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  1. Benjamin Kenobi

    OK, WTF!

    Well, happening after an update is the only clue I see there. After an update you often need to check your settings again. Updating updates stuff, like control settings apparently! Hopefully that was it and you can go back to having fun... :cool:
  2. Benjamin Kenobi

    OK, WTF!

    Hmmm, that is odd. It shouldn't spool up unless you do a CSC (stick movement). Just flicking the mode switch to enter calibration mode definitely should not start the motors. I'm inclined to say it's a transmitter setting. Any mixes programmed in? How do the stick/switch movements behave on the...
  3. Benjamin Kenobi

    WKM Crash at takeoff

    Cool. Sounds like you're on top of it. There's so many components that have their own little initialization routine something is bound to occasionally be out of sync. If you own a Windows PC how many times has it randomly failed to start over the years? Just restart and try again. If your car...
  4. Benjamin Kenobi

    AVin issue on Black Pearl

    I tried to plug in an ImmersionRC Duo receiver which has a different pin setup to the pearl. Trial and error! :)
  5. Benjamin Kenobi


    Welcome Ozzy! You can learn most things from the internet, and lots of sitting by yourself in a field. :)
  6. Benjamin Kenobi

    AVin issue on Black Pearl

    Hi mate, I think the wiring of the pins is different. Mine also only worked when slightly plugged in. I solved it by trying different cables and swapping the leads around a bit. Ended up soldering a new one. What you need is one that has the three outputs (RCA?) and try each connector in...
  7. Benjamin Kenobi

    WKM Crash at takeoff

    I don't think his aircraft has had that much use, well, he didn't specify. How much flight time has your aircraft had ?
  8. Benjamin Kenobi

    WKM Crash at takeoff

    Careful with paraphrasing. The full sentence is: I've noticed sometimes my WKM doesn't initialise properly. The motors don't sound quite right on throttle up. Naturally I don't try to take off when it's like this and just unplug and start again. Could be an ESC not initialising also. You can...
  9. Benjamin Kenobi

    WKM Crash at takeoff

    It has happened twice on very hot days where it has been flown for many hours. I have flown 103 hours on this rig and it has earned me £67,000. How did you come to the conclusion it is the FC Pumpkinguy? Why not the ESCs? I'm sure your car never develops any issues at all with normal use...;)
  10. Benjamin Kenobi

    Hello Hello

    Welcome Chris! Lots of great flying spaces in South Wales, you lucky devil! :)
  11. Benjamin Kenobi

    WKM Crash at takeoff

    Yes, everything looks normal, but the motors don't sound right. They either throttle too high or I notice the aircraft rotating slightly as I increase the throttle. I instantly stop and turn off the motors, then restart everything. As long as you know there's a problem you can catch it before...
  12. Benjamin Kenobi

    A2 fly-away and crash

    Thanks Matt! Don't let the DJI customer service put you off. DJI products are generally great. :)
  13. Benjamin Kenobi

    Battery switch suggestion

    As my fellow MR geniuses have already stated, don't do it. There's no need for it and it's just another point of failure. There's a lot of current flowing from a 6S and you don't want anything that could cause extra resistance. :)
  14. Benjamin Kenobi


    Expect GPS hold to not be as accurate on high K days. Commercial airplanes use GPS quite heavily these days and there's been very little talk of problems.
  15. Benjamin Kenobi

    WKM Crash at takeoff

    Hi mate, I've noticed sometimes my WKM doesn't initialise properly. The motors don't sound quite right on throttle up. Naturally I don't try to take off when it's like this and just unplug and start again. Could be an ESC not initialising also. I don't think calibration was your problem. If it...
  16. Benjamin Kenobi

    A2 fly-away and crash

    Hey Matt, I don't think it's the K-index. I think it's the A2. I personally still use Wookong as the A2 had so many problems in the past. I forgot in this long thread, did you recover the aircraft? Was the GPS puck and IMU still attached? If the puck or IMU became dislodged it would cause...
  17. Benjamin Kenobi


    I've flown on high K-index days, no issues.
  18. Benjamin Kenobi

    How do gimbal motors stay in place?

    They use brushless motors,'s all done with magnets! :)
  19. Benjamin Kenobi

    Naza Dance and still nothing, and no Satellites

    Okay. Seems like a statement rather than a question. Care to explain?