My brushless gimbal result

RC Flying

A Drone Mind
I have just added the 3rd axis to the nex5 gimbal and it nearly works ok but it doesn't seem to point straight forward. I'm trying to use it in follow mode so it stays pointing the same way I'm flying but smooths out small random yaw movements. Can anyone tell me the best setting to do this? Will it be better to use a channel to adjust the pan axis? DO I need to tie it in the flight controller?


I tried the board and it's pretty good, it does better with the rubber standoffs , I still get a shake in forward flight and backward flight, I tried the hard mount and had more shake, don't know what else to try. I guess I will go back to my gopro gimbal that is perfect even in high wind and agressive flight,

RC Flying

A Drone Mind
Do you mean the sensor board? I just have mine mounted on the top bar of the gimbal, above the camera, with a double sided sticky pad.

I have just added the 3rd axis to the nex5 gimbal and it nearly works ok but it doesn't seem to point straight forward. I'm trying to use it in follow mode so it stays pointing the same way I'm flying but smooths out small random yaw movements. Can anyone tell me the best setting to do this? Will it be better to use a channel to adjust the pan axis? DO I need to tie it in the flight controller?

To set the yaw so that it's pointed straight of where you had it when you first initialize the gimbal.. you need to change the Yaw Offset under Follow Mode tab. A negative or positive value will change the position, it's like subtrim.

I'm trying to connect to an Alex Mos V1 board with the 2.2 Gui and Firmware.

Trying to do it with a Macbook Pro was a no go. I downloaded the FTDICHIP and the CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers, restarted and just could not get it to work. So then I went on my Windows 7 virtual machine on Parallels, again I downloaded the FTDICHIP and didn't need to down load the
CP210x USB to UART Bridge. But still no go. I've got a com port but when I connect all the "Read", "Write" and other buttons are greyed out and the scopes aren't showing any movement from the IMU board. It's as if it's not even connected, but the lights on the board blink when I first hit connect and the connect button reads "Disconnect" after I hit the "Connect" button.

I've also tried to flash board the firmware but when I do I get the a failed message. "Failed to Upload: Error writing firmware: Invalid avrdude exit code (-1073741515)!" I'm totally at a loss and kind of frustrated.

I want to change because I'm presently using the 1.3 Gui and Firmware on the FPV Model Gimbal and controller and I'm recently not getting same results i was getting before. I'm hoping that an update will help I've been getting roll jitters, I lowed the D on the roll axis but now I'm not getting the power I need to keep the roll locked in.

P.S. the roll motor is upgrade to the 35mm motor that used to work just fine for a while.

I hope the above makes sense, I'm really tired.

RC Flying

A Drone Mind
I just came back from my first flight test after adding the 3rd axis to the Gothelirc gimbal. I have the pan working nice, but now the entire gimbal kind of wobbles about a bit, which it didn't do before when it was only two axis. I'm guessing as a 2 axis the connection to the hexacopter is more solid, but with the 3rd axis you're hanging the whole lot of the brushless motor for the pan by its 4 screws. I'm not sure what to try to make it better?

Can someone help me understand how to flash the board without the Gui?
I'm thinking that the Gui is not flashing my board. I'm dropping the .hex file in the firmware folder within the gui folder. My thinking is this makes it easier for the gui to use the firmware when trying to update the firmware. Am I right in this assumption?

In short, I can't get the gui to connect to the board.
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Aerial DP
Put the hex file in a main root folder, and macs won't write them for some reason, gotta do it from a windows based machine. at least to go 2.2 to 2.3 you do

I just came back from my first flight test after adding the 3rd axis to the Gothelirc gimbal. I have the pan working nice, but now the entire gimbal kind of wobbles about a bit, which it didn't do before when it was only two axis. I'm guessing as a 2 axis the connection to the hexacopter is more solid, but with the 3rd axis you're hanging the whole lot of the brushless motor for the pan by its 4 screws. I'm not sure what to try to make it better?

The 4 screw is probably not the problem... it's a solid attachment. Could be a possibility of many things, for instance now the gimbal is heavier, so you might need to add more rubber damper, how many are you using now? Normally the 2 axis uses 6, but 3rd axis, 8 is better.

Also, many people don't realize this, but for 3rd axis, you should try to balance it as well. If it's out of balance, it will need a lot of power to hold it.

Put the hex file in a main root folder, and macs won't write them for some reason, gotta do it from a windows based machine. at least to go 2.2 to 2.3 you do

So could this by why my CALIB ACC, CALIB GYRO, USER DEFAULTS, READ, WRITE and the two AUTO buttons are all greyed out?
Basically I can do anything with it. It works on 1.3 but can't get it to go beyond that. This is the FPV Model board first gen (two stacked boards in one). Will this work on my virtual Windows 7 machine running in Parallels from inside the Mac? Do you have good settings for the GoPro for me to start with?
This is the unit I'm trying to get to work on Alex Mos 2.2 on my virtual Windows 7 machine running in Parallels from inside a Mac.
View attachment 15640* image is reversed by iSight Cam.

I also have a board from foxtech that I haven't done anything with and would like to get that working to, but I'm having the same problem with that one to. I told Foxtech which board I have and they sent me a link to the 2.2 Alex Mos link.

Here is a pic of the other board I'd like to get working.
View attachment 15639* image is reversed by iSight Cam.


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    Photo on 2014-01-13 at 16.13.jpg
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    Photo on 2014-01-14 at 12.06.jpg
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Aerial DP
i have windows on bootloader so it is an actual windows pc at that point, but you can try..... i build gimbals for hire and the last firmware upgrade won't go, says something about you have v .53,,,, huh? reboot to windows and it just loads then back to my mac bgc app and it'll connect fine, just needs the firmware done in win

What does your Com-Port say in the gui? Do you get an Com-Port number or something like tty/USB.port something or cu/USB.port something. I don't have it open so I can't quote it.

Hi All,

I got the Gui and Firmware to work. I'm totally stocked. But I'm still having the same problem I was having in the 1.3 GUI and Firmware.

I've been having tons of trouble with my gimbal as of late with Roll motor vibrations (but only when the IMU is horizontal).
I'm using the YUN1 with a modified Roll motor (roll motor = iPower GBM 3509 130 Turns)
I've done the 6 Axis Calibration and did it a number of times to make sure it was done right.
Then I set all my motors to 0 and set all the PIDs to 0. Then I increased the roll motor power to 50 and increased the "P"&"D" followed by the "I". But I have to keep the power low to stop the vibrations, but so low that it can't hold any longer.
What is really strange is this only occurs when the IMU is horizontal. If I set the Pitch motor power to 0 and pitch the cam forward or back the vibrations go away, but when the IMU is returned to Horizontal the vibrations come back, this occurs when the there is power to pitch motor as well. I'm so confused and really pressed for time. This has also occurred in V1.3 and V2.0b3

Can someone please help. I'm so stumped.

I think I found the problem.

I'm using the Yun-1 and I was told about 8 months ago to run the IMU cable through the bearing ring to get it out of the way. However, I found that if the cable runs through the bearing ring I get all kinds of crap and jitters, but if the cable is not running through the ring the jitters and crap are far less. I'm tuning it now and almost vibration free.

Man what a trial.


I think I found the problem.

I'm using the Yun-1 and I was told about 8 months ago to run the IMU cable through the bearing ring to get it out of the way. However, I found that if the cable runs through the bearing ring I get all kinds of crap and jitters, but if the cable is not running through the ring the jitters and crap are far less. I'm tuning it now and almost vibration free.

Man what a trial.

I'm suprised, DJI shove everything through slip rings and they don't have a problem.


Hi. New to the forums. Just got a VX5n and I'm wondering if you can adjust the pitch so that the camera tilts down slightly instead of sitting level. I know this can be done when you setup the gimbal for radio control but I'm not ready to do that just yet. Is there a bias or something that can be set in the GUI? I messed around with some of the setting that looked like they might control a pitch bias but had no luck.


Hi. New to the forums. Just got a VX5n and I'm wondering if you can adjust the pitch so that the camera tilts down slightly instead of sitting level. I know this can be done when you setup the gimbal for radio control but I'm not ready to do that just yet. Is there a bias or something that can be set in the GUI? I messed around with some of the setting that looked like they might control a pitch bias but had no luck.

If you are using an Alex Mos board you can find the adjustments on the second pane on your AlexMos PC software. I don't have it open, but I think it's pitch angle, yours is probably set to "0". Further when adjusting your PIDs the "I" will determine the speed to which your axis is moving based on inputs from the radio.


If you are using an Alex Mos board you can find the adjustments on the second pane on your AlexMos PC software. I don't have it open, but I think it's pitch angle, yours is probably set to "0". Further when adjusting your PIDs the "I" will determine the speed to which your axis is moving based on inputs from the radio.

The only thing I've found that works so far is the pitch setting under the "follow" tab. However, follow needs to be enabled which I don't want to do.

I'm also having problems with my yaw. Roll and pitch seems solid but the gimbal keeps creeping to the right even when the hexacopter is just sitting still on the ground. I tried calibrating the accelerator and gyro but it's still doing it.
