspires with racial diversity...

Somebody is in some really, really big trouble.


The FAA already has done quite a job on the 333 exemption process....
KEEP IN MIND.....we're talking about mostly lightweight (under 4 lbs) plastic hobby drones used for videography by NON-Pilots

Here is just a small excerpt from the 333 requirements for taking simple photos and video to sell even if flying UNDER 400 feet where manned aircraft seldom fly.

At least 3 days before aerial filming, the operator of the UAS affected by this exemption must submit a written Plan of Activities to the local Flight StandardsDistrict Office (FSDO) with jurisdiction over the area of proposed filming. The 3 - day notification may be waived with the concurrence of the FSDO.

The plan of activities must include at least the following:
a. Dates and times for all flights;
b. Name and phone number of the operator for the UAS aerial filming conducted under this grant of exemption;
c. Name and phone number of the person responsible for the on-scene operation of the UAS;
d. Make, model, and serial or N−Number of UAS to be used;
e. Name and certificate number of UAS PICs involved in the aerial filming;
f. A statement that the operator has obtained permission from property own ers
and/or local officials to conduct the filming production event; the list of those
who gave permission must be made available to the inspector upon request;
g. Signature of exemption holder or representative; and
h. A description of the flight activity, including maps or diagrams of any area, city,
town, county, and/or state over which filming will be conducted and the altitudes
essential to accomplish the operation.

It's this over bearing rule and regulation that is suffocating America and killing our ability to thrive.
Rest assured, this mindset will dictate the drone registration process. Bureaucrats love the bureaucracy. And all of this as well as drone registration is a reflection of the current administration's policy of heavy handed government and ever increasing bureaucracy.

Is this REALLY in the best interest of the average person wanting to just get on with their lives and make a living? How does this NOT grossly interfere with small, medium and large business wanting to exchange services for payment?
Would not a little more education rather than this approach be better? What are the REAL risks to society if none of this was required
to fly a less than 4 lb plastic (Phantom type or Solo type) drone?

I can clearly see the need for regulation on maned aircraft. But this is getting carried away with small, lightweight, plastic unmanned essentially toys.

As always, we are giving up a TON of freedom for a microgram of "security".
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Big deal in West Hollywood. Some outfit flying an Inspire chasing a Mini for a reality show parked the Inspire on the power lines, shorting the area out,shutting down businesses AND downing the power lines, draping them over the Mini, which smoked in short order. Made the evening news, even showing a picture of the barbecued Inspire sitting on the ground. That or DJI is now making Inspires with racial diversity...

Somebody is in some really, really big trouble.

Maybe it was Ianwood (moderator) from PhantomPilots ?
He does say that he does a lot of flying around Los Angeles.

Old Man

Active Member
Regardless of who it was, the incident stresses a need for operator training that would better serve safe flight operations.

As much as I abhor the pilot's license requirement of the 333 process, having one helps establish the "pilot" possesses a reasonable level of judgement. Few instructors will sign off on a Student Pilot that demonstrates they have poor judgement skills. An instructor maintains liability for a newly licensed pilot until the instructor signs the logbook for a BFR or rating upgrade. This "pilot" demonstrated extremely poor judgement. IF he's a pilot he will be soon experiencing charges and an administrative review of his certificate by the FAA and NTSB. Perhaps he's smart enough to recognize this as a reportable incident and file his report in the mandated time period.

We can just about assure that Los Angeles will push hard for claims and charges against the operator and 333 holder.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
The 3 - day notification may be waived with the concurrence of the FSDO.

i hear what you're saying and I agree that the final structure of sUAS regulations MUST be manageable but the ability of an office to waive will dictate to what degree they enforce everything else. The FAA does learn from operational experiences and the way they've opened up the 333 process after some initial time observing real world operations bears that out. if you approach your business, equipment, and local FAA office in a very professional way you'll likely be rewarded with a waiver from the requirement to report all activities three days prior if at all.



The FAA already has done quite a job on the 333 exemption process....
KEEP IN MIND.....we're talking about mostly lightweight (under 4 lbs) plastic hobby drones used for videography by NON-Pilots

It's this over bearing rule and regulation that is suffocating America and killing our ability to thrive.
Rest assured, this mindset will dictate the drone registration process. Bureaucrats love the bureaucracy. And all of this as well as drone registration is a reflection of the current administration's policy of heavy handed government and ever increasing bureaucracy.

Is this REALLY in the best interest of the average person wanting to just get on with their lives and make a living? How does this NOT grossly interfere with small, medium and large business wanting to exchange services for payment?
Would not a little more education rather than this approach be better? What are the REAL risks to society if none of this was required
to fly a less than 4 lb plastic (Phantom type or Solo type) drone?

I can clearly see the need for regulation on maned aircraft. But this is getting carried away with small, lightweight, plastic unmanned essentially toys.

As always, we are giving up a TON of freedom for a microgram of "security".

And you went there... trying to inject logic into a bureaucratic quagmire? That's like trying to give an IV to Superman.




  • FAA Logic Suppository.jpg
    FAA Logic Suppository.jpg
    52.6 KB · Views: 244

Old Man

Active Member
Perhaps we should direct this thread back to the original topic. That might keep be out of the hot house. Waaay too many temptations for my demented sense of humor:)


All this because of DJI and he's Frking Phantom invention!!! before that little white drone, there was only Professional people flying professional builded multirotors by professional and responsable people with skills.....
Now,........we know.

dead right


Active Member
Thanks for the link @oldman. Good to see BLOS being tested but found this part interesting -
Insitu is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Boeing Company.

As you've been preaching, the big boys direct, the rest follow...

Old Man

Active Member
It was in Reuters so it was a public press release and could be seen outside. A little not so secret secret, they've been pretty active up in Alaska, along with Aerovironment, flying oil pipelines and fields for some time now. The FAA is a constant watchdog. I know all too well who the company belongs to, I've been part of it long before and after the buy out. I'll dare say we are the most successful branch of the Boeing UAV line up. You are a very astute individual. I wondered who would pick up on that. Some might be interested to research who the members were on the original ARC committee, and their affiliations;)
