Building a Mikrokopter a' la carte (from parts, no MK kit purchase)


I know the feeling!


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okay... so Bart I see your big savings ..... really appreciate your efforts.......which brings me to this question.. and hope not to sound silly.... but right now my quads are equip with the cheaper stuff I could find with the intention of trying to figure out what I am doing with multicopters. Then later wanna go a little more pro.. but what is the main difference I can expect in gear... I mean right now I have esc that are about 10 bucks and rc timer motors close to 12 bucks... If was to upgrade to the 50 dollar motors and better esc what would that do for me>?


Drone Enthusiast
Bart.. U sure everything is there?... unless you are hiding stuff something is missing!



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okay... so Bart I see your big savings ..... really appreciate your efforts.......which brings me to this question.. and hope not to sound silly.... but right now my quads are equip with the cheaper stuff I could find with the intention of trying to figure out what I am doing with multicopters. Then later wanna go a little more pro.. but what is the main difference I can expect in gear... I mean right now I have esc that are about 10 bucks and rc timer motors close to 12 bucks... If was to upgrade to the 50 dollar motors and better esc what would that do for me>?

very possibly nothing. i've got a cheap brushless motor on a Yak foamie that pulls like hell after three years of flying and no oil.

peace of mind I guess? at some point the better motors will give you more reliable service and less vibration in your airframe. the more expensive motors really are built better with higher quality components, better balance, better assembly techniques (epoxy vs. CA for attaching magnets for example) but it's a matter of deciding what your budget is and how you want to spend your money.
my approach has been to buy top shelf flight electronics (MK), frame (Droidworx), and camera mount (, almost $400!!!) and then to save money on the power distribution and motors side of things. some guys may have a higher appreciation for better motors and i get that but i just don't have the money right now.

@fox, i bought the Avrotor motors and should have them this week.

I'm big on props too fwiw, i don't see myself flying with anything but Xoar props for the foreseeable future although I may test fly this new Okto with Graupner 11x5's if the new 12" Xoars aren't here yet.



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Assembly continues. The Droidworx assembly docs are clear enough that I won't bore anyone with a repeat of what they've already said. The parts are high quality and go together easily enough.

There are enough holes in the frame plates to mount the Mikrokopter power distribution board and FC/Navi/GPS stack but since I'm not using the MK power stuff this time around, you'll notice in the pics there are no standoffs in those positions. DW doesn't provide rubber mounts for the bottom of the electronics stack so if you want that feature you'll have to buy your own. I'm using the 8mm rubber standoffs as sold by most of the MK dealers.

In the second pic you'll notice two small nicks in the frame plates. Those nicks mark the front position on the plates so they go together when you're assembling things. The bolt holes on either side of the nicks are for the gear mounts so there aren't any bolts in those holes just yet.

DW recommends not tightening anything until you can set the position of the motor mounts to make sure they are all perfectly level with each other. At that point you tighten everything up and move on.

I suppose I'll mount the motor mounts or find something else to do until my heavy power wire arrives in the mail along with the motors and ESC's.

Nice weather on the East Coast today. Anyone out flying?


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I had some time tonight and got the motors mounted to the arms. It all went according to the directions so not much to add. The Avrotor motors just barely fit on the motor mounts and it was necessary to slide the two long screws into the motor mount plate before attaching the motors otherwise there wouldn't have been access to the holes afterwards.
I'm heading to bed, pics tomorrow.

Almost forgot to mention, the Avrotor motors come with prop adapters and they're 6mm dia. which is good since I was expecting 5mm like the small er Roxxy's are. I'll have to buy a prop reamer that does 5 and 6 mm to get the props I ordered opened up to 6mm.



The screw problem also exists for MK3638 and AXi motors (2214/22). I have AD6-HL and had the same issue. Actually, I broked some metal screws while tightening them. Screws don't go straight down. They bent a little.

Bartman, which camera will you be using with this setup?

I'm about to order a camera mount system but I'm not willing to pay 800$ for AV200. I'm gonna move forward according to your recommendation on this frame.
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hold off on buying anything until i can have a chance to get it set up and working. i spoke with RTRyder about his experience with the averticalview mounts before buying but if you're going on my word then give me a few weeks to get things sorted.
i've got a Canon T2i for this but i'm trying to outfit the heli to carry a 5D in case I ever get to that point with my work.
as for the screws, i'm ok with the way the screws are a bit covered by the case of the motors but i'd prefer to have access to the underside of the motors so the bearings could be oiled. Maybe DW could just design a hole through the mount where a syringe could deliver some oil? maybe i can go back and drill one?


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thanks Fox. They were on the floor when I took the photo and I didn't realize something was missing until Droider pointed it out. I asked why because I thought maybe there was a mod or change made to the design.


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I took the frame apart tonight because I decided I wanted to have the arms configured the same as my Mikrokopter Okto 2 with arms centered forward, rear, and on each side. To do this all I had to do was layout and drill four new holes for the flight control board and then remove and relocate the gear. The screws that come up from under the top plate to hold the electronics had to be countersunk so they wouldn't interfere with the arm mounts. The four arm mounts that coincide with the FC mounts had to be turned around so every other inner mount faces a different way.
I'm pretty sure I have just about everything I'll need to get flying so now it's just a matter of finding the time to get the build done. Next up is wiring the power and motor control stuff.


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