Geomagnetig Field disturbances expected

Hi Folks,

again, there might be issues using GPS within the next hours and days...


So we should be extremly careful while using GPS positioning...



Active Member
Seems you guys are really into the technical side of you have any experience or comparison how the behavior of a well set Copter changes on "good" days compared to "bad" days..... just wondering that some people are complayning here on the forum that their birds are doing stupid things "all of the sudden" and then trying to crank all sorts of settings to get rid of run-aways, toilet bowls etc. If the one is really related to the other, change settings would be rather useless.

I would really be more interested about your guys experiences....

PS: Aerialvue - Glad to see your web page is running again...



Arducopter Developer
I was flying 2-3 days ago, solar activity was "high", and I found a 20+ foot error when trying to fly GPS compared to normal of about ~2 feet. No other changes. I didn't have my telemetry with me so I didn't bother changing anything, I just decided to fly manually. When I got in and checked the solar activity I thought... huh...

Seems you guys are really into the technical side of you have any experience or comparison how the behavior of a well set Copter changes on "good" days compared to "bad" days..... just wondering that some people are complayning here on the forum that their birds are doing stupid things "all of the sudden" and then trying to crank all sorts of settings to get rid of run-aways, toilet bowls etc. If the one is really related to the other, change settings would be rather useless.

I would really be more interested about your guys experiences....

PS: Aerialvue - Glad to see your web page is running again...

