ching, ching = two cents, Bart ....:
A 'Do-It-All' never really works in
any field of activity. To a greater or lesser extent the outcome is invariably compromise. I have been using a GH3 pretty exclusively for a while, but that is because I have been filming video
only. As long as 1080HD is the environment I don't think there is much out there to beat it.
I have a brand new, unused BMPC that has now sat in its box for four months. The first problem is the stupid micro HDMI out. How to monitor the damn thing? The second is the pathetic battery life. The third is what a bleeding pain to have to colour grade and process
absolutely everything where 99% of clients would see no difference whatsoever to a well exposed GH3 image - that you take straight out of the camera and edit.
(CLICK ... recent project with Zenmuse and GH3 - raw camera files)
But I would not be happy using the GH3 for taking photos. Not when I have a 5D mkll sitting around. BUT, that then requires a different gimbal. I don't have call to take many photos so the 5D does nothing.
By the same token, I would not use the 5D for video. Honestly? I think it is rubbish - against a GH2 or a GH3.
Sorry mate, you have to have more than one camera. Keep your Canon for stills and get a GH3 for video.
And don't get hung up on 4K. The industry has no option but to keep advancing and then of course they have to try and sell the stuff. 1080HD is not going to go away in a hurry, because it still looks pretty good to most folks. Being able to select a 1080 frame within a larger image is very nice but exactly how often would you see yourself going to all that trouble?