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  1. henrysj

    Latest Flight testing of CARVEC Brushless Gimbal Controller & Photohigher AV200IDD

    Hey Droider, Are you still winning with this setup? Have u got anymore updates form the last month? Thanking you in advance :nevreness:
  2. henrysj

    0mp 5.4mm Replacement Lens for Gopro

    hi wingbreaker, will you ship overseas if I cover additional shipping costs?
  3. henrysj

    Disco Pro taken down in flames by Jeti esc!

    hey Bartman, There wasn't anything under them apart from the cable that connects the top and bottom plates together at the front end and another couple of wires for the FC power at the other - these made quite a soft bed for them though. Also it was the top esc that burnt out. The photo is a...
  4. henrysj

    Disco Pro taken down in flames by Jeti esc!

    Hi Jes1111, The capacitors not getting airflow could possibly be a factor, although (from my admittedly limited knowledge of capacitors) they should not get warm enough to need a constant airflow over them to keep them cool, also this position has been used by other disco pro users the no issue...
  5. henrysj

    Disco Pro taken down in flames by Jeti esc!

    Been trying to sort out why when yawing the disco I've been getting a huge wobble - it's alright on small rudder inputs but put the stick all the way across and it only just remains in flight before recovering itself into a nice flat pirouette. About 3 minutes into a flight this afternoon one...
  6. henrysj

    Nebbie New Build Questions.

    for batteries would definitely go 4s if your looking to add gimbal and gopro etc. I use 4s 5000mah on my f450 fully loaded and only just getting 10min flight times
  7. henrysj

    Tiger U5 and sync issues (call to U5 owners)

    Hi SleepyC, Have you tried out the Tmotor 45A with the U7's yet? I've got U5's with Jeti Hicopter optos and think I'm getting a sync issue too (will get a vid up as soon as I get my tx back from hobby horizons) so was thinking of trying out the 45A esc but don't want to splash out for...
  8. henrysj

    DX18 just died....

    So no problem with the battery - its gotta be something electrical. Weird though it sort of cured its self to a point. First the screen came back to life, then the trim tab stopped sending itself all the way to one side until the only issue that still remained was you couldn't switch it off...
  9. henrysj

    Where to purchase lipos in UK?

    The only place I could find 6s 8000+ in stock a couple of weeks ago was the 10000 Gens Ace from Giant Shark. Biggest I had before was 4s 5000mah and couldn't believe the size of these bricks!
  10. henrysj

    DX18 just died....

    Went to go for a flight, switched it on and then - nothing. Orange bars light up dimly, no screen and then I get this winding down noise followed by the orange bars blinking 3 times. Now just as writing this and having it on next to me for a minute the thing sort of came alive - screen lit up...
  11. henrysj

    A2 gear out of sync

    Cheers Quinton - looks like DJI have out done themselves again!
  12. henrysj

    A2 gear out of sync

    So for some reason my A2 thinks the gear is down when the gear is up and vice-a-versa. I've tried reversing channels on transmitter and in A2 Assist but nothing corrects the problem. I'm pretty sure when I first connected it to test the retracts all was fine but something has happened since...
  13. henrysj

    TBS Discovery Pro

    Forgot to mention in Naza Assist the "test motors" doesn't really rotate the motors as it does on all my other drones it just nudges them? could this also suggest esc troubles?
  14. henrysj

    TBS Discovery Pro

    Cheers for the tip on motor alignment - I had been using a digital spirt level which I don't think was as accruate as my motors were out using your method but only minimally and it hasn't cured the wobble. I'm thinking maybe the esc is the problem. I tried the low rev to full but throttle but...
  15. henrysj

    TBS Discovery Pro

    Alright so I have a wobble! Got the disco pro up for its maiden flight today - pitch and roll are both good but the yaw is horrendous. I can pull off a smooth slow yaw but anything more than half stick and there is a huge wobble. If I hold it in full stick over it does settle down again into a...
  16. henrysj

    A2 Herkules Coaxial Wiring

    Hi Quinton, You can get the Herkules Octo board which comes as one unit which controls all 8 motors but it is basically 2 quad boards connected together as you mention. What Chershirecat has done, which stumped me to start with, is although he hasn't got one board controlling all the top...
  17. henrysj

    A2 Herkules Coaxial Wiring

    Hi Cheshirecat, Sorry didn,t read your post carefully enough - it's a clever way you've done it to keep redundancy. I got sent this from Andreas regarding the mapping to the A2, I haven't tried spooling up yet but will take it for its maiden flight today so will keep you posted if I have any...
  18. henrysj

    A2 Herkules Coaxial Wiring

    Hi Cheshirecat, Not that you should ever have a problem with the herk board but I like the idea of having the safety redundancy if one board fails for some reason the copter will still fly with the setup suggested in the manual. Have you tried both ways?
  19. henrysj

    Where to purchase lipos in UK?

    What size are you after?