AeroXcraft Gimbal Pitch Control Wiring help?
Hi guys.
I have received my brushless gimbal a couple of weeks ago and (finally) my Hero H3 Black but am yet to make my adapter plate to go between the CX-4 and the Gimbal (currently working on it!).
In the meantime, I am focused on how to connect the pitch control from the gimbal through my S-Bus Rx. Following many emails with the Futaba people, I understand that I can not only use the S-Bus configuration for the NAZA (single wire!) but also assign a separate channel to control the pitch from the gimbal (I an planning to use a slider). I am yet to upgrade my firmware to allow for the 90 degree pitch down, but that can come a little later after I get my Tx to work with the Gimbal.
So - the attached picture should tell the story of what I am planning to do:
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The first picture shows the "test" cable that I made from a left over NAZA 3-wire connector.
Left side connector:
1. I have REMOVED the positive (center) wire (left side connector).
Right Side Connector
2. I have REMOVED the positive (center) wire and moved the signal wire to the center position in the connector so it connects to A1 pin (second picture) The GND stays the same on both connectors.
3. On the S-Bus (right side connector from picture #1), only the top (Signal) and bottom (GND) pins are connected.
Is this correct? I really don't want to fry the board when I plug it in (although I don't think that's possible since the (+) wire has been removed?)
Thanks for reviewing and offering input.