UK / Europe MRF Community Meet


Drone Enthusiast
Well I cant make it now im afraid, i was made rdundant yesterday :livid:, so the wifey aint happy, :black_eyed:
I only have the company car until the end of the month and gotta keep an eye on the pennies for a while.
Hopefully i have some better luck ready for a spring/summer meet, i was looking forward to seeing all your ugly mugs.
I wish you all well have a good one, and i look forward to seeing the pictures and videos from the meet.


Real bummer buddy.. do you really want to see the videos?

Good luck getting work..



Draganflyer X4
To make things easier for the missus, I'll be bringing my 10yo daughter with, then the missus only has 1 child to look after. She has said she would like to make us all coffee, so we will have an onsite canteen as well :)


Drone Enthusiast
Full kitchen available with microwave/oven.. Bring butties or summat to chuck in mwave.. There is a butty van comes round during the week but I dont think she comes at weekend..

There is a Tesco couple of miles away.. but tea coffee milk ect will be availible



Drone Enthusiast
Dave, what is the itinerary? Is your unit close to the flying field?

I Guess it is going to be very dependent on the weather.. We have a limited flying area at the unit for testing etc etc but the main flying field is about 12/15 mins drive away.
General plan to meet and tweek and what ever at the unit with testing and all the malarky and then happen go flying field.. Sunday tuning mithering and flying!

Agin we are open for any suggestions / requests.. If there is anything in particular you want to learn / see / fondle! then let me know and I will see what I can arrange



Drone Enthusiast
Two world exclusives showcased!

Just a quick one to say we have managed to get TWO world exclusive products to show case this weekend.. I think they are going to be game changers and will be perfectly matched to make the WMK even better!


Draganflyer X4
Just a quick one to say we have managed to get TWO world exclusive products to show case this weekend.. I think they are going to be game changers and will be perfectly matched to make the WMK even better!

As long as one of them is a bacon and egg butty, I'm happy ;)


Drone Enthusiast
So who is coming and when?

Ok its now getting close to our weekend but I really could do with numbers... times etc.

Please could you all give us some idea's on when you will turn up..

If you need any directions or out you best be PM'ing me for my mobile number..

I should be at the unit for about 9am but if anyone is going to be there sooner I need to know..


Hi Dave, looks like the 3 of us will be up on Sunday, hopefully get there for 9ish, looking forward to a look at some droidworx stuff in the flesh


We'll be with you Sat am and Sun as well.
Assume its still L40 8JY, somewhere in here ?
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I prepared my pack with me. I'm flying to UK in a few hours.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to bring any of my copters with me :( I'll be the guy making videos, taking pictures, and repair work!


Drone Enthusiast
@ ZAxis
Thats the Main Gate to the Park. The cement hopper is no longer there. My unit is just behind it!

Drive right round the park and you will see a BIG caravan and a grey VW Transorter. Its there, Unit 701.

Its best to drive round and Park at the front of the row of units.. mine is the one with the solar panel array over the front doors.. I aint got a name banner on the unit yet



Drone Enthusiast
I prepared my pack with me. I'm flying to UK in a few hours.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to bring any of my copters with me :( I'll be the guy making videos, taking pictures, and repair work!

I am sure your time will be well appreciated.. I am sure there will be something you can have a go with..


I'll be there 9-10 on Sat. Sunday is in dispute with the Mrs. She wants me home Sat night but i did tell her it was the 'weekend'.

Done quite a bit of work on the quad alreadyand its in a new body with the electronics now internal, also have made some landing gear and gopro mount. Just need the ESC's and props to arrive to make that transformation to Y6 at the event.... Come on Postie....


Drone Enthusiast
Come on Postie....

Know what you mean.. I am trying to track a very special package!.... So frustrating..

HayHo.. it gets closer.. tell her indoors its like going to a really special fashion show that will make her the most beautiful in the world.. and would you stop her!! ;-)

Jake Bullit

Ferrying kids to a party at Burscough for 11,will call in for about 1 hour after to say hello and drop bacon/sausage off(if required,let me know).Then taking kids home to HB about 12 ish,then back in the afternoon.
