Wookong Motor`s want start, please help! Short Video


First things first, from the video it would appear that when you disconnect from your computer (which you must - the motors won't arm whilst it's connected to the assistant on your computer) and power cycle, your LED is flashing rapidly red continuously with no pause, correct? The manual is clear that this is one of two things, neither of which are good: (1) Calibration or other error or (2) Second level protection low battery warning. You say that the low battery warning is off so we can rule out number 2, though it would be wise to check.

So, I would suggest you perform compass calibration. I can't honestly say I know that without it it won't arm the motors when the compass isn't calibrated but it seems likely, given that the LED is clearly indicating an error condition. Follow the instructions in the user manual for calibrating the compass. You will need to mount the compass/GPS sensor before you do it.

Once you've done this, try again. If that hasn't cured it, you need to re-check the calibration of your transmitter. The transmitter is clearly working because you can see the responses in the assistant. First, set all the trims to completely neutral/zero/centred position. When you start calibration, don't worry about where the sticks are, what the assistant shows, or anything else. Just click the button to start and move the sticks several times through the full extent of their range. Don't worry that the sliders don't show the full range on the scales on the screen, just move the sticks full through range. Then click finish. Now centre all the sticks. Are all showing in the middle, in green? If not your transmitter is a bit out of alignment, in which case reply and we'll sort that out. Now, move each stick to its extreme and make sure that the indicator moves fully to the end of each scale. It has to go right to the end, otherwise the command to arm the motors won't be received. Verify it's also working in the correct sense, i.e. move throttle fully UP (full power) moves the slider fully to the right, moving throttle fully DOWN (zero power) moves the slider full to the left. Check the others are in the correct sense too - for pitch moving the stick up should move the slider right and for stick down the slider should move left. Once you've done these tests and everything is well, click Write on the menu bar to save the changes to the flight controller. Disconnect the USB cable from the flight controller, power cycle and try again. The slightest lack of extreme position, e.g. caused by subsequently moving the trim a few notches in the other direction, can prevent it arming, as can setting a power curve which doesn't allow the channel to go to the extreme, using dual rates that don't allow the channel to go to the extreme, etc. etc. If your Transmitter has those features check those.

You mention calibrating the ESCs for maximum throttle in the video. This has nothing to do with arming them or not. However, before you fly you DO need to do the calibration, but you can't do it with them connected to the flight controller. You need to unplug all of them from the flight controller, and calibrate them one at a time by plugging them directly in to the throttle channel of your receiver. Once they're all done (not forgetting to also set the battery type to NiMH, ***NOT*** LiPo even though you're using a LiPo battery) you can reconnect the ESCs to the flight controller, paying particular attention to the ordering of the motors; check the manual for the correct sequence.


is the spark description it says

Double spark, stick(s) not at center, speed command is not zero.)

does your radio have a throttle trim? is it all the way down or centered?

checkout page 45

the constant red flash is there too, calibration of compass, is it possible cause you don't have the gps ant mounted?

Hello Kloner and thank you the orange wires are on, this is the only way to plug the wires in.
As for the double sparks, this is really strange, No Stick on the TX has trims, they are all centered. Tried to trim Throttle up and down, even double sparks... really strange


Hello all,

today evening i mounted the Compass and calibrated the Compass- worked fine.
I tried to bind again the TX with RX - No Changes
I setted a new Model in "easy Mode" on my TX - No Changes
All Trims are at 0 and centered
I changed the whole RC System (MX 16 with EZUHF) and calibrated it - Nothing, no Changes
I do not touched the ESC today evening, my wife was at IKEA today and i had to mount some cupboards before :) Will do that tommorow
The IMU is ion Velcro for now, will add Tape when everything is working
Here a short video with better view at my TX Montitor:

Thank you for your Help, specially to Kloner, Tom and Swisser, really much appreciated!! It`s incredible to have so much support from around the World :)

cheers, meme
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It's a shame your video didn't also show the full range of movement for the rudder channel, as that too must go to the extremes. I suspect it does since you've set everything else up carefully, it just would have been nice to see it on the video to confirm it. Ditto voltage protection.

It's hard to say for sure from listening to the video, but don't your ESCs bleep three times after power up indicating that you're using a 3 cell LiPo? Probably won't make any difference to the problem of start up, but you should tell your ESCs that you're using NiMh, not LiPo.

Also have you verified that your ESCs are working and powered correctly? Specifically, have you plugged one in to the throttle channel of your receiver and made it spin by throttling up?


It's a shame your video didn't also show the full range of movement for the rudder channel, as that too must go to the extremes. I suspect it does since you've set everything else up carefully, it just would have been nice to see it on the video to confirm it. Ditto voltage protection.

It's hard to say for sure from listening to the video, but don't your ESCs bleep three times after power up indicating that you're using a 3 cell LiPo? Probably won't make any difference to the problem of start up, but you should tell your ESCs that you're using NiMh, not LiPo.

Also have you verified that your ESCs are working and powered correctly? Specifically, have you plugged one in to the throttle channel of your receiver and made it spin by throttling up?

Hello Swisser, i`ve made that for you:
I have plugged a Motor into the throttlhe channel of the reciever and, yes! Motor is spinning! What a great sound :)
Now i will follow your and Tom`s Instructions and work on the ESC`s.

Best, Meme
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Aerial DP
did you have to power the receiver to make the esc run or did it just power off a bec in the esc?


Ok Guys, i`ve prorammed all the ESC`s, after i tried with removing the red wires.

And 1 Motor is beeping like crazy now :)
I do not wast your (and mine) time anymore... Ordered a F550 today, i am really curious to see if the WKM works on it or i may be to stupid for Copters :)
Thank you really much four help, meme


Based on the videos and everything you've written it seems pretty likely that this isn't any longer a matter of configuration and you've got a hardware fault.


Hello to all, sorry for the delay, i was on a business Trip.
Well i think, the Problem is between the Gaui 18A ESC with Gaui Stock Motors and the WKM.
At least i was not able to solve the Problem, so i've ordered a F550 Kit and will see if the WKM works on that. Wanted to say thanks to all who tried to help me here, will let you know if the WKM worked well on the Wheelframe with DJI ESC`s and Props.

Cheers, meme


Back again, hello.
I've mounted everything on the brandnew DJI Hexa F550 with DJI ESC`s and Motors, and the result is the same..... the Motors won`t spin. The RX is well calibrated, if i change from Atti to Manual/GPS i see the Led changing, everything seems ok. This DJI Stuff is driving me nuts slowly :)
Should i start to contact the Vendor maybe? Has anyone the Multiplex Cockpit SX or the Graupner MX 16 in Use? Maybe i do something wrong on my RX?
Here`s a short Video of the Setup:

cheers, meme
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Tahoe Ed

Active Member
I watched the video. When you are connected to Assistant in the Tx Calibration tab, if you move the rudder right does the slider move right? If you move the Elevator up does the slider move right? If you move the Aileron right does it move right? If you answer no to any of these questions, you need to reverse the channel.


I watched the video. When you are connected to Assistant in the Tx Calibration tab, if you move the rudder right does the slider move right? If you move the Elevator up does the slider move right? If you move the Aileron right does it move right? If you answer no to any of these questions, you need to reverse the channel.

Hello Ed and thanks for helping. All is setted up well, rudder left is slider left and so on. You can see that also here on a former Video i`ve made withe the Gaui: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k3_gJWCbJA This thime there was no trim needed, all trims are setted to 0 and the sliders move to the extreme left/right.

Greets from the Dolomites,


Tahoe Ed

Active Member
Have you tried to connect the motors directly to your receiver? Also for your motor connection to the MU, you have the signal wire up and the negative down. It was difficult for me to see in the video. I apologize that I did not go back to the start of your thread.


Hello all,
I've wrote a Mail to DJI Assistance with my problem, only 2 hours later Terry answered asking me to contact him via skype.
I did that and we had a Teamviewer-Session. After some Stick-moving Terry noticed that the E-Channel was reversed..... no words...
I`ve lost 1 Month in trying and thinking about, but never came to the idea to reverse some Channel, cause that was so logical an correct for me.
Thank you all, anyway, for your help an support, at least i`ve learned a lot from you.

Best, meme
