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  1. Benjamin Kenobi

    zenmuse, obsolescence programme?

    Sounds about right. Flying in sand or dust recently?
  2. Benjamin Kenobi


    Seems normal for John Heath. Ravenhall would be much cheaper though.
  3. Benjamin Kenobi

    Does Zenmuse REQUIRE a DJI flight controller?

    Yep, needs DJI FC. There has been talk about the H3-3D doing standalone mode, not sure if that is really the case or not so get googling.
  4. Benjamin Kenobi

    zenmuse, obsolescence programme?

    That's odd. Seems like one of the optical sensors is a little dirty. Try some silicon lube around the slip rings to see if that shifts it.
  5. Benjamin Kenobi

    Kenya Aerial Film 2014

    In the UK you can't fly over or within 50m of members of the public (30m during takeoff and landing). If you've briefed the people you're flying over then you can fly as close as you think is safe with no minimum legal limit. You will develop a good working knowledge of your aircraft over time...
  6. Benjamin Kenobi

    Kenya Aerial Film 2014

    Is it really 'never' in Australia? Seems a little harsh. What if you want to fly over an actor, or yourself? There's an acceptable risk to UAV operations and I'm pretty sure an accident won't come from the commercial side of things, it will be a hobbyist who makes a mistake. My aircraft have...
  7. Benjamin Kenobi

    S900 Roll Yaw Wobble

    Looks like lows gains to me too from the video.
  8. Benjamin Kenobi

    S1000 flyaway and crash

    Most flyaways are indeed operator error. They tend to be new pilots with new aircraft who don't follow the logical set of sequences when you have a problem.
  9. Benjamin Kenobi

    Kenya Aerial Film 2014

    Hey mate, Great video! To embed a video on the forum don't use the embed code from Vimeo, copy the URL and use the video icon (little film strip on the right) then press OK. I've done it for you this time. See you next time!
  10. Benjamin Kenobi

    GH4 Owners - 12MP Photo issue

    Yes!!! Please fix this!
  11. Benjamin Kenobi

    Inspire 1 Owner's Thread

    Now that looks like a cool flying robot from Star Wars if ever I've seen one! I for one am excited about it!
  12. Benjamin Kenobi

    Black Pearl NOT A Good Match For ImmersionRC Tx?

    I use this combo, works great! :nevreness:
  13. Benjamin Kenobi

    Video Recording on GH4 Stops Randomly.. Possible Shutter Control Issue?

    Yeah, that happens every now and then. It seems to happen after a while so just start recording shortly before getting a critical shot.
  14. Benjamin Kenobi

    High Altitude shooting

    You'll be fine. Go for it. :nevreness:
  15. Benjamin Kenobi

    Client edited our vid and here it is

    I am honestly still not sure what the fuss is about. Both videos were almost identical. This is a non-issue to me. You fly, hand over the footage, get paid and go fly again. You have no control over how clients edit your footage, we are just cameraman. Your showreels and promotional material...
  16. Benjamin Kenobi

    DJI Crash footage with strange noise

    Sounds like an ESC reinitialising to me. Replace it and all should be well.
  17. Benjamin Kenobi

    Zenmuse GH4 Owners thread

    You simply learn by practise. It is better to underexpose shots as you can bring up the shadows in post (to some extent) but it is harder to bring down really overexposed areas. If you're going to have two very different exposures in one shot you'll just have to pick a halfway exposure. If you...
  18. Benjamin Kenobi

    New DJI Inspire 1

    That link comes up as spam on my browser.
  19. Benjamin Kenobi

    S-800 oscillations/vibrations

    Hey mate. Looks like a blade or motor is unbalanced to me. How have you checked the balance on the blades? Are the motor bearings smooth to the touch? High gains don't really help with strong winds. I use 135% on my WKM and it is rock solid in 25mph gusts (high gains aren't the problem here...
  20. Benjamin Kenobi

    Zenmuse GH4 Owners thread

    Have you got it to 1080p HDMI out as opposed to just recording in 1080p? (someone else made this mistake). Maybe wiggle the HDMI lead around a bit just incase it's a loose connection?