Search results

  1. ZAxis

    Need opinions on the Graupner MX series 2.4Ghz HoTT radio systems!!

    Bart All the info on connecting/setting up the Graupner for MK is here. The receiver is bigger than the Spekrum satellite and will not fit between the layers of the frame so I put our's vertically on the top plate, a bit of a squeeze under the lid but...
  2. ZAxis

    Need opinions on the Graupner MX series 2.4Ghz HoTT radio systems!!

    If you're flying MK electronics its the best option out there. We have an MX20 flying an MK Hexa2 and it does everything we need along with telemetry downlink for all the important parameters - temperatures/compass/GPS/battery voltage. andy
  3. ZAxis

    Where can I get Graupner props?

    It does seem a matter of grabbing the Graupners immediately they are stocked anywhere. So a question that needs asking is, are there any viable alternatives that work as well and have a good price and availability ? andy
  4. ZAxis

    Where can I get Graupner props?

    Jackella ... I got mine from Electricwingman but I had his last ones last week, wiping his stock out. I'm hoping he will get some soon as I cannot replace any breakages until he does. andy
  5. ZAxis

    Why doesn't my gimbal work?

    The first thing I would do is to take the WKM out of the loop and test the servos independently using a servo programmer. If you get full control that way, the fault must be at the WKM end or the cables. Hope this helps andy
  6. ZAxis

    6 x Roxxy Motors

    Motors & a mountain of props received today. Many thanks andy
  7. ZAxis

    Which prop balancer?

    What I like about this forum is that you get questions answered before you even post them. I was about to post asking this very question. Thanks guys andy
  8. ZAxis

    FOR SALE - MK hexa electronics, follow-me and MX-20 radio

    Its been a good day for you. cheers andy
  9. ZAxis

    6 x Roxxy Motors

    pm sent
  10. ZAxis

    Are forum active threads disappearing too fast ?

    I guess this is one for you Bart. Our forum is getting very popular now and the rate of new thread post has increased. This seems to mean that threads disappear from the active threads list quite rapidly, perhaps before they have run their natural course. Do people think that the list should...
  11. ZAxis

    Which is most stable video platform for a Hexa - Y or 6 point ?

    Thanks for the input so far everyone. It still seems a finely balance argument. @Mactadole --- floaty vs rigid feel ---- could I interpret this by comparing with automobiles. Floaty is your typical big american car you drive with one hand on the wheel and rigid is a more european sports car...
  12. ZAxis

    Which is most stable video platform for a Hexa - Y or 6 point ?

    Yes, most MKs will be flat arrangement as that's all they sell but there are a lot of Y configuration Droidworx, and other, systems out there running on the same FC. I'm hoping there are some users out there with cogent arguments as to which is best or whether it is really just swings and...
  13. ZAxis

    Which is most stable video platform for a Hexa - Y or 6 point ?

    The two halves of Zaxis have been pondering whether a Hexa Y configuration is a better platform for video than the normal flat 6 point configuration. We end up with the pros and cons about even. Y better for field of view, flat arrangement has more thrust more evenly spread radially so keeping...
  14. ZAxis

    Mikrokopter Upgrade MK Robbe ROXXY 2827-35 to 8mm shaft for Graupner props

    Thanks for leads guys I was going to talk to ElectricWingMan but just wanted to check for any alternatives andy
  15. ZAxis

    Camera mounts

    Cinestar Used by Tabb for that stunning snow movie. Good setup video for the gimbal at andy
  16. ZAxis

    Mikrokopter Upgrade MK Robbe ROXXY 2827-35 to 8mm shaft for Graupner props

    I want to fit Graupner 10x5 props to our MK Hexa2 to replace the existing MK supplied ones. The Graupners have an 8 mm bore but the motors will only take 3mm bolts so I need to source adaptors or replacement shafts in the UK. Can anyone recommend where to get them ? andy
  17. ZAxis

    CineStar 360 Gimbal

    Tabb , Just seen your snow video put up on Gizmodo... that's a real achievement ... well done. andy
  18. ZAxis

    Not Multirotor...just a nice aviation video

    Airbus = side stick Boeing = yoke You're not the only one who wishes he could fly a big one.