Unfortunate event as Triathlete sustains head injuries from drone

News Robot

Drone Enthusiast

BY*PETA KINGDON A competitor in today’s Endure Batavia Triathlon has been taken to hospital after an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle*(UAV) otherwise known as a drone, fell from the sky hitting her on the head. The competitor, Raija Ogden was heading into…Read more →


Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Really, the operator said it was 'hacked' by someone in the crowd? Seems a little unlikely given that drones aren't that common yet.


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
Looks like they are trying to hide behind the chap who can use the AR Drone to hack into wifi and other AR Drones. He does that by attacking the Wifi network and protocols involved as I understand it thus for someone to hack into the system here is probably a bit far fetched. Interference maybe but being hacked....hmmmmm. With all that said, hacked or not, a sensible flight plan should have prevented this although without all the facts perhaps I should not jump to conclusions just yet.

Unlucky and bad news for our industry. It can happen to any of us, we plan and do risk assessment the best we can but accident happen, unfortunately somebody was hurt.
Does anyone know the aircraft system involved ?


Head injury caused by a multirotor


Very unfortunate event.

The UAV operated and owned by local videographers New Era Photography and Film were covering the event with live footage and owner Warren Abrams said the circumstances looked to be suspicious.
“We will be conducting a full investigation of what happened but it looks as though someone has hacked into our system,” he said.

Hacked into the system? Who believes this?

I searched for the company's web site but couldn't find it.

Poor athlete, at least he is OK right now.

News Robot

Drone Enthusiast
Triathlete injured in drone incident

ELLE FARCIC AND IAN CUTLER*The West Australian UPDATE: Civil Aviation Safety Authority is*investigating*the drone incident at yesterday’s Endure Batavia Triathlon. An experienced triathlete was injured yesterday when an aerial drone crashed to the ground during the Endure Batavia Triathlon in…Read more →


News Robot

Drone Enthusiast
Serious aviation accident investigation necessary given injuries sustained in Geraldt

The Australian Certified UAV Operators Association (ACUO) welcomes today’s confirmation by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) that it has launched a serious accident investigation into the circumstances surrounding the reported injuring of a female triathlete by an unmanned air…Read more →



unqualified, uninsured and claiming he had CASA approval when he did not, flying a dji 550, that guy is in deep sh1t... hacked ha yeah right!

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
I know right? Why couldn't he just say he had a failure. Just because the hacking story was in the press a few months ago he thought that would be believable. There are just not enough operators around for people to stand about waiting to 'hack' a drone.

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
I just got the 2.4GHz one. It's my control frequency so the only one I care about. It's in my ops manual to monitor the frequency for a few minutes before a flight.

Second picture uploaded shows the poor woman on the floor and he's picking his F550 up.
He should be giving first aid to the woman and his spotter should be dealing with disconnecting the lipo and getting the aircraft safe/ready for investigation.
Did he have a spotter ?
Would he still fly even if he used the RF explorer before hand ? (if it was hacked he might not have picked up any frequency spikes before hand) Im not sticking up for him thats for sure just a possibility.
No insurance or licence to operate what a jerk he's going to be skint after the court case and claim against him.

DJI and other model shops should have guidelines when hobbyist's purchase equipment.
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Have you ever elected not to fly based upon an RFExplorer readout at a potential launch site? What does it show when you turn on your transmitter and a link is established with a receiver? What would it show at a flying field where there could be several 2.4 GHz radios active simultaneously?

It seems like a nice item and the price is reasonable.


I just got the 2.4GHz one. It's my control frequency so the only one I care about. It's in my ops manual to monitor the frequency for a few minutes before a flight.

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Have you ever elected not to fly based upon an RFExplorer readout at a potential launch site? What does it show when you turn on your transmitter and a link is established with a receiver? What would it show at a flying field where there could be several 2.4 GHz radios active simultaneously?

It seems like a nice item and the price is reasonable.


Hi Steve,

I have not been in an area where there was too much interference to fly, to date. When I power up the tx and rx ready to fly the frequency is saturated across the band showing the peaks of (in my case Spektrum) frequencies. As long as any interference is less than these peaks I'm happy. I have not flown with others operating on the same frequencies but I imagine I would see similar peaks, but knowing multiple tx's can be used, and are used, in close proximity I wouldn't be so worried. If the source was unknown and more powerful than my tx peaks, I wouldn't fly.

Usually I just pick up some low power wireless signals, but after a while you get to know what these look like and their range is limited. They tend to bunch together in the middle of the band.

When I first got it, I would take it all over the place and just scan stuff. It does detect bluetooth from my phone so I make sure all bluetooth stuff is turned off. Of course there are many people using bluetooth without incident so this is probably overkill.

I use it just for piece of mind and so I can safely say I checked my band was clear to operate.

Is that any help?
