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  1. theGreenOrange

    High Speed Filming

    Well, you probably would know better than me then! I only get the FRONT wheel off the ground. xD
  2. theGreenOrange

    High Speed Filming

    Sorry, my knowledge is limited to racing quads. I used to ride motorcyles too (not dirtbikes though) which is why I felt I could chime in.
  3. theGreenOrange

    High Speed Filming

    The slow motion shots are impressive. However, I assume you were "challenged" due to the fact that you began with an assumption, and provided no facts regarding the top speed of the heli. The bike looks like it was going about 45mph in my opinion. I don't see anything there that a multi-rotor...
  4. theGreenOrange

    Need Help! Newbie build.

    I mean it may be a hardware issue inside the flight controller, but I think that is a great idea to switch to that frame. A friend of mine has one of those falcon 250's and it is a pain to work on, and generally sucks.
  5. theGreenOrange

    Need Help! Newbie build.

    It could be a hardware issue, through no fault of your own.
  6. theGreenOrange

    Need Help! Newbie build.

    Sometimes you just get a bad one, or a jolt can kill the accelerometer. No luck with Betaflight?
  7. theGreenOrange

    Need Help! Newbie build.

    I have to agree. Everything else that I can think of that would cause this has pretty much been eliminated. Edit: you might try flashing betaflight to it, my friend usues a Kiss with it and it works great. I personally use an SP Racing F3 also, and highly recommend it as well.
  8. theGreenOrange

    Need Help! Newbie build.

    Did you have any luck? The only other thing I can think of would be one faulty ESC.
  9. theGreenOrange

    Prop type

    Since the ABS will flex more than CF, the effective pitch will change. It may be enough to affect how the PIDs behave.
  10. theGreenOrange

    Need Help! Newbie build.

    Last idea, be sure you have calibrated you ESCs. See end of the video i linked if not.
  11. theGreenOrange

    Need Help! Newbie build.

    After thinking about it for a bit, it doesnt make sense that it does it with props off if the drone is level. When you tilt it, you should see the motors react but when level it shouldn't do much. Are you confident the accelerometer has been calibrated while level and completely still?
  12. theGreenOrange

    Need Help! Newbie build.

    If my suggestions don't help, check out this video by FinalGlide
  13. theGreenOrange

    Need Help! Newbie build.

    Yes, it is trying to level itself but doing it in the wrong direction for some reason.
  14. theGreenOrange

    Need Help! Newbie build.

    Also, be sure to confirm the props spin in toward each other at the nose and tail.
  15. theGreenOrange

    Need Help! Newbie build.

    Kiss has their own software for the FC? My friend who has a Kiss uses betaflight, I didn't know they had their own.
  16. theGreenOrange

    Need Help! Newbie build.

    Make sure the motors/ESCs are connected to match the picture (1-2-3-4).
  17. theGreenOrange

    Need Help! Newbie build.

    Yep, happened to me before when I didn't have my yaw orientation set right. Also make sure to recalibrate accelerometer for good measure.
  18. theGreenOrange

    Need Help! Newbie build.

    Hi, First check that you have the ESCs connected in the right order, as seen in betaflight (or cleanflight). Second, be sure you have the yaw orientation set correctly in betaflight according to how the flight controller sits in your drone (e.g. 90 degrees CCW). There should be an arrow on...
  19. theGreenOrange

    Need Help! Eachine EV800 Antenna

    It's RP-SMA. 3 or 4 leaf shouldn't really matter.
  20. theGreenOrange

    F550 Battery mounting

    Sure thing, good luck!