Zenmuse Tilt Control? How To Troubleshoot

Spare ribbon connecter from back plate to GoPro. With sticker to cover backlate end. Should have one on already to compare to.

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Active Member
Thanks ShackFlyer, that's kind of what I thought but wasn't sure. Wanted to make sure I didn't get a P2 H3-3D gimbal for my hex build...


Having had a look at your other thread on powering the H3-3D, in the pictures you show a small 'extra' circuit bpoard which I believe is the one specific to the Phantom 2. This is not normally supplied.
Picture is in post #8 on the thread.
It makes me wonder if you have the correct version of the H3-3D, as I believe there is an ordinary one, and one specific for the Phantom. Maybe they are programmed differently (I am speculating here).
I think you need to speak to your supplier.


Emailed supplier and got this:


  • image.jpg
    45.3 KB · Views: 363

Hmm.. maybe maybe not.
I have a suspicious mind.
I would be contacting DJI customer care direct now for advice.

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Hmm.. maybe maybe not.
I have a suspicious mind.
I would be contacting DJI customer care direct now for advice.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

Waiting on some feedback from DJI. Although things are working properly, there's just no X1 to be found.

Have you tried eliminating s.bus by wiring every servo connection individually for all 7 channels?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk


Have you tried eliminating s.bus by wiring every servo connection individually for all 7 channels?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

Tried to wire this way and no luck. So today I finally got a PC and hooked up to Zenmuse assistant. All firmware shows up as updated, except NOTHING works. I don't get it

Can only see one screen in Zenmuse assistant. And the info tab which shows my firmware(s) are current so I assume it is connected. Nothing from my controller is moving, can't see or do anything in Zen assistant. Something's gotta be wrong here. Can't be this difficult to control pitch. I blame myself, but am I missing something here?

So far I:
-Have NO X1 Calibration option in Naza assistant
-Have my Taranis CH5 set to "RS" as an open slider for Tilt
-Have no movement in Zenmuse assistant. Only can see Info tab, which shows my firmware is updated

Anyone have any idea?

Have you tried swopping channels on your Tx, lets say your rudder for channel 5 to try the tilt on the bench with the Tx joystick.
This should test both ie whether slider functions for rudder and the X1 for tilt.

Otherwise I'd be packing the H3-3D and returning it for a replacement or refund.


Have you tried swopping channels on your Tx, lets say your rudder for channel 5 to try the tilt on the bench with the Tx joystick.
This should test both ie whether slider functions for rudder and the X1 for tilt.

Otherwise I'd be packing the H3-3D and returning it for a replacement or refund.

Hmm I haven't tried this yet. Let me see if I can figure it out. Set my rudder to CH5 and then my "RS" slider to the channel Rudder was previously connected to?

Sadly In the back of my mind sending it for a replacement is close. But honestly this gimbal functions great everywhere else except the tilt control. Which I'm not sure if it's the gimbal issue, or a TX issue on my behalf

Hmm I haven't tried this yet. Let me see if I can figure it out. Set my rudder to CH5 and then my "RS" slider to the channel Rudder was previously connected to?

Sadly In the back of my mind sending it for a replacement is close. But honestly this gimbal functions great everywhere else except the tilt control. Which I'm not sure if it's the gimbal issue, or a TX issue on my behalf

All I'm suggesting is you swop the rudder and tilt channels to see if you can use the Left joystick L/R (if Mode 2 Tx) as you know this output works for flight already to tilt the gimbal up & down, & also in Naza asst you should see the rudder move (tests Tx slider output to Rx & Naza is working) with the slider you had set for the gimbal tilt.
Harder to explain clearly than actually do..sorry


All I'm suggesting is you swop the rudder and tilt channels to see if you can use the Left joystick L/R (if Mode 2 Tx) as you know this output works for flight already to tilt the gimbal up & down, & also in Naza asst you should see the rudder move (tests Tx slider output to Rx & Naza is working) with the slider you had set for the gimbal tilt.
Harder to explain clearly than actually do..sorry

No worries. I appreciate the help more than you know, even if I can't solve it lol

So I swapped my RUD channel and there is still no tilt control. Set it to CH5 and nothing. I see on every tutorial an "X1 Calibration" option in Naza. I don't have that option at all. Even updated Assistant software and no damn tilt control. Why me!!!! lol

Do you have a windows machine available? I run mac and windows, and for some reason the mac version doesn't give an option to calibrate the x1 channel.


Can you provide a screenshot of your NAZA assistant for us to see?

Loaded up my mac/naza to take screenshots and the program didn't open. Odd

Hooked up to a new PC and installed Naza on there. Boom! Now all of a sudden I can calibrate X1 and tilt control. So on a new Macbook pro and a few years old PC no luck at all.

Randomly on this pc it now recognizes my X1 input. The tilt is very fast so I believe I need to fine tune some thing still. Never been so happy to see a GoPro move 45 degrees lol.

Sorry to clog the feeds up guys. This forum has really been a great help to even a simple issue, I really appreciate everyone asking or trying to give advice to troubleshoot. This is the reason why this site is above all!!!


im having the same problem

i connect the gimbal to Zenmuse assistant. All firmware shows up as updated, except NOTHING works.

Can only see one screen in Zenmuse assistant. And the info tab which shows my firmware(s) are current so I assume it is connected. Nothing from my controller is moving, can't see or do anything in Zen assistant.

-Have NO X1 Calibration option in Naza assistant
-spektrum dx8 with X1 on knob
-Have no movement in Zenmuse assistant. Only can see Info tab, which shows my firmware is updated

i bought the stand alone(NO
phantom) version of the H3-3D ...
the gimbal works, but is not showing on the assistant softwares,......i just want to be able to do tilt!!!!!!


i don't know what to do anymore.....

any help will be appreciate it
