Zenmuse Z15 dual operator control with spektrum kit.


Hi guys, I currently run a single operator on our S900 and want to change to dual. Is it as simple as adding a second receiver and swapping the cables / mapping the new tx? I have a spare DX9 I can use. All I see online is Futuba and wondered if there were any issues with using Spectrum gear?

Ta, Matt.


It's just that easy. The Z-15 inputs accept standard PWM control signals so just run channels out of your Spectrum receiver to the Zen and everything should work.


Old thread. I know. Going nuts here. Searching everywhere.

Z15 gh4-hd. Want to use my dx7s to control it so that my cam op only has one tx to get used to between the zen and my movi. I hooked up the first 5 channels between zen Controller and ar8000 Rx . Get nothing.
Tried my futaba with sbus and it works fine. Any help is appreciated.

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Is your DX7s bound to the receiver? I use Spektrum also and it is just plug and play.

Make sure your Futaba is not plugged in to Aux3 at the same time as it overrides the Spektrum.

You could just go Futaba on your MOVI?


Yep. Spektrum is bound.

There is multiple red flags here.

I've tried zen assistants 1.2 and 1.4. In both cases the green light is on showing a connection but the software does nothing. When I move my futaba sticks I see no movement in the assistant. Also, the upgrade process times out and in the about tab I see no information on the gimba .

This is the lattest version gh4-hd gimbal. View attachment 27854 View attachment 27855


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Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
I have the same problem. Can't connect the Zenmuse or WKM to the assistant program. Jolly annoying.

I've semi-retired my S900 and Zenmuse now. I thought one day I might fly her into a volcano or something; send her off in style! o_O


Seriously. Wtf? I spent half hour with dji on the phone today. They took my information and said they would get back in a couple hours.

I bought this as a backup rig to my hexacrafter. $7000 canadian. I can't afford to fly my $7000 into a volcano. Lol
I hope they get this resolved. I have double and triple checked wiring bit the truth is, if it was wired wrong it wouldn't boot properly and respond to futaba commands.



Please provide more info....
Are you using a Lightbridge or other video connection?
What connections have been made... canbus / G7/ A2?
Are you saying it connects to Assistand with Futaba S-Bus, but not when swapping out to Spektrum?
How are you powering the Zen?
I have seen some wacky things with Zens.... including a bad GCU shipped with a new unit.
Also.... one wrong connection of power & bam..... burned out GCU..... usually the Servo rail.... except S-bus....

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
That's cool. If it helps any, mine still flies just as great as it always has. It's been a very reliable aircraft for me.

I find myself using the Inspire Pro more often than not for jobs that need a GH4 with 12mm lens type look. Everything in one backpack is quite refreshing after lugging S800/S900's around for the last few years! Using the ALTA for most of my work now. I hate to say it, but it's a dream to use.


I just spent a while on the phone with my dealer. He is the original dealer in canada and really knows his stuff.
According to the symptoms, proper boot up of gimbal, being able to control with futaba etc he feels as though the gcu is doing its job but probably has a bad usb port thus the reason it won't communicate with the assistant. It gets a solid green led but no flickering blue led.
@Hexacrafter, no lightbridge. I tried the ar8000 spektrum reciever with traditional connections. Can't get it do move the gimbal and because I cannot connect to the assistant, it is likely I need to flip a mode switch to get it working. The futaba work fine with sbus bit again, no communication with the assistant.


so 1.2 and 1.4 zen assistant down loaded from the dji website don't work worth a crap. no connectivity. I noticed that the interface of those looked different than the pic of the assistant in the manual. A buddy had a different version of the 1.4 he downloaded a year ago. Yep. 2 different 1.4's. This one works: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9cv1ilvizb3ac2i/Jon McBride - Zenmuse_Z15-GH4_HD_Installer_v1.4.exe?dl=0

I had the same problem a year ago when I couldn't read iosd data files. I found another version of that software floating around the internet (this site I believe) that worked. WTF DJI?
