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  1. Benjamin Kenobi

    New Year's Resolutions and Plans

    I hope I get to fly everyday the weather is good and get paid to do it! And I hope I earn enough to get a Skyjib X4 (which means X8) and a Panasonic GH3. Oh right, resolutions topic, not my present list for Santa Claus! I also hope to have another incident free year! And improve my...
  2. Benjamin Kenobi

    New flyer from Yorkshire

    Welcome! As Dave said, don't worry about it getting away from you. Just keep an eye on it and you'll be fine. Happy New Year!
  3. Benjamin Kenobi

    Channel reversing in naza assistant

    Not worth it. If you go to settings on this forum and then edit signature, add in all the equipment you have, like I've got at the bottom of each post. It will make it easier for us to diagnose the problem. I still think it's a transmitter calibration thing. Well, possibly/maybe/sort of. Post...
  4. Benjamin Kenobi

    Positive Z axis?

    Was that a sex joke?! :highly_amused:
  5. Benjamin Kenobi

    Hello from Italy!

    Ciao, benvenuto! (I don't really speak Italian) :nevreness:
  6. Benjamin Kenobi

    Multirotor (emergency) self-recovery system (looking for ideas, outside the box)

    Hi, There's a few parachute systems around: Just flick a switch and it deploys. When an MR fails it could be in a multitude of ways. Too many to list. Your best bet is to cut the power to avoid the MR going too far away if...
  7. Benjamin Kenobi

    Naza-M V2 Fly away

    All blades still attached? What mode were you flying in? You're hardly giving us any information here. Your answers are quite abrupt.
  8. Benjamin Kenobi

    Heavy Load X8 Fall from the Sky-Crash, Need answears, clues,...

    Good lord! Another thing for us to worry about!
  9. Benjamin Kenobi

    Naza-M V2 Fly away

    Are you joking? It could have been many things.
  10. Benjamin Kenobi

    Naza V2 layout FW-550

    Have a fun build mate!:nevreness:
  11. Benjamin Kenobi

    Naza-M V2 Fly away

    Why was it the Naza V2?
  12. Benjamin Kenobi

    Heavy Load X8 Fall from the Sky-Crash, Need answears, clues,...

    So your video transmitter didn't run off the main pack. Why did the signal not return when you moved out of the interference on the way down? Lucky your heli seemed to land right next to a road (on the map)!
  13. Benjamin Kenobi

    Naza-M V2 Fly away

    What was the point of that video? Care to explain?
  14. Benjamin Kenobi

    Heavy Load X8 Fall from the Sky-Crash, Need answears, clues,...

    Did your telemetry have Data Logging? If so what did it show? It seemed like the power just disappeared and if you're running the video and RC from the main pack that would explain the loss of signal, maybe, and the fact the parachute didn't open as the whole RC system was down. Why is the...
  15. Benjamin Kenobi

    Autonomous surveilance system for ranch

    Having your system go to waypoints and show a video is easy. Having it do anything else automatically is hard. You could easily have a flying camera that automatically flies around looking at things, that's just a waypoint system with a video transmitter attached. Having software to analyse...
  16. Benjamin Kenobi

    DJI Spreading Wings S1000 Octocopter is coming!

    When a shop says '9,999' they mean 'we don't know!' You'll just have to wait until it's released. Then you'll have to wait for the stock to reach the shops. Then you'll have to wait for some other stuff probably. I would say the S1000 is 6 months away for most of us.
  17. Benjamin Kenobi

    Positive Z axis?

    DJI do it backwards.
  18. Benjamin Kenobi

    Panasonic GH3 Users thread

    Which lens did you get Dave? PS - You lucky man!
  19. Benjamin Kenobi

    CAA Permits???

    On a ship in the Arctic whilst using :02.47-tranquillity: ! Good internet connection up there? Maybe we should start a thread: Where's the most unusual places you've logged onto MRF?