CS8 to X8 conversion - Herkules ESC III V3


Ok. I see. No idea as it never happeed to me on my combo. Wk- herkules - Axi. Tomorrow I want to test an octo. Will see.


Looks like I need to reprogram my herkules and test some options but everytime I need to do it I must disassemble the octo. Is there a way to load the firm through the 4 ppm wires plus the ground of the battery or it`s required all ghe wires of the flat cable to do yhat?


Drone Enthusiast
But the thought it not a bed idea, have you found out which pins are necessary for flashing ? Maybe good idea anyways to lay them out and do a servo plug male female solution to the usb board to flash them. I have the same issue that i have to disassemble a couple parts to safely get the micromath plugs or to take care that they are really attached nicely again. Eventually on a really productive bird these mircomatch plugs should be hot glued on anyways thus not removed on a regular basis.

Maybe this helps. It seems to be doable, just connect the 3 signal wires on a plug so usb connection is easier.

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  • Herkules_II_Programming_FTDI.jpg
    20.4 KB · Views: 316


Im looking fir a female plug to make a new wire with an extension using the three programming wires. In any case does someone suspect there is any kind of trouble running two herkules boards together for an octo ufo? I m suffering very strange behaviour with the default firm (supossed to be 24° and FW on). Take off is a faith question until you can go away from ground effect. In flight it loos stable and smooth. Instant stick imputs to test gsin shows strange reaction like having ail and elev mixed. Didnt engage atti mode in fligt but the sound while iddle is quite strange and different. Going up with the ufo weigh doesnt change any thing.


Drone Enthusiast
elossam you are flying your bird in manual up to now ?

Thanks Red for the diagram could have thought about looking at that on the webpage :)


Yes, manual only. Have not enough balls to switch to atti mode until manual mode troubles are solved. Have just reprogramed the lower herkules and will start with the upper one. May be there are a fault in the deffault firm like running one with FW and one without it so will load by myself both firms to be sure. Other than that I noticed the engines are running extremely cold, about 10° when the cx4 with the same supossed setup runs at no les than 60°C.


Drone Enthusiast
Other way around for me. I would **** in my pants test flying the first time the CS8 in manual without autoleveling, not knowing how it will react since the gains are just guessed !


Maybe your right but after hearing some of you with issues with FW in atti mode I decided not to make that more complex and go steep by steep. Just loaded no FW on both boards for a test flight tomorrow before lunch. Hope to see some light then.


Ok. The droidworx octo plus Av130 and herkules is now flying. I cant feel any problem with the herkules without FW and on saturday will engage the FW. Compared with the Hoverflight I still prefer the stabilization of the HF over de DJI but could be due to the reasson Andreas write somewhere about a firm accomodation between dji and herkules he is rewritting. I'm actually using 240% gain in manual mode and only 50% in Atti mode, does such difference has sense?

Do we have any updates on the issues between Herkules II and DJI?
I am getting bored grounded and thinking of stripping the Herk and using my good old plush.


Drone Enthusiast
I am still grounded waiting for a part :( Hope thought that the coming week it will finally arrive and than i want to combine things and visit the Nuernberg toy show and visit Andreas in the same time period if the weather allows. I will keep you guys posted. I hope next two week are the weeks of movement :) in this matter.

Elossam, I think your gains are fine similar to were i had them in the last couple flights. You have to be i little more precise were the issues are about stabilization.



Hi all. Cant be much more precise its a feeling. Normally I test the units at home garden where the litest breeze makes the ufo become crazy due to the rotor and lack of lineality of the wind gusts. Today I went away to an open area and flew the octo. It loves the stability of the breeze gusts Not a single glitch I can be that is related to the Herkules and DJI relation. Other than that I noticed the deplacement speed in atti or gps mode is quite reduced. It requires lot of stick and the unit sometimes slows the speed like trying to update the status. Sometimes a double white led flashes and have no idea about what does it mean as all seems to run perfect. At the end I went 10 mts. high and placed the thr stick in the first position of slow descending. It landed perfectly so the ufe and me went home with a big smile. As a conclusion, the axi 2217/20 plus graupner 10x5 are not a great combo as it gives a erratik yaw no matter the gain in use. The apc 10x4,7 gives a more stable behaviour, less noise, requires less amps but the engines suffer higher temperatures if the unit is forced to stay hovering long time. . Hope to be able to run the FW on firm next week.


Drone Enthusiast
Just a little update !

I am going to setup my bird this week with some changes concerning heat sink for the Hercs etc.
I should be done latest end of this week.

Than i am going to try to get a appointment as soon as possible with Andreas. He is also keen already that we start testing the WKM on the Octo.

I will take:

11 x 5 graupners.
12 x 3.8 CF 11 grams
14 x 4 JXF Wooden props
14 x 4.7 APC

LIPOS 4s 5s 6s

I hope that we can get done to the core of the surges.
Changing timing will probably not work but lets see how much time we have.


Here is the movie we made with the Quadrocopter setup.
As it was pretty windy, the flight was not so stable but we couldn't recognize the famous surges with this setup.

The Oktokopter Skijib is already finished and the Herkules to Boris is on the way. We hope we can test soon and we keep you on track.


Hi all,

the last two days we had very ugly weather (lots of wind, rain and freezing coold) but Sebastian's Team managed to do some test flights.
Here is the data:

Quadrocopter with different weight and propeller configurations.
- Axi 2814/22
- 6s 4200
- 11x5; 13x6,5
- Droidworx AD4 HLE
- Weight 2,2Kg up to 3Kg

- AFW 1
- 24 Deg
- 8Khz
- WKW latest FW from 11.1.2012

No power sourges at all, we had strong wind with up to 35 Km/h so no smooth flying but the height control in ATT Mode worked really good. With the Big Props and NO payload I needed around 15% to hover so the AFW was not enabled so we tested the limit of the activation of the AFW but had no surges.

We will go on testing further on if the weather gets a bit better and do also some movies.

Fact up to now: with this Quadro-config we had no issue at all, even with AFW=ON and very low load. So i think Active freewheel is not the bad guy here!
Now we have 3 more possible failure root causes:

1) The connection of 2 x Herkules together in an Octo System causes some trouble, e.g. Ground offets and false detected PPM signals?
2) The DJI Firmware is still buggy and can't get with a very fast ESC as the Herkules is, yet?
3) The Attitude Hold of DJI causes some problems?

=> As we don't have an Octo DJI System up to now we can not test right now. We will build one soon. Maybe we will meet with Boris again and search with him on his System.

As i am the "Advocate" of the Herkules, and looking to the facts right now i cannot find it yet guilty. Maybe we will have to blame somewone other ;-) I am sure we will find the problem soon.

Question to all: Did you check if the surges are present in Manual-Mode?
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Ok. Here my report. The unit was a droidworx octo with Av130 gimbal powered by axi 2217/20 and apc 10x4.7 TOW 3620 gr (520 gr payload included) Dji gain seting manual:200 atti: 43 calm wind conditions. Stable flight in general. In manual mode it look very responsible and nice to fly. Engine sound looks stable. In atti or gps mode the stick reaction ys way more reduced, like having a 80% dual rate enable. Hover is stable but sometimes it makes corrections by apparently no reason and that is making me crazy. Its not a gain question. Gps led is rock solid OFF but a simple breeze makes the unit drift and the reduced stick authority makes it difficult to fight with the breeze. About Freeweling, cant advise any diference between having it on or off. Turning it on reduces the consumption a 3% from 37A to 36 A (12w). Should I turn it off again for security questions or not?
