CarbonCore Cortex....Owners' Thread


MrTarango32 - Well Done and thanks again for completing your Cortex!
It must be a rocket-ship on those motors!
Any reports on your complete weight and current consumption please?


MrTarango32 - Well Done and thanks again for completing your Cortex!
It must be a rocket-ship on those motors!
Any reports on your complete weight and current consumption please?

I'll get you some numbers this weekend. I'm waiting for some bigger lipos to come in. It has a lot of power.
It's at 10lbs with the cortex (power distro, motors, esc, wkm), zenmuse nex5r 16mm lens.

Does anyone have preferred placement of your fpv gear? I wanted to get them out under the lg, so when it retracts the antennas point directly down.

I'll be running a fpv camera for pilot. And obviously a vtx of the zen.

Also looking into the pelican 0370 case. The cube case. So I could drop the cortex in.

Threads dead. But why
Because we're all out flying!! Just kidding. Your rig is looking great! Glad you've made good progress with it.

As far as fpv equipment, I just mounted that all under the bottom deck. Mine is pretty messy right now. I have the Zen control module (I'm sure DJI has some fancy name for it), an AR8000 rx (for the Zenmuse), a TM1000 telemetry module (along with altitude module), DJI iOSD Mk2, an Iftron 500mw vTX, and a 12v bec (for LED strip lights). Wow, that's a lot of junk.

Here are a couple pictures I took with it yesterday of our main park in our city.

View attachment 17636

5 pics stitched to make a pano:
View attachment 17635


  • Paul Rogers - Island Park 4-16-2014d-pano.jpg
    Paul Rogers - Island Park 4-16-2014d-pano.jpg
    153.5 KB · Views: 474
  • Paul Rogers - Island Park 4-16-2014a.jpg
    Paul Rogers - Island Park 4-16-2014a.jpg
    148.8 KB · Views: 447

Hi everytone, first post here hehe. Mrtarango, quick question, I am considering your X8 setup (I think its from Mikrokopter) as well... do I have to do anything else apart from changing prop direction/position? i.e. do I have to input the values anywhere in the A2 software? Tx


Hi everytone, first post here hehe. Mrtarango, quick question, I am considering your X8 setup (I think its from Mikrokopter) as well... do I have to do anything else apart from changing prop direction/position? i.e. do I have to input the values anywhere in the A2 software? Tx

Yes you'll have to run a custom mix in your a2 assistant. With the gains listed on the pic I posted.

Hey guys, Im at the stage of configuring the retracts... I have noticed that while one leg is down the other one us up and viceversa.. I imagine the guys from Coptersquad mounted both servos on one side but one should have been left on the other side? I guess I can solve that by unmounting it and swap it but I was wondering if any of you guys have solved the twitching problem? It does not lock into place but twitches a fair amount of time, I imagine that is no good if you have having a gimbal mounted on it..

I have just tried it with a separate Futaba receiver (R6208SB) connected through SBUS to the A2 but with the gear connected directly to the Futaba receiver.. and its twitching anyway!! Its just not possible to use it like that.. is there any way of getting rid of it??

So, swapped one of the servos so that fixed my asymmetrical problem but the twitching is still
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I have just tried it with a separate Futaba receiver (R6208SB) connected through SBUS to the A2 but with the gear connected directly to the Futaba receiver.. and its twitching anyway!! Its just not possible to use it like that.. is there any way of getting rid of it??

What's powering your retracts. The 5v through the the rx?
I have issues with the retracts on power up that have a twitch and if on a surface like smooth cement or wood it'll slip and fall onto the zenmuse. I have to hold it up when on power up. Looking for a solution.

hey Mrtarango.. Tx for your usual help!I finally found the solution... at least in my case, not sure if any of you guys will suffer from the same problem.. After nearly 24h of soldering and unsoldering different combinations I found it was the built in ubec that comes with the Cortex that caused my constant twitching problems! The retracts were powered through this ubec.. I eventually soldered one of my 5V ubec and finally the problem was gone! Now I just suffer from the same twitching prob as you do hehe.. I also noticed that the servos dont really move to their full extent to completely lock the landing gear when on ground so the servos dont have to carry the load.. Have you noticed the same or even though they dont its enough to hold the frame safely in the ground with the gimbal & batteries? I haven't tried it yet but am a bit concerned..The lifting up exercise on power up I will have to do as well.. first time I tried my retracts I learned the hard way too and if plunged onto the custom gimbal.. not funny...Tx Mrtarango.. I hope my response might be useful to posible future clients.


Petro. Ya I have the same concerns about the lg. When I have my two 12400 and zenmuse it really weighs it down. I think the lg is a bit too wide or the legs are to much of an angle if that makes sense? Would be better if it's more of an acute angle then obtuse...


Welcome to!!
Reinstating this thread after having read through it.

Please try to be aware that there are problems that CarbonCore can control and problems that are outside of their control.

That's it. From what I've read it looks like you guys are enjoying a pretty trick little frame design. :)

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Where'd everyone go?
Out enjoying New Years..

Plus I've been enjoying problem free flying with this frame so have had no need to come and pick people's brain..

Perhaps a bit selfish!

I have in the last couple of months swapped the cortex motors and esc's with avroto 35(something) and maytech simon k. Very happy.

Oh and on one test flight after the new gear went in, I had one motor go out due to a bad solder - I would have had no idea if I wasn't close to me at the time - it flew perfectly.

Happy New Years

David Hogg

New Member
Hi everyone :)

I'm also a Cortex owner but I'm still in the process of getting it trimmed and tuned.

Unlike most Cortex owners, I'm using a non-DJI different flight controller, the AutoQuad:

It has terrific functionality in a small form factor, plus has the benefit of being able to create log files covering dozens of different parameters.

For the last few months I've been going mad trying to reduce the vibration on my Cortex to levels which the AutoQuad developers feel is reasonable. I'm currently getting about ±3 m/s/s of accelerometer noise in each axis, and it gets worse in the wind. This is considerably better than the ±10 m/s/s I was getting before I soft-mounted the AQ on the chassis! That's one of the few downsides of the AQ – it's all in one package, controller, IMU, compass, magnetometer, GPS receiver, the lot. So to isolate the IMU you have to isolate the whole thing!

Still I feel I'm making good progress and having access to these log files has also forced me down the route of getting the platform as vibration-free as possible. This entailed a LOT of prop-balancing ... and I'm not very impressed with the T-Motor V2 carbon props – I don't think a single one was properly balanced! I had to statically re-balance all of them, and then dynamically balance a few of them a bit more when spinning them up on the motors.

Has anyone else had vibration problems with their Cortex frames? I don't think the DJI controllers allow you to create log files, instead just relying on flashing a white LED to indicate poor attitude accuracy? The frame is great, although I do wonder if it's a bit TOO stiff, thereby passing all the subtle vibrations from the props / motors straight into the chassis where the IMU resides.

Here's a piccy of it on the bench with the Grouse House Technologies 3-axis gimbal I'm using with it:


Cheers for now!

David :)
