CS8 to X8 conversion - Herkules ESC III V3


I just had the maiden flight with the Herkules/CS8/WKM and that was the first Flight with the wkm as well, after the switch over from the MK. All I can say is... WOW, what a difference. Plus I haven't even started fine tuning. I had my self inflicted troubles with the Herkules set up, but I certainly like it's potential. I'm euphoric right now! Thanks Boris for all your sharing. Cheers, Jimmy.


I'm hoping for a little help.:) So on board the CS8 frame is the Herkules vII esc's, QC motors and the CS gimbal. This is only the second flight and I was trying to adjust the basic gains prior to this flight these types of movements were happening through out the process not matter what I set the basic gains at using X2 and X3 to do so, remotely. I'm hoping the sound in the attached video will give someone a clue. The wind in the earlier flights was there, but I wouldn't call it windy. Maybe 7-10kms? We are spinning APC 12x3.8 which I understand are not Ideal with these big octos, but I wanted to give it a go while waiting for the graupner 11x5's. Boris, I remember you having some power surge issues but they didn't seem this abrupt. Did you sort them out? Could it be the props alone? C of G? or an issue with Herkules? any ideas? I started at 200% with the basic gains and went up to 350% with out seeing any real change in what is happening here?

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Hey Jimmy, I can't offer any specific help for your situation but I do want to clarify something I've read a few times now. The CS8 (and probably all big oktos) can fly great with big props. I guess it depends on the flight control board. It does seem that people prefer smaller props with the DJI system. But on my CS8 with MK FC and APC 14" props it flies superbly and holds position in a hover just beautifully.

Hopefully you'll have yours dialed in soon.



Drone Enthusiast
Jimmy, this doesnt have anything to do with props sizes what you are experiencing there !!! And dont fly the bird as long as you haven't found the reason for it ( only short tests untl its goen !!!!).
For start I think its an issue with the Herkules more percise the firmware. Which firmware did you flash onto them ? the FW 1 low mid high timing ?

If its high timing think 24 or 26 its called change that first to low timming !

Japp and my power surge issues werent in any way comparable to this what you are experiencing !!!!
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Thanks Nick! We had the MK and the APC 14" set up on this frame just before the switch over and it was flying nice and smooth. But we have since moved onto the Herkules and WKM, so I thought I would start out by trying the 12" props because as you said, people have been having luck with smaller props and the WKM? Thanks for the encouragement!


Drone Enthusiast
Ah **** sorry excatly the other way arround 12 is high timming 24DEG is low and 18 is mid sorry :)


Thanks Boris I believe I have the Default 24DEG firmware installed on the Herks? I can double check but I'm pretty sure? What happens if that is the case? should I try Mid?


Drone Enthusiast
Nah i also have the 24 DEG on and this shouldn't happen than is has to be something else. Send the video for sure to Andreas Baier also and see what he comments. I am off to get some cigarettes and gonna think on the way what else it could be.
20 mins :)



Drone Enthusiast
can you post some pics of your setup, concerning the hercs especially the PPM cables and the placement of the WKM components ?




I will do that! I too am headed out for a bit, and will do it when I get back. Plus I'll double check the firmware because as soon as I think I'm "sure"... I'm usually wrong.:)


Drone Enthusiast
Okay following thoughts,

We have the same setup, if I am correct ?

Since all motors react the same way you are having a up and down power surge, its either the data that is send to the herk itselt that is disturbed or the herks are interpreting the data wrong.

Timing might be an issue you are already checking that !

Do this surges also happen if you give your bird a the command to rise or descend ? is the same thing happen if you fly it manual. Or only if you keep it in altitude hold to lock its altitude ?

You were excited after your first flight did it already happen or only now since there was a little wind ?

When you are adjusting your gains are you also adjusting your vertical gain with either x1 or x2 ? I never did that before i always leave vertical at 100%

I always thought vertical only influences manual mode but it doesnt seem like it:

From the manual:

You use two methods to judge if the Vertical gain is good enough: 1) The multi-rotor can lock the altitude when the throttle stick is at center position; 2) The change of altitude is small during the flight along a route. You can increase the gain slowly (10% each time) until the vibration emerges along the vertical direction or the reaction of throttle stick is too sensitive, then decrease 20% of the gain. Now it is a suitable Vertical gain.



Just got back and haven't checked my firmware on the Herks yet, but, we did have those surges on the first day but we just kind of chalked it up as needing proper gain adjustments, although it did seem less abrupt then with no wind. I would say the surges are quite constant but do seem less during an increase in throttle or even a slight roll in a constant direction. We did start messing with the vertical gain thinking that this might help the problem but didn't see any great changes. I'll go down in my cave and re-flash the firmware all on AFW1 DEG24 default, just to rule that out. As always thanks for all your help.

Jimmy, once your DJI setup is good I'd love to know your thoughts on the difference between it and your prior MK setup. The weather around here sure has been dicey lately but this weekend looks pretty calm to get in some test flights.


Drone Enthusiast
Jimmy one more. I remember that Andreas mentioned to me that the reasons for small power surges could be the FW being on. Meaning if the bird doesnt have enough payload to trigger FW to be on constant it turns itself on and off from time to time. But like saif before my effect was never that big and latest flight it wasnt noticeable at all anymore. What i am getting at is also try to turn off FW if it doesnt get better. Or pack some more payload on extra lipo and see if it changes it !



Will do Nick! We basically have the same weather just north of you so i can relate. My initial impressions of the DJI even with this problem are that it is better for high end video. The movements are just more exact and predictable, the altitude control is incredible. You can actually lock off shots on a subject, hold it for a while and then move. You can move very slow with little work load. Similar movement from the MK would require me to be in a Buddhist monk like state to pull off:02.47-tranquillity:. Which I enjoyed if it was possible for me to get there. Even the best pilots flying MK have interruptions in the tempo of movement especially when it comes to altitude control. I'm really hoping DJI allows me more time flying and less time sitting at my bench in the basement. I think the MK is awesome(at some things) and I think it will be healthy for them to have such strong competition. Or maybe it won't? But as a user we can only benefit.

Guys I think the 12,18and 24deg are the number of advance degree the esc will fire depending on the amount of poles your motor has. For 10 poles 18 deg is optimum. Higher pole motors need higher advance so use 24deg.
I am still in the building process so I cannot say if mine have the same quirk.
Site did you connect the ground between the Herk and the FC? You can flash the firmware with FW off and see if that's is the problem, just be careful with motor and esc temps.

Jimmy, you're absolutely right- the competition is indeed good for all of us. You make a compelling case for the DJI system. No doubt I'll be trying it in the future. Looking forward to seeing footage from your rig!
