1100mm hex build. Hexacrafter, T-Motor, A2. Oh my.


Dude I always take off in GPS, trick is, give it 60% throttle and keep your hand completely off the right stick. It's hard to not touch it. You want to. the stick calls to be held and the rig adjusted, but NO YOU MUST RESIST! Let it do it's thing,if you pop the throttle it will always end up in the air nicely in front of you.... And as an actual RC pilot of 30 years, not touching the right stick is HARD!!! HARD!! But with discipline you can do it. :D

How about I take off in atti and not worry about the right stick. Lol


This is what I'm currently using for fpv. Yes, I would like a connex and I intend to get one but I buy stuff as income from this hobby comes in. It's on the list for sure.
A kopterworx converter, immersion rx and 3s1300 for power. Hyperthin hdmi cable. View attachment 25872

Another shot of the movi View attachment 25873

And my ground station. I'm using 2 monitors. One for fpv and one for osd data. 2 separate vtx's. 2 different channels, one with right hand and the other left hand polerized. View attachment 25874


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This is what I'm currently using for fpv. Yes, I would like a connex and I intend to get one but I buy stuff as income from this hobby comes in. It's on the list for sure.
A kopterworx converter, immersion rx and 3s1300 for power. Hyperthin hdmi cable. View attachment 25872

Another shot of the movi View attachment 25873

And my ground station. I'm using 2 monitors. One for fpv and one for osd data. 2 separate vtx's. 2 different channels, one with right hand and the other left hand polerized. View attachment 25874
Nice, get that antenna straight down on the tx and remove the elbow. Null spots are facing front and back. Up on the receivers.;)
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On the REC I'd have the mushroom facing straight UP... on the TX straight down. That way the null spots are facing straight up on the RX and straight down on the TX... and if you are directly over yourself... well you don;t need fpv. :D


I've had quite a few flights now with the movi and gh4 and I'm really building confidence with this rig. Big thanks to @scotth for the movi tuning tips. I have her flying awesome now.

I didn't have any video feed on this flight. I was just moving the camera blindly as it was just a stabilization test. Cheers.



I won't be picky at first. This is a hobby that I'd like to develop into full time. There are a few production company's that have purchased my stock footage. Toronto has a good film industry that thrives specially when the Canadian dollar is low. I will try and work my way into that.


I've had quite a few flights now with the movi and gh4 and I'm really building confidence with this rig. Big thanks to @scotth for the movi tuning tips. I have her flying awesome now.

I didn't have any video feed on this flight. I was just moving the camera blindly as it was just a stabilization test. Cheers.

Woot woot.. Looks good! Happy it worked :)

I've had quite a few flights now with the movi and gh4 and I'm really building confidence with this rig. Big thanks to @scotth for the movi tuning tips. I have her flying awesome now.

I didn't have any video feed on this flight. I was just moving the camera blindly as it was just a stabilization test. Cheers.

That's really nice! Great work. What antivibration system are you using? That footage looks shaking free and jello free.
