NAZA Lite problems


Captain Fudpucker
I can not get the assistant to connect to the MC, on start up 1 get only 3 green lights at the end then fast yellow flashing. When I hook up to the assistant I get green light but I get the MC power On red light. I have other NAZAs that work great, can't seem to get this one to work, any help will help?


Aerial DP
it sounds like the pmu is bad.... can you hook it to another nazas pmu and see if that fixes the problem?


Captain Fudpucker
I got it to communicate with the assistant and all setting are fine now except RTH will not activate, and I can not power up the motors, I still get only 3 greens on start up.


Captain Fudpucker
I forgot about that thank you I just haven't hooked up the GPS yet. But I still can't arm the motors and only 3 green lights on start up.


Aerial DP
go to the rc setting window and make sure left stick is left, forward sticks makes it see forward, up throttle makes it increase, etc. then calibrate the naza to your radio.....


Captain Fudpucker
Thanks kloner, but I found the problem with the motors, (simply a bad jumper throttle cable) but I still get only 3 green lights at start up, not sure if that is a problem or not.


Aerial DP
i can't remember the exact light sequence from the latest firmwares, but if you move the flight mode switch to manual, your not gonna see continuous flashing, atti should show a double flash yellow, gps mode will show a double flash green, waiting for gps signal gives you red flash with either no other flash in man, red/yellow in atti, red/green in gps till the gps locks in, then you'll get this long green flash when it locks gps and sets return to home position, then red goes away


Captain Fudpucker
I am getting all the right light signals as far as atti-gps-manual-fail safe-rth, just not the 4 green on start up, I have 3 others 1 NAZA-M V1 and 2 NAZA-H and they all give the 4 light ? the manual says it should have 4 green at the end of start up, if not to contact them which I did just waiting for an answer that could take some time LOL but I have to return 1 defective motor to 3D Robotics, which is in your town.
