
Been having troubles with my A2 on our S1000. During a recent demo we went to compass cali and it spooled up low speed. Grounded it immediatly...

Did firmware update and still the problem persisted.

Tonight re adjudted endpoints on GPS/ATTI as I read that might be the problem and the travel wasnt going far enough.

Went to test, flashing blue light - what is that? No mention on search...

Tried compass cali and she took off full throttle (in the shop). Grabbed landing gear and held her. Now what??? Grabbed at battery connection and down she crashed but not before tyaking a good part of my right knuckles first (typing with left hand only). Anyone know WTF is up here??


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Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Hmmm, that is odd. It shouldn't spool up unless you do a CSC (stick movement). Just flicking the mode switch to enter calibration mode definitely should not start the motors.

I'm inclined to say it's a transmitter setting. Any mixes programmed in? How do the stick/switch movements behave on the assistant program?


I had a similar experience with a SkyJib once. I've never powered up a copter with props on inside since then. It was only three stitches because I was incredibly lucky like you.


YES.. sorry to hear about this but NEVER - NEVER!!! (N-E-V-E-R) power up a helicopter with blades on if you don;t intend to fly it.
And I agree it sounds like a radio setting issue or a straight up radio failure!

Sorry this happened, I hope you recover quickly!


Radio setti0ngs are unchanged. I fly many UAVs and they all have separate "models" on the radio and I am very careful with changes. The assistant shows GPS/ATTI switch only changing that one function. When I monitor the outputs on the radio (Futaba 14SG) all I see is channel 7 changing.

8 stitches in my knuckle. Ouch...


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
Radio setti0ngs are unchanged. I fly many UAVs and they all have separate "models" on the radio and I am very careful with changes. The assistant shows GPS/ATTI switch only changing that one function. When I monitor the outputs on the radio (Futaba 14SG) all I see is channel 7 changing.

8 stitches in my knuckle. Ouch...

sorry to hear it. is your avatar a recreation of the actual event? lol


It does have iOSD. No datalink. Will go try to recover the file although I feel afraid to turn the bloody thing on at the moment...


Very sorry to hear about this... and injuries... I really hate to hear that!!!
I have never seen a DJI aircraft spool up without a CSC...or a command in Ground Station. This is VERY weird......
Blue flashing is for Control Mode... when using Data Link..... But you have no Data Link!!!!
The Data file will show the control mode (Ctrl_mode).... 4 would be navigation/ waypoint...
Very Scary!!!


Will get on that iOSD data file. To be honest I am a newbie to the whole data file thing. Have looked at them briefly before but that is all.


All is apparently fixed. Here is my report:
For some reason channel 17 (DG 1 on TX) was switching alongside channel 7 and it was all mapped to the GPS/ATTI - SC switch. CH17 was mapped to a whole bunch of mysterious items as seen in the screenshot below. I have since disabled channel 17 on the Futaba Controller and unmapped all that was set to 17 on the A2.

-Does anyone know what DG1 and DG2 are on the Futaba 14SG TX?
-What are all those other new sliders on the RC mapping screen?
-Why would my machine have made this change all by itself? We had successfully flew after the last firmware update prior to having any problems.
-Are there any other “ghosts” I should be looking for?

As always, thanks to the community for support!

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Here is the explanation in the manual. They are used for gimbal control, when you enable gimbal controls in assistant.
Was the switch causing the T/R and E/A channels to move to max. when switched in assistant causing a CSC?
I really want to understand what was happening....please.


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Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Well, happening after an update is the only clue I see there. After an update you often need to check your settings again. Updating updates stuff, like control settings apparently!

Hopefully that was it and you can go back to having fun... :cool:

It appears that this issue is related to this posting:
His log showed the U-Channel was triggered indicating RTH/ Waypoint Mode.....
He insisted that he had not triggered the RTH function.... even though the DAT. log indicated that it was activated at the exact time of the incident!!!
DJI needs to be informed of BOTH of these incidents.....

Have you been cross reading posts? I have not posted any files, and not talked about RTH (But if you ask, I will insist I did not trigger RTH ;) )

Anyway, I am grateful for all tips and suggestions regarding operating in a safe way.


Yes, I believe that ours could well be a RTH set to the wrong place as well. But what triggered the RTH? And what are the flashing blue LEDs??

Oh, and some bad news. Called back to hospital. After a second look at the X-rays they see bone/cartilage/prop fragments in there and I need to go to a plastic surgeon. Nice...
