Hi everyone
I'm also a Cortex owner but I'm still in the process of getting it trimmed and tuned.
Unlike most Cortex owners, I'm using a non-DJI different flight controller, the AutoQuad:
It has terrific functionality in a small form factor, plus has the benefit of being able to create log files covering dozens of different parameters.
For the last few months I've been going mad trying to reduce the vibration on my Cortex to levels which the AutoQuad developers feel is reasonable. I'm currently getting about ±3 m/s/s of accelerometer noise in each axis, and it gets worse in the wind. This is considerably better than the ±10 m/s/s I was getting before I soft-mounted the AQ on the chassis! That's one of the few downsides of the AQ – it's all in one package, controller, IMU, compass, magnetometer, GPS receiver, the lot. So to isolate the IMU you have to isolate the whole thing!
Still I feel I'm making good progress and having access to these log files has also forced me down the route of getting the platform as vibration-free as possible. This entailed a LOT of prop-balancing ... and I'm not very impressed with the T-Motor V2 carbon props – I don't think a single one was properly balanced! I had to statically re-balance all of them, and then dynamically balance a few of them a bit more when spinning them up on the motors.
Has anyone else had vibration problems with their Cortex frames? I don't think the DJI controllers allow you to create log files, instead just relying on flashing a white LED to indicate poor attitude accuracy? The frame is great, although I do wonder if it's a bit TOO stiff, thereby passing all the subtle vibrations from the props / motors straight into the chassis where the IMU resides.
Here's a piccy of it on the bench with the Grouse House Technologies 3-axis gimbal I'm using with it:
Cheers for now!