Caught on camera, multirotor crashes into crowd at Great Bull Run

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Aerial DP
I vote we all get SMP paid for one year what he'd make doing this and get him lobbying for us.


Bird's Eyes Aerial Media
I wouldn't mind a harsher regulation on the airworthiness of commercial rigs. Require that it be flown for x amount of time agressively, x amount of time hovering or in position hold, and multiple presentations of the various functions to prove they work flawlessly (if applicable), a strict review of the structure and wiring of the craft, safe video/controls range stamps and require that all crafts in a business have their datalogs kept showing where theyve flown (if using gps) and other such data. Could also require a review of datalogs from several previous flights to further prove the craft is airworthy.

The NTSB had opened a docket on this one, you guys should adopt CAP 722 from the UK or Canadian system for regs. The DHS is going to require at least 1000 hours of demonstrated flight of a system before they test it. That's not one platform it could 1000 Phantoms flying for an hour each, they still will need proof. That's for the RAPS platforms something which most folks don't seem to have realised is coming first. The 2015 directive was for them not general commercial use. There will hopefully be a comment process for the rule making by the end of this year, 90 days after that they will be crunched and then sometime after that you will have rules. If you look at the front page of sUAS News at the timer you will see how far the FAA has missed the last publish date of that rule making by. The process actually began in 2007 so you could say its missed it by even more, as I say the time is showing the last published date.

You can't pay anybody to lobby for you, its too late the ARC 2 commitee are meeting and nobody on it represents small business.
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Gary, I can't seem to find anything on the NTSB getting involved in this. You mention that they have 'opened a docket' but there is nothing on the NTSB site in that regard.

Str8 Up

Yes it is....good enough for event promoters and production company's to insist on flights over crowds and pilots following suit and willing to comply. The future doesn't bode well if this continues.


Heli's & Tele's bloke
Is this the rebirth of Flower Power? Scott McKenzie and John Phillips will be millionaires all over again (San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)).

Great video.

"Drone Dudes" ?!! Maybe we are going back even earlier than Flower Power and the Beach Boys will get the new money. Shots over concert crowds, especially at night, is playing with fire but that won't stop it being done. Chances are the Dudes know their MR better than the Bull Run tit.

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
I predict these jokers will be the next in the news - Drone Dudes

That video was great. And safely done. Where exactly did you think they flew over a crowd? For the concert they flew from a safe zone next to the concert, you can see it. In the UK we can fly next to a crowd up to 1000 people. Looked a few more in that video but its still Wild West territory in the States. If the people your flying over know what you're doing and have it explained to them you can do what you like as they become part of the crew, like actors. As long as the safety case is well thought out there is great scope for creativity.

Str8 Up

1:37, 1:42, 1:51 and the worst 3:00 directly over the large crowd. As a professional RC pilot for the last 30 years I would have declined to do all of those shots.


Arducopter Developer
Is this the rebirth of Flower Power? Scott McKenzie and John Phillips will be millionaires all over again (San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)).

Great video.

"Drone Dudes" ?!! Maybe we are going back even earlier than Flower Power and the Beach Boys will get the new money. Shots over concert crowds, especially at night, is playing with fire but that won't stop it being done. Chances are the Dudes know their MR better than the Bull Run tit.

Yeah, I thought their company name was kinda cheeky too. But if you look at their videos, they seem to actually be pretty professional.

There's another company called "CopterKids" which is another silly name, but they're actually doing really good work.

I'd never call my company that, but... a rose by any other name...

Str8 Up

Don't confuse flying skill with operating safely. Certainly skill is an asset but overconfidence can lead to unwise risk taking. I catch myself regularly thinking "I could probably get away with that". When I have those thoughts my next thought is always "what is to be gained verses lost?" Safety is about identifying risks and devising plans to eliminate or mitigate them. It requires a lot of dicipline and often you don't realize you have made a bad decision until it's too late.


That video was fantastic! The crowd flying is a deal-breaker for me though, they could've had footage just as good without going over the throngs. Pretty amazing video though.

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