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  1. Benjamin Kenobi

    Toilet Bowl only on auto land, anyone else experienced this?

    Nice! Another step up the ladder we go!
  2. Benjamin Kenobi

    Hi from London! DJI F550 Naza GPS with GoPro + Wifi Bacpac.

    Hi Jim! I find it gets rid of most of the vibes. Not perfect. My vids come out fine. Here's one from yesterday: Hope that worked. Bloody Tapatalk. I launch from a small box (you can see it at the beginning of my vids). But I land in my hand. The Gopro is easy...
  3. Benjamin Kenobi

    Hi from London! DJI F550 Naza GPS with GoPro + Wifi Bacpac.

    Thanks mate! We should all meet up some time. When your bird is up and running fancy popping up North London? There's a few if us now. Mostly Helis but I only fly the F550.
  4. Benjamin Kenobi

    Toilet Bowl only on auto land, anyone else experienced this?

    Ps - Read up on Magnetic Declination. The manual states its importance. The US has quite a deviation in parts. In London it's just over 1degree so very small.
  5. Benjamin Kenobi

    Toilet Bowl only on auto land, anyone else experienced this?

    I believe basic is how it responds to your commands and the other how it responds to un-commanded inputs (the wind etc). I'm glad you noticed the difference between attitude and altitude. People are often getting it wrong and it becomes confusing. Altitude = Height. Attitude = Horizontal...
  6. Benjamin Kenobi

    3S or 4S

    Hi. I run two in parallel and find the lipos have a much easier time and don't get warm. I run 3S but 4S is said to be more efficient. Stick with 4S in parallel.
  7. Benjamin Kenobi

    Gopro Hero 2

    I'm using 720 and 60fps to reduce vibes/jello. Yes, stills do suck a little.
  8. Benjamin Kenobi

    Toilet Bowl only on auto land, anyone else experienced this?

    Have you offset for magnetic declination? North is different depending on your location. A common cause of TBE as the Naza's corrections are slightly off.
  9. Benjamin Kenobi

    Hi from London! DJI F550 Naza GPS with GoPro + Wifi Bacpac.

    Hi Guys! Thanks for all the comments. I'm in NW London too (Finchley area) and fly at Barnet Copthall Stadium. There's many fields (about 6 large ones plus a few smaller ones) and almost no dog walkers, just sports people who keep to themselves. I haven't changed my setup since posting this...
  10. Benjamin Kenobi

    Hi from London! DJI F550 Naza GPS with GoPro + Wifi Bacpac.

    Hey Guys! I've been reading this forum for a few months now and have found a wealth of info. Thanks! I thought I'd add some background and post some pics as I know how helpful others pictures have been to me. I've been flying 450 size helicopters for three years and love it. For the heli guys...
  11. Benjamin Kenobi

    dji NAZA / Spektrum DX6i and GoPro WiFi - BEWARE!

    It can be many things! Were you using the stock 10" props for instance?
  12. Benjamin Kenobi

    dji NAZA / Spektrum DX6i and GoPro WiFi - BEWARE!

    I fly an F550 Naza with Gopro and Wifi BacPac and have not had a problem. Had around 50 flights using this setup.
  13. Benjamin Kenobi

    Dumb Question of the Day - Nose in on FPV

    Basically, yes. It is important to learn line of sight flying first as this is your default backup. If something goes wrong with your FPV equipment you're gonna have to fly the old fashioned way, by looking at it. Keep up with the sim. Practice orientation. When you got that down try for real...
  14. Benjamin Kenobi

    Dumb Question of the Day - Nose in on FPV

    Dude. It doesn't matter which way you're pointing in FPV (First person view). You are always looking the same way as you see what the bird sees. When looking from the ground and flying nose-in then yes, the controls are reversed and you'll just have to learn what to do. You've already got a sim...
  15. Benjamin Kenobi

    Multiple Naza-powered Multis - Programming Question

    Agreed. The assistant reads the individual naza settings and doesn't store them unless you export/import.
  16. Benjamin Kenobi

    Charging lipo

    Great answer. It doesn't protect your lipo charging to only 4.1v. It's over discharging that you need to be careful of. And not leaving fully charged for long periods of time.
  17. Benjamin Kenobi

    Geomagnetig Field disturbances expected

    That's excellent info. Had never considered these effects.
  18. Benjamin Kenobi

    [Video] DJI 550 Underwater footage!!

    My worst nightmare! It seemed very unstable from the outset. You can see the motor vibrating.
  19. Benjamin Kenobi

    DJI motor spinner screw replacement?

    I just use an o-ring under the nut which provides friction and stops it undoing. I remove my blades for transport so threadlock isn't an option. Using Tapatalk, yeah?
  20. Benjamin Kenobi

    F550 and gains?

    Hi. There's only one setting. Attitude is not the same as Altitude. The vertical gain is how quickly it responds to your stick movements. Attitude gain is how quickly the Naza responds to attitude changes (I guess attitude is horizontal stability). Using Tapatalk, yeah?