CS8 to X8 conversion - Herkules ESC III V3


Drone Enthusiast


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Hetsink is looking very good.

It was rainy today, I only had 10 minutes to try with your settings :) Will look into the yaw problem more detailed.


Drone Enthusiast
ovdt how big is your bird and if you using the MT 550 KV i can imagine that your bird needs more gain than mine. Not sure but your setting are going to be different for sure.


two question, maybe someone knows:

these plugs are they standard plugs and does someone know where i can get them or are they home grown DJI ? For example the plug from the IMU to the MC.

Heat sink are most of the time alu and painted will any paint do or is there special paint for this ?

Those plugs seem specially made for DJI, never came across on the web.

If you want best results with painting, search for "anodizing". Normal painting will not work perfectly, once you touch it with your nail, the paint will drop off.


Draganflyer X4
Those plugs seem specially made for DJI, never came across on the web.

If you want best results with painting, search for "anodizing". Normal painting will not work perfectly, once you touch it with your nail, the paint will drop off.

I agree, just make sure when you get the heatsink made, that the aluminium is the correct grade to be anodised. Not all aluminium can be anodised.


Drone Enthusiast
Gunther what i dont get is I can open the DWG in my for free CAD viewer but archicad 13 is telling me every-time i want to open it no lines were drawn. Do you have a clue what that could be ?


Draganflyer X4
No idea I'm afraid, I have never used Archicad. Have you tried opening the DXF file? Maybe Archicad doesn't do 3d drawings?


Drone Enthusiast
it does, but i always makes problems I'll just get Rhino wish it would be working on OSX already thanks !


Hey Boris

Thanks for your open and honest answer

Im glad you have been able todo well during the economic down turn.

I too am earning more money now that i ever have. Problem is i am also working more than i ever have!!

Keep up the good works

Really looking forward to your final comparisons

Boris have you seen this version of a heat-sink? "http://shop.jet-1a.com/index.php?cPath=472_526&osCsid=e770ed60785cb08ff909315ce55e31cc"
Also would be nice if you use some "http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=TH-001-ID&groupid=701&catid=57&subcat=27" for the heat transfer. I also recommend lapping the surface "http://www.overclockersclub.com/guides/lapping/"
I am watching you closely on this, if yours works on the DJI I will get a Herkules board too.
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Drone Enthusiast


Drone Enthusiast
okay final with roll-cage, got a price for doing this thing today and i must say not bad for a single piece around 100 Euros. But it wont be one piece the bars of the roll-cage will be screwed together.

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(edit) thanks once more redridinghood, ordered the stuff today didn't even think in that direction to prepare the heat sink.


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Drone Enthusiast
got word from the cnc guy not going to work the way i want it to. Drilling for the Rollcage to mount it to the main Heat-sink cant be done this way or only with extra costs for a 250 $ 2mm thread drill, specially hardened. So did everything new and simpler. By this pace next year spring :)
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Drone Enthusiast
Krleas same here, I would love to have to thing up and flying already.

Guys i have one questions i would love to drill a 3mm holes in on of the 450mm Carbon fiber booms of the CS 8, to have some servos cables disappear. Would you be concerned that this majorly impacts its integrity ?


Drone Enthusiast
so finally heat sink finished. Not so happy how the screws turned out, was spoken through like that but whatever. Got the main plate the rest can change myself.

Gonna polish this thing a little to get the rough edges out.

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