Need Help! Newbie build.

It's more than likely your kiss fc. I've had two kiss fc's with the exact same issues you're experiencing. Tried new motors, esc's and a new freaking pdb but the only fix was ditching the kiss fc. My friend re flashed one of them but it still wouldn't work. When I would throttle up on the bench my motor signals on the kiss gui would be all over the place. I'd be at let's say 20% throttle on my transmitter but on the kiss gui it would show two or 3 or all 4 motors throttling up way past 20% on their own. I switched to the sp racing f3 flight controllers running the exact same gear as I did with the kiss fc and I had absolutely no issues.

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I have to agree. Everything else that I can think of that would cause this has pretty much been eliminated.

Edit: you might try flashing betaflight to it, my friend usues a Kiss with it and it works great. I personally use an SP Racing F3 also, and highly recommend it as well.


New Member
I have to agree. Everything else that I can think of that would cause this has pretty much been eliminated.

Edit: you might try flashing betaflight to it, my friend usues a Kiss with it and it works great. I personally use an SP Racing F3 also, and highly recommend it as well.
Ok sweet I'll try that. I just so happen to still have them so I'll try reflashing to beta flight to see if that works.

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It's more than likely your kiss fc. I've had two kiss fc's with the exact same issues you're experiencing. Tried new motors, esc's and a new freaking pdb but the only fix was ditching the kiss fc. My friend re flashed one of them but it still wouldn't work. When I would throttle up on the bench my motor signals on the kiss gui would be all over the place. I'd be at let's say 20% throttle on my transmitter but on the kiss gui it would show two or 3 or all 4 motors throttling up way past 20% on their own. I switched to the sp racing f3 flight controllers running the exact same gear as I did with the kiss fc and I had absolutely no issues.

Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk
That very well could be my issue. I got a new frame ordered cause the guy I got it from said it was a piece, and so to make a long story even longer I'm going to try some other replacementstuff first, cause this was a frankinstien build so there are alot of parts not new and different size wire then what I maybe should have used. Then I think the FC is going to be the last ditch effort, Cause why can everyone else get it to work but me ya know.


Some of the pictures I got


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I mean it may be a hardware issue inside the flight controller, but I think that is a great idea to switch to that frame. A friend of mine has one of those falcon 250's and it is a pain to work on, and generally sucks.
