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  1. henrysj

    Aeronavics / Droidworx SkyJIB T-X4 Tips

    I got mine from photocineshop in France - think it was 3800 euros including tax last May. Pick up a toad in the hole as well, makes your life a lot easier - balancing on handlebars then clipping onto copter Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. henrysj

    Aeronavics / Droidworx SkyJIB T-X4 Tips

    Go for 16x5.4 Tmotor props - I tried 15" on similar setup but they were not really enough for it. 6s 16A will give you about 16min flight time. I would definitely recommend the Movi over the AV200 - I lot less time messing around with your gimbal - the Movi produces great results straight out...
  3. henrysj

    Permission to fly within 10m of the public and to 600ft

    Congrats that's great work... Did you head through Resource Group or Eurousc for this? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. henrysj

    2-Axis to 3-Axis Conversion....simple, light weight, and cheap!

    Yeah - exactly the same, giving yaw and camera tilt control to 2nd operator when switched to carefree mode. Never really used carefree mode before so took a little getting used to trying to disable that part of my brain but after a couple of fights and tweaking the rates we were getting some...
  5. henrysj

    2-Axis to 3-Axis Conversion....simple, light weight, and cheap!

    Hey Bart, Got this fitted and test flown today. Your tutorial was spot on - only took me about an hour to fit including making the servo cables. Did have to enable the inversion but easy enough done following section 9.3 of this doc:
  6. henrysj

    2-Axis to 3-Axis Conversion....simple, light weight, and cheap!

    just ordered a couple of units - can't wait to give this a shot. Cheers for all the info Bart
  7. henrysj

    Waypoint flying in UK

    I had to state it in the ops manual and also was tested on it during my flight test
  8. henrysj

    A2 Custom Mixer

    I've wanted to give this a go too. I'm using a Herk board and A2 and use this custom setup which might help you... (motor's 1 - 4 are top) I'm not sure if these would all need to be dropped down to 95% to get the result you are after
  9. henrysj

    DJI A2 binding with Spektrum DX9 sats

    Hey Nola, Pretty sure its in the A2 quick start guide pdf you can download from DJI website but off the top of my head: 1) link the A2 to your computer/phone and run the app so you can select DSM2 under receiver type in basic/rc 2) Connect power to the A2 flight controller via battery (think...
  10. henrysj

    Lipo charging on the go

    yeah 6000w - I went for a Honda GX390 although if I didn't need the full 6000w I would go for the honda eu20i which can be linked in series to give you 4000w
  11. henrysj

    Lipo charging on the go

    I would go the gene route, looked into decking out the van with leisure batteries but it's a lot to invest in something that you can only operate from your vehicle. With a Gene - stick it on a trolley and you can take it with you to your flight site or use it from the van. I got a 6k one and...
  12. henrysj

    What would be your "pro" rig using gopro under 2kg?

    I'd go with the standard Discovery and put a H3-3D gimbal under it - works much better than the disco pro
  13. henrysj


    Got my quotes back today and Ravenhall came out massively cheaper - £1453 compared to £746. Ravenhall also have a smaller excess which doesn't increase for flying over water or being in your first year as a qualified CAA pilot etc.
  14. henrysj


    Yeah that's great info - thanks
  15. henrysj

    Manual Waypoint Control

    Has anyone come across a way to control the speed manually from the transmitter while using waypoints? I'm using DJI PC based Ground Station at the moment and I'm pretty sure it's not possible but thought there might be other software or flight controller out there with which you can? Cheers
  16. henrysj


    Hi Benjamin, Do you have any more info on Ravenhall - do you use them? Cheers
  17. henrysj

    Gains for flying my F450 in manual mode?

    Expo is the more important one - I guess ur wanting to use manual to have some fun and try flips etc so you will most likely want your full rates at some point
  18. henrysj

    Aeronavics / Droidworx skyjib 8 with A2.. Need Manual mode flying tips..!

    Atti is ur best bet but if you really wanna use manual get some expo setup on aileron and elevator - about 15% - 20% will make life a lot easier for yourself
  19. henrysj

    Naza Lite - faulty or just not very good?

    Cheers cootertwo - good to know, spoke to and they said they would send it back to DJI with a 2/3 week turn around - its just a pain parting with it for that long
  20. henrysj

    UAV Logbook

    Air Plan iPad App is another one to add to the list too