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  1. P

    wookong m GPS

    The only issue I am aware of, as far as the Wookong is concerned, is that version 5.24 has issues, and it appears it may be limited to v1 GPS. That thread has the words "WARNING" in the title.
  2. P

    Links to purchase aftermarket props for DJI F450??

    I just learned something looking into your answer. When I ordered my F450 6-7 months ago, the 10" props that came with it were not 1038s. But the F550 I just ordered last month did come with 1038s. But to specifically answer your question, the type of prop is written on the leading edge of the...
  3. P

    XAircraft Crazy Chinese Pilot flying SuperX in Crazy Wind!!!

    I did this *one* time with both my MRs, but stayed around 10ft off the ground. The winds weren't probably quite as strong, but they were gusting to 25mph. One had Naza, the other Wookong. It was impressive to me to see how they were fighting the wind.
  4. P

    How is this possible?

    +1... But sadly I do have to agree that the regs that probably will be coming down the line will prevent this kind of artistry.
  5. P

    Naza M (+V2) - Strange light flash combo: any ideas?

    I don't see the need for default reset on the Naza. I never have. What is the remaining problem you are having? Not being able to calibrate the compass? As for the paragraph, right above the window where you are typing is an icon with a small A and a big A. Click on that and then you can do...
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    Balancing S800 Props

    That's probably the one consist compliment (and maybe only) I hear about the S800, and it's that the props are typically pretty close to balanced.
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    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    What are the odds that the two back-to-back video posts use the same Lindsey Sterling song... funny! Bot good job to both of you guys. Both vids had some good stuff, some nice smooth motions.
  8. P

    Naza M (+V2) - Strange light flash combo: any ideas?

    Freebird, 2 greens followed by 3 reds is that the flight control mode is in GPS, but the two controls sticks are not centered (normal if your throttle is all the way down as you'd probably have it while on the ground) and you have less than 5 satellites acquired. You can see this is the bottom...
  9. P

    WARNING - Firmware 5.24

    Eric, can you tell us what version of GPS you have to see if it correlates to Denny's theory?
  10. P

    Registered WKM

    Sorry, I must be missing something. If you buy a new MC you'll hook it up to the Assistant Software, enter you email address, and bingo, all done. Or are you talking about this Wookong being tied to a Datalink Ground Station and worried about that license transferring? Sorry if I'm not...
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    Registered WKM

    The master controller is the one that is registered. In older WKM versions you had displays for GPS, IMU, and one other component, but it was display only.
  12. P

    2 devastating crashes in a month using Wookong

    Best of luck on your next rebuild! I wish you many successful and fun flights on your next MR!
  13. P

    Best FPV camera

    SecurityCamera2000 just called me back and stated it is the same camera with the black housing. Thanks for pointing that out. I have asked them to send me one in the housing. Kloner, can you tell us why you preferred the open board version?
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    2 devastating crashes in a month using Wookong

    I'm with Ben. I'm on my 3rd DJI based MR and I love the stuff... no faults other than my own so far, a couple of times due to my setup, a couple of times due to my lack of experience, a couple of times because I didn't account for certain things. I guess that's why I try to encourage fully...
  15. P

    S800 foldable GPS mount

    For what it's worth, I do the calibration process the same way as you do. As for the GPS, the only danger of the vibrating GPS is if it's enough to make it come loose in flight. The vibration itself doesn't affect GPS position of compass or its campass function either.
  16. P

    Balancing S800 Props

    Yes and yes. All you do is remove those screws and off comes the prop. And yes, I do use loctite (at the recommendation of a couple S800 vendors I asked) when putting those screws back.
  17. P

    Had a silly idea but thought I should ask the experts

    Battery life is going to be another big problem (not to mention plenty of others like weather, transmitter ranges, FAA regs, etc.). I don't think you'll get good enough battery life to lift pizzas and get more than a half-mile range out of, or maybe a mile. I also think your costs are going to...
  18. P

    2 devastating crashes in a month using Wookong

    Denny, you think that would be the case even though he was flying in ATTI mode? I didn't think the GPS unit played into ATTI mode.
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    2 devastating crashes in a month using Wookong

    Bienvenido Andrés! Otro hispano en el forum, y otro hispano volando éstas máquinas increíbles! Algún día voy para Argentina! Now, back to our regularly scheduled forum thread... (Sorry, just had to great another hispanic with open arms!)