UK / Europe MRF Community Meet


Drone Enthusiast
There seems to be quite a few peeps on here now in the UK.. I was thinking of sorting a meet/mindmelt/flying weekend.. Would anybody be interested?

I have a great place to meet and fly in Lancashire so this is where I would be organising it at


No Reason why our members cannot come from over the channel either as there are great transport links close by!
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Active Member
I am very interested Dave, would give me a chance to actually see one of these things fly in real life!!!!
And of course to meet like minded we would need dates so that the mrs can book time off of work.



Drone Enthusiast
Open for dates but I think we need about a month to get it orgonised depends on how many peeps want to come..

Was thinking of a tekky day with a couple of suppliers maybe
Count me in

Geoff how many different types of quads could you display?

discussions on regs, possible uk aero photo website / group.. Cameras ect
day flying / setups testing etc..

Possible meet friday night for drinks ect.. sat tekky/ sun flying



quadcopters Drone Specialists
I could display a Gaui 330x-s , 500X , Xaircraft x450 pro , x650v 4 and x650 x8 , A wookong system but dont know what it will be on at the time ,Droidworx Mk Quad XL fully loaded, And possibly a Hexa Xl on Droidworx , And who knows what else I will have around me at the time .
Im planning
We plan to go away in the next few weeks for a much needed break so will need to arrange time prob mid Oct ish I reckon.

Jake Bullit

Sounds great,everything I have learned in the past few months has come off the net.It would be nice to learn off real people and see what sort of setup everyone has.


Are we newbies allow to come along as well, as i feel we could get a lot out of it. :)
Im interested in coming along for sure.



Active Member
October sounds great...can we have a post code for the area Dave so that I can find a campsite ;)



Draganflyer X4
I'd love to come but it's a 10 hour round trip for me from Reading...not to mention £200 in fuel :eek: I will have to give this one a miss, but feel free to make the next one further down south :)

We did actually have one down here a couple of months ago. It was very successful, even though the weather was horrid.


Drone Enthusiast
Postcode L40 8JY for the meeting place. Its a large commercial unit I have for work which has a meeting room and room to fly indoors if necessary (demonstration purposes only). I also have access to bigger units if the weather is really crappy which could give a bit more elbow room!

Gunter.. the reason for posting early is there may be potential for car sharing..

We have access to two major airports Manchester (40mins / Liverpool 40 mins if your MR will get you here then Woodvale or we could get landing permission for micro lites on site!

Two main line train stations within 20 mins with links to Burscough train station. Ill post a suggested date when I have a few mins but end of middle / end of october ish



Active Member
Dave, is that an old airfeild just south of the industrial estate I see? So if the weather is good (fingers crossed), what area can we fly outside?



Drone Enthusiast
Yep old airfield. I will try and get permission very local... like walking distance to a field next to the Park but if not I have a 15 acre flying area with fishing ponds and a MX course on it which will make good practice ground for filming moving target! Its about 10/15mins drive away.


The google maps pic is OLD.. The new estate is the area where it says drivewise contracts and now looks like this
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Active Member

Do you know much about this campsite-

Abbey Farm Caravan Park
Dark Lane Farm
L40 5TX



Drone Enthusiast
Had an offer of FPV demonstrations.. I am sure Geoff from will also be able to bring examples also



Draganflyer X4
Gunter.. the reason for posting early is there may be potential for car sharing..

True...I have a big 7 seater and trailer, kit could go in there. If there are 5 others from down here that would be willing to share petrol costs it would be worthwhile.
