Mikrokopter Uncontrolled Yaw - SOLVED


Drone Enthusiast
I have another issue. on test flying my new FC I am getting uncontrolled Left yaw and I cannot stop it with all the stick movement I can give it. Then it will start responding again.. This may happen once or twice during a 12 min hovering flight... any ideas :confused:


Drone Enthusiast
Well it seems to have gone away. I re - flashed the firmware and reloaded my settings.. Just done two test flights both 10 mins no problem except a bit of yaw drift either was in the wind


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it's not uncommon for the MK's to wander in yaw near the end of the flight when battery power is reduced but your issue isn't like that it seems. if you've fixed it, great.....if not, i'd take a look at where the gyros mount to see if they've got any cracks in the solder. was the electronics stack still secure in the frame after your encounter with the sculpture?


Drone Enthusiast
Its back.. but now constantly... Just going to reflash the FC firmware

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Drone Enthusiast
Ok.. Now Im beat. Reset FC, Re flashed 82b, Unplugged all servos.. reloaded original FC config and it matches all settings. tried different FC settings from previous set up and still the same.. all control is ok flies level but spins anti clockwise..


Defies Psychics
What does the yaw gyro and compass scope reading look like in MKTool when sitting still and when props are powered but MK is still.

I would fix the I2C error first though.
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Drone Enthusiast
Hi Crash.. not sure what I would be looking for. The 12c error is not there now but as it is intermittent on BL3. I was thinking of swapping out the BL3 when I get my spares order from Sandor. Could you be a lovey and post a quick pic of what I should be seeing..

I am thinking the yaw giro is buggered but not sure how to test it.. would the SD card file help?

Its is a ne board but it did have the ceiling incident last weekend which I suppose could have done sumat I cant see through my Sherlock Holmes spy glass!



Drone Enthusiast
Hey Crash.. Just been and had a looksee.. I turned everything off but the yaw giro on the scope. its pretty flat line until it try and lift off then it takes a dive down when I get the copter light on its feet.



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do you or anyone you know have a digital tachomteter? the handheld kind? you could put some weight on the gear legs and run up the props to see if they're all turning at the same speeds. do you hear the motors changing pitch when you try to counter the yaw as if they're changing speeds? is there any chance you've got a mismatched prop on there by mistake? if the yaw is a mechanical problem it would be a misaligned motor, wrong prop, slow motor somewhere....something along those lines


Defies Psychics

Which way does #3 motor spin? If BL3 is not acting right then that could be enough to yaw the copter although the MK would try to compensate as much as possible.

What I would do is to remove both cables to the navi and turn off compass and navi functions in the firmware. That's take magnetic interference and magnetic compass problems out of the loop and keeps it from masking any gyro problem.

Now you can focus on the airframe being straight, motors vertical, and the yaw gyro working as it should. They are prone to breaking at the solder joints and the yaw is the worst if the board gets impacted. The solder joints are on the bottom of the part so it takes special tools to repair properly.

Connect the bird to Mktool and turn off everything on the scope except for yaw gyro. As you spin the bird, you should see a somewhat smooth line and the gyro readings should be somewhat stable with no motion. Keep in mind that the gyro compass will not be accurate because you took the mag compass off. The readings should be repeatable though. IOW, turning 90 degrees and back should return to it's initial reading.

I can't hook up my MK right now to take a screen cap. Maybe someone else can.

Strapping the copter to a bench so it cannot rotate and powering it up may help. If you see the gyro or magnetic compass moving when under power then you know something is wrong. Vibration of the running copter may also help reveal a faulty gyro or it's solder connection.



Drone Enthusiast
Crash / Bart.. the weird thing is its been flying ok. I had an initial problem on sat morning when the thing was crazy.. Guess what.. I did not put my glasses on when I inserted the SD card.. Tosspot!.. I inserted a 64mb Nokia phone SD.. the ones I had problems with ages ago.. why they are still in my works shop I cant say but now they are binned!..

Thing is everything sounds fine. I have checked the amps draw on each motor and there all about the same.. Number three motor which is top front right as you look from the rear is a bit noisier than the rest with out the props on but other wise it has flow fine this morning with three pack but I have had this little niggle coz it did it intermittantly that it may happen in the future.. now its constant so at least I can trouble shoot it.. The last vid may shed a bit of light on it.

Thanks chaps for you input..



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i'm not sure that that video really tells us anything....the little shove you gave it made the scope change and it jumped around when you flew it but i couldn't see the scope well enough to know what it showed.......crash?
i wish i was more of a software and electrons guy but i'm not.


Drone Enthusiast
If you watch the scope the yaw giro takes a dive down when I try and take off.. Just about as steeply as this learning curve!


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bring it to New Jersey and we'll get it fixed. i'd kinda expect the yaw gyro to freak out as your taking off if the copter isn't perfectly stable.
a lot of times we've seen these odd behaviors are the result of assembly errors, no offense but can you just check all your props, your motor assignments, etc. one more time?


Spiralling out of control

Had a similar problem, turned out to be the navi and compass needed recalibrating....worth a try?



Drone Enthusiast
Bart... If it was a few years ago Id be on the first plane.. Bugger this gettin owd and committed to work ;-) One day buddy we will hook up. The thing I cant understand is it flew fine but now its just yawing all the time.

JT.. hows it going buddy.. Sorry I did not get back to you about the mount but I have ben rammed with bloody work.. How can peeps be bored when they retire!?

Its worth a go.. I will go back to basics tomorrow. take out the nav and mag3 and just have it as a FC. and see if that works but I have a gut feeling its the FC

Thanks for the input..



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when things like that just defy logic i usually clear my bench, pour a coffee, put some music on and start fiddling with wires, connections, whatever hardware I can get my fingers on to see if something is loose or pinched or whatever. after that i grab my little magnifying lens (it's the kind that fabric manufacturers use to count threads per inch) and look at everything I can see. only after I do all of that do I switch to beer and try to understand what the software is doing. at some point i cry for help and sooner or later it gets fixed. you're almost there, check it all and it'll be flying straight and true very soon.


Defies Psychics
David, It's takes about 12 seconds to 'remove' the navi and compass. Pull the two cables off of the FC and transfer your telemetry cable to the 10 pin on the FC. Then uncheck them in MKTool. You could likely just uncheck them so they don't function but removing the cables is a 100% guarantee.

The reason to strap it down is to see if it thinks it is rotating when it is not. If it passes that test with just the gyro and then with the magnetic compass activated then the problem will lie with the ESCs, motor or airframe. Or some combination of them.

Below is an old screen shot.


  • screenshot.20.jpg
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