I'm sick of how our government officials get locked in to making a carreer of what they do. the problem is they get so set in stone with there ways like peter mentioned, can't accept change, want to deny technology, ridiculous. We need to fire em all and fill the capital with 20 somethings....
that faa senate hearing was so painfull to watch a pile of 70+ year olds argue about how drones are this new thing...... then the 40 year old ceo from yamaha aviation mentioned, we've been spraying ag fields in Japan for 20 years...... all they had for a response was crickets chirping......well,,,, The younger group mentioned well if you guys are this stuck on privacy and drones, what are we gonna tell chevrolet, ford, they want automated cars that use the same types of cameras, forget the other industry's but there was a list of them that are all gonna ride our wave to how this privacy crap is dealt with. Feinstein is the head of that committe, so not only gotta live by her rules in Cali, but now shes involved with my work nationwide too.....
makes a guy wanna give up, tried change, all i got is change in my pocket, there empty now