Aerial MOB arm extensions for dji based frames


What's with the Mob Arms shipping are from Hong kong, Team Blacksheep page?
Are they available stateside?


Aerial DP
you can email and ask what all is going on. to the best of my knowledge we received the plastic ends stateside but i think were still waiting on the booms. trappy has everything in stock...

reason is it all orgionates there and then gets shipped to us. he is a 1/2 hour ferry ride away from where it's all made. were days away no matter how fast you ship it, in this case i think it was 83 kilos of stuff so it's coming by boat stateside


Hi Kloner I recently took my Disco Pro on a trip and for easy cary on board inside a backpack I folded the DJI arms back by taking 3 screws off from the top and 1 on the bottom of each arm so the arms pivot back this made a more friendly way to travel to my destination
my question is would this work with the MOB arms if so can you or some one take a picture and measure how long and how wide the copter gets folded

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Aerial DP
sorry i missed this, yea they would do the same thing, just alot longer. the booms are 12.5".

i've been playing with various 400kv power options, am settling in on a decent vibe iso setup for 13 and 14" props. Still working on perfect iso on the 15's, there tough to tame




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Aerial DP

off to the train tracks tomorrow to give it a stress test
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looks like those draw the least i seen yet from you vids. sweet...
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nice man!. i changed my post didn't want to have you give your secrets away..ha... i been working out on a few different builds too for my 450, waiting on your your new booms..! not going w/ tbs motors though i can get a discount on t motor stuff just doesn't make sense for me...i can order them through your store right..just the booms?

ohh one more thing--i know this is a less popular vibe solution as its heavy but I've seen steel wire do wonders..
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Aerial DP
a wire isolator would be rad, wish it was doable

the v 2.0 kits are in, you can get them from trappys now, we will have them in another week

I'm looking forward to seeing what tbs motor sets are all about. looks like 4006 or 4008. the motors have the rc timer prop quick release built in.

Hey kloner, i have the same setup with 15" propeller.. Can you give me your gain setting in naza please,, my yaw rotate badly and too much punch when i rotate it seems like i was using my aileron too .. Thanks
Last question.. Whats your flight time ? I cannot reach 18 min with 15" prop and 6s 4000mA


Aerial DP
you have a motor alignment issue..... take a ruler and make it swing around and hit the motor. I start with making both rear motors flat and level then i tune the fronts to the rears. If all that is dead on you have a motor bearing issue, but i'm guessing the first is more inline with your problem description

I constantly change whats on it between 6 motors right now, 8 esc's, keep trying to find that sweet spot. i'll boot it up, but usually i'm something like 140 on the basic, 100 on the atti and i put them on a dial, basic to tune manual mode then i switch to the atti gain to dial in the rest, mainly how aggressive i want atti to self level me, too high and they don't like coming back to flat after extended periods in fff.....


Aerial DP
they have to be dead on...... some inner mounts have had issues with the insert alignment to never let this tune out so if it doesn't drasticaly get better hit me back and i'll get you some replacement parts

Seriously ? You can replace my aerial mob ? Very appreciate... I think i have the v1 of the arms cause i can only put 2 screw to fix the arms on the boars.. The others are not at the same hole of the board so i screw an other in the midle to fix that... But you think that the motor horizontal aligment can be the problem of my yaw ? Maybe my gain is too high for my setup.... And if i want to replace the arms ? How much i have to pay ?


Aerial DP
we replace the plastic part for free, you pay shipping, file a support ticket is best

absolutely, the motors try pulling the rig around the direction there offset and the algorythm doesn't know how to deal with it. They have to be dead on

Seriously ? You can replace my aerial mob ? Very appreciate... I think i have the v1 of the arms cause i can only put 2 screw to fix the arms on the boars.. The others are not at the same hole of the board so i screw an other in the midle to fix that... But you think that the motor horizontal aligment can be the problem of my yaw ? Maybe my gain is too high for my setup.... And if i want to replace the arms ? How much i have to pay ?
