Knowing the weight of a Skyjib with Axi 4120-20s, adding a Ronin and then a Red would give you a flight time of about 4 mins tops I reckon. Bear in mind that the weight of the Ronin might be including the handlebars but in airborne mode you will need to add legs/retracts. Not sure if it will fit under Droidworx retracts either at this stage.
By the way I don't think it has auto balance, I think it is auto tune, just like the Movi has.
Just some taughts which i think are important.
Axi 4120 have 3500g trust. SO 1/2 is 1750 g * 8 is = 14kg for okto on 17 inch, if you use smaller propelers than even less, coax is -12% or more with axi motors
Frame with motors and esc and all is 6kg easy
Bateries min 2x 10000 mah = 3kg
Ronin 4kg
Red with normal prime 4kg
Total weight : 17 kg
Current on this load will be 8x30 to 35 amps so 240 to 300 easy. batteries will get warm and will have a hard time to keep the constant 120 to 150 amps ....
And a lot more problems could imerge.
Droidworx frame is not made for this much load. Maybe new frames from DW will support this loads.