Things They Do Not Tell You

This whole thread has been really refreshing the milk of human kindness still flows. I'm proud to be a part of this website.

Thank you bensid54. I'm 84 years old, but those two guys, Ken and Chris, have reawakened the kid in my heart. It's too bad there isn't a medal for someone who can do that.

Chris M


Sounds more like you're 85 years young, not old. I'm 58 not 85 but I can relate to where your at when it comes to quads because this hobby and website is bringing out my inner kid too.


Merlin of Multirotors
Ken, Chris, I'll throw out another thought... Ken, if you can't sort out the Carefree mode for Chris with this Multiwii, I'd be willing to chip in $75 or so for a Naza Lite + GPS, or some other FC that would offer a good GPS/Carefree mode for Chris. I would like to see Chris enjoy his flying and be able to use his MR in a more enjoyable manner, especially if he is wanting to do some photo or video.

While I've been working on the 550 that thought has crossed my mind. I know given enough time to tweak and tune I can get the Multiwii flight controller to be at least 95% reliable, it's that last 5% that worries me. I've got a few hundred hours of stick time on multirotors and sometimes that 5% catches me by surprise resulting in the odd broken prop or bent arm. For a novice pilot that 5% could mean a flyaway or crash resulting in broken parts and that's exactly what I want to avoid here. Regardless of what I do with the Multiwii I don't think the carefree mode can ever be guaranteed to be 100% reliable, certainly not as reliable as it is on a Naza.

I've got a Naza V1 with GPS here that isn't seeing much use, I think I'm going to swap it onto the 550 and see how it flys then. Getting full functionality with only 6 channels on the radio and no 3 position switch might be a little tricky but since there's no need for manual mode I think I can work it out with just ATTI and GPS modes. If it works out well I may just leave the Naza on there and ship it back to Chris ready to plug in a battery and fly. If anyone wants to throw a few $ my way afterward to help reduce the cost of replacing the V1 with a Naza lite, that works for me.


If it works out well I may just leave the Naza on there and ship it back to Chris ready to plug in a battery and fly. If anyone wants to throw a few $ my way afterward to help reduce the cost of replacing the V1 with a Naza lite, that works for me.
Count on me... keep us posted on what you decide.


Merlin of Multirotors

Already working on it. I also remembered I have a couple things stashed in the parts boxes on the shelf that will help Chris with the APV side of things, I'll have to dig those out and see if they're compatible with the 550 frame.

Probably not going to make any more progress today, it's my wife's birthday and we're having a big family get together at her parents house this afternoon. I'll see if I can get the Naza setup and some video of it flying in the next day or so.



Merlin of Multirotors
Progress to date...

Naza transplant completed, did a couple test flights and it's a lot more stable than with the Multiwii controller. Still need to do some tweaking of the gain settings and I need to try and figure out a way to get RTH to work with the TX, that's being more of a problem than I thought it would be due to programming limitations of the old DX6 and the fact that all 6 channels are already being used.

I also dug out some landing gear I had that was intended for a different project that never progressed to the point of needing it, this should allow just about anything to be hung under the 550 provided it's not too heavy for it to lift...

A few more items that need attention before it gets boxed up and shipped back to Chris. I need to clean up the wiring to the RX and find a good place to mount it, a wider set of mounting brackets for the landing gear need to be cut so they pickup all four mounting screws for the two front and rear arms they attach under, currently there are only a pair of 2.5mm bolts on each end, being able to use all eight will double the strength of the mounting. And finally just give it a few test flights while getting the gain settings as close as possible for the setup it will be flying with, then break it down, box it up, and ship it back.

Time and weather permitting it should be on its way home by the end of the week.


Yes, I'll reply a bit later, got some work things to take care of right now...



I really can't believe what your doing for me. I would vote you for Sainthood in a minute.

I hope your wife's birthday celebration went as planned. We don't do that anymore around here.

Anyway, if an old man's deep and sincere appreciation means anything, you sure got it.

Chris M


Merlin of Multirotors

I really can't believe what your doing for me. I would vote you for Sainthood in a minute.

I hope your wife's birthday celebration went as planned. We don't do that anymore around here.

Anyway, if an old man's deep and sincere appreciation means anything, you sure got it.

Chris M

Hi Chris,

Yes, my wife was quite happy with the B'day celebration although my wallet is now significantly lighter ;)

I'd say we're looking at a Monday 8/19 ship date for the return of your 550, a couple things are taking a bit longer than expected to get sorted out but I think you'll be quite pleased with the result. The goal is to have you be able to just reassemble the bits I have to remove to get it in a box, hookup a charged battery, let the GPS acquire a signal, and then fly, it will be that easy.

There are three possible modes you will be able to fly in, what DJI calls ATTI and is basically an autolevel with altitude hold, GPS which adds position hold to the ATTI mode (you can also fly around slowly with GPS on), and IOC or Intelligent Orientation Control or what some people call carefree mode. You can combine IOC with either of the two other modes and what it does is maintain control of the 550 as though it is constantly "tail-in" to you regardless of which way the front is actually pointing. For the beginning I recommend you use IOC along with GPS mode as you can literally put the controller on the ground and the 550 will sit right where it is. Initially you won't need to worry about orientation, just get it off the ground and regardless of which way you turn it will still respond the same way to the controls, once you build some confidence in your piloting ability you can switch off the IOC if you want and learn how to control the 550 as it faces other directions. Or not, it will fly perfectly fine with IOC on all the time if that's what you feel comfortable with.

Once I ship it off I'll send you some detailed instructions you will need to get it together and in the air for the first time, I'll also label the transmitter switches so you know exactly what mode it is in by the switch position along with the flashing LED of the Naza.

Now it's time for me to get back to work, I'll try and get a flight video before I box it up so you have an idea of what you're getting back.


Hi Chris,

Yes, my wife was quite happy with the B'day celebration although my wallet is now significantly lighter ;)

I'd say we're looking at a Monday 8/19 ship date for the return of your 550, a couple things are taking a bit longer than expected to get sorted out but I think you'll be quite pleased with the result. The goal is to have you be able to just reassemble the bits I have to remove to get it in a box, hookup a charged battery, let the GPS acquire a signal, and then fly, it will be that easy.

There are three possible modes you will be able to fly in, what DJI calls ATTI and is basically an autolevel with altitude hold, GPS which adds position hold to the ATTI mode (you can also fly around slowly with GPS on), and IOC or Intelligent Orientation Control or what some people call carefree mode. You can combine IOC with either of the two other modes and what it does is maintain control of the 550 as though it is constantly "tail-in" to you regardless of which way the front is actually pointing. For the beginning I recommend you use IOC along with GPS mode as you can literally put the controller on the ground and the 550 will sit right where it is. Initially you won't need to worry about orientation, just get it off the ground and regardless of which way you turn it will still respond the same way to the controls, once you build some confidence in your piloting ability you can switch off the IOC if you want and learn how to control the 550 as it faces other directions. Or not, it will fly perfectly fine with IOC on all the time if that's what you feel comfortable with.

Once I ship it off I'll send you some detailed instructions you will need to get it together and in the air for the first time, I'll also label the transmitter switches so you know exactly what mode it is in by the switch position along with the flashing LED of the Naza.

Now it's time for me to get back to work, I'll try and get a flight video before I box it up so you have an idea of what you're getting back.



I've been quite sick with a Urinary Tract Infection. It hits us old folk pretty hard, but I'm starting to feel a little better and hope to be in good shape when my bird comes back.

Ken, why on earth don't you write a book? With your knowledge of multi rotor aircraft you could save a lot of poor schlubs like me a lot of diappointment after they buy a bird. There's gotta be a lot of money there. That goes for Chris too. I was amazed when I found out how many birds he has. You two guys could even collaborate and come out with something that would advance the progression of muti rotor aircraft. As far as I know, there isn't one book on the subject for the naive newbee.

In a way you saved my life. You could do that for countless others by writing a book.

Oh well, it was just a thought anyway.

Chris M


Active Member
Hi Chris

....the moment we would write a book, it would be outdated the same day it is published.....things are changing almost every day. :tennis:

I guess you are sitting already on needles to get your hands onto that beauty. In case Ken didn't tell you already, it might be a good idea to get the manual from the NAZA flight control and just read a bit what the whole thing is about:

There are also some videos about the NAZA:

Have fun and enjoy......hope you get some sleep

Hope you feel better soon....


Hi Chris

....the moment we would write a book, it would be outdated the same day it is published.....things are changing almost every day. :tennis:

I guess you are sitting already on needles to get your hands onto that beauty. In case Ken didn't tell you already, it might be a good idea to get the manual from the NAZA flight control and just read a bit what the whole thing is about:

There are also some videos about the NAZA:

Have fun and enjoy......hope you get some sleep

Hope you feel better soon....


That's true about things changing, but the basics don't change. And that's what is needed, a basic book that the newbee can start with and then build upon.

I shall follow your suggestion about NAZA as soon as I feel a little better. This UTI has completely drained me.



Certainly the most heartwarming thread in a long time hope we can see a video of one of your flights Chris Good luck from Australia


Active Member
That's true about things changing, but the basics don't change. And that's what is needed, a basic book that the newbee can start with and then build upon.


Well...thats true. One important field is already covered here...LiPo batteries......Bart wrote up a very comprehensive guide about LiPo's:

With that, all your LiPo related questions should be answered by reading that. Now we need the same for propellers, motors, ESC's, Flight Controls, remote controls, video equipment, camera gimbals :tennis:,.....looks like there is still a lot of work to be done.

At least I found some good reading for starters:

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Well...thats true. One important field is already covered here...LiPo batteries......Bart wrote up a very comprehensive guide about LiPo's:

With that, all your LiPo related questions should be answered by reading that. Now we need the same for propellers, motors, ESC's, Flight Controls, remote controls, video equipment, camera gimbals :tennis:,.....looks like there is still a lot of work to be done.

At least I found some good reading for starters:


Thank you my friend. I have been trying to find some reading material on our subject, but to no avail. I have ordered The Beginner's Guide To FPV and I shall be downloading that NAZA material.


Certainly the most heartwarming thread in a long time hope we can see a video of one of your flights Chris Good luck from Australia

Thank you so much for your post fredor. It's so nice to hear from one of my most favorite places in the world. I had always hoped to visit your fabulous country, but, regretfully, I don't think that will ever happen.


Hi Ken,

Thought you might want to see the ugly creature you're dealing with.

View attachment 13242View attachment 13243

Chris said these photos would enlarge when you clicked on them, but I didn't have to click on your photos. They were perfectly inserted. As is my wont, I am confused.


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