Zero UAV UAV Zero Steadi470


Yes. One lead. I don't know about that, but in this instance the Rx is not controlling any servos

Thanks Rob that makes install nice and easy I wish this stuff was around about 15 years when I did serious fixed wing flying.
Cheers, johnno.



Received my Stedi470 just yesterday. I was able to assemble to airframe in less than 2 hours last evening. Still have to mount the electronics etc; however the airframe assembly was a piece of cake thanks to the pics and video here. Thank you all for sharing this information.

I have been using a YS-X6 FC for some time now and am looking forward to testing this new configuration with extra IMU etc.




Received my Stedi470 just yesterday. I was able to assemble to airframe in less than 2 hours last evening. Still have to mount the electronics etc; however the airframe assembly was a piece of cake thanks to the pics and video here. Thank you all for sharing this information.

I have been using a YS-X6 FC for some time now and am looking forward to testing this new configuration with extra IMU etc.


hi mark, the build was pretty straight forward if that gimbal section was in pieces it would be a different story. What rx are you going to use?


I am using an Frsky SBUS receiver. As the second (gimbal) IMU connects to the standard receiver ports on the primary IMU do not know how a standard receiver could be used. Also will make wire routing much cleaner.



I have the same problem. Started out by connecting the receiver to the "aileron-elevator.." and so on connections until I found out the steadi-IMU uses those ports. Are we supposed to use the Channels 5-8 for Rx? I see no other way


Hi Mark and Sonic you kinda get the impression that they want you to go down the SBus Path but it does make for a simplier install, how far are you guys away from flying? I wont be ready for about a month at this stage.


I wrote to Zero-UAV about the problem, will share with all if I receive it soon. Why expecting a whole month before flight? At present all parts are put together, and objects placed. Going to make a wire harness next. Been reading about the YS6 setup and trying to figure it all out. It has a lot of options.


Has anyone connected their Stedi-470 wifi module to their wireless network/router/hotspot yet? Mine doesn't seem to like the standard YS-X6-serial# prefix. It also seems this module is advertising itself as YS-X6-serial#N (with an N on the end). If you were able to connect to yours please let me know, how you were able to do this?


P.S. With the same wifi equipment I am able to connect to my other YS-X6 FC via wifi. With the Stedi-470 FC I can connect via PC USB-serial bridge but not WIFI. Also the wifi module now has a red LED vs. the previous version having a blue LED.


Has anyone connected their Stedi-470 wifi module to their wireless network/router/hotspot yet? Mine doesn't seem to like the standard YS-X6-serial# prefix. It also seems this module is advertising itself as YS-X6-serial#N (with an N on the end). If you were able to connect to yours please let me know, how you were able to do this?


P.S. With the same wifi equipment I am able to connect to my other YS-X6 FC via wifi. With the Stedi-470 FC I can connect via PC USB-serial bridge but not WIFI. Also the wifi module now has a red LED vs. the previous version having a blue LED.

Hi Mark, getting close to doing that same thing you are lucky enough to be able to compare another device I was hoping that was going to be straight forward maybe not. Im sure someone out has an answer for you.
Good Luck, Johnno.


Hi Mark and Johnno. Have you had a look at the latest Quick Start Guide which explains exactly how to do it with the N. I have a copy on my website under Resources.




Thank you. I have skimmed through the new manual and now see the configuration differences. I will try this later today. Also saw the stedi calibration write up, this will also be very useful. Thank you yet again.



Under "CTRL Type" should be set to 6 for the Steadi-470. When I go into parameters enter "6" for CTRL-Type and click send, I then do a "get" and it has reset back to CTRL Type 2. I have now tried numerous times to set this variable and get the same result, a 2 vs. a 6. Latest version of firmware and GSC (Android tablet). Any ideas would be much appreciated?



View attachment 7603Finally got all the parts (I think) I need to complete building the wiring harness. Found these 4 to 1 plugs that I plan on using to connect to the battery. I decided to lengthen each of the wires coming off the ESC using bullet connectors, then plug into the 4:1 adapter. I like the idea of flexibility of all the pieces - though always concerned about weight and loose connections - so it is a trade off. In any case, I will complete the harness then hook up the electronics. Hopefully all the Parameters and WIFI issues above will be successfully addressed before I get to that point. I'll put up another video of the electronics build one I finish.


  • Harness 1.jpg
    Harness 1.jpg
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Does anyone know if I need to make a shock mount for the two IMU units? I believe the IMU requires a shock pad when bought separately???


I have used standard double sided tape for both IMU's. I have found the IMU inthe standard YS-X6 configuration works better when mounted this way. Also have seen posts where other have also recommended mounting the YS IMU this way.



Calibration Completed


I was able to calibrate my 470 last evening, no real issues but a few findings:

1) The default Gimbal IMU settings (PTZ) were way to high. Defaults were at 80 and 50. When I connected the flight battery to the system (after having just powered up the FC for programming) the Gimbal servos chattered back and forth at 90 degree angles. I set the PTZ setting to 5 and the issue went away. For now I am at 10 and 15 and seem to have no chatter and good resolution.

2) The new wifi module was a new learning curve, I had to reset mine as I was playing with it in an attempt to get it to route to a mifi module as well. (wanted to continue to have internet access when in the field for maps) Still a work in progress as this wifi module/router does not like to use it as appointed default route ( which is my wifi module. Also having issues with the mifi module using different encryption than the wifi module which causes different password string lengths. I will get it figured out with a bit more time.

3) The power harness was also not included in my kit, but was easy to use 3.5mm bullet connectors to the ESC's and then separate connectors for the FC to the battery. With this configuration I was able to supply power to only the FC when needed for programming etc.

4) The new GSC (PC) software would not bring up maps (as in previous posts) and I had to revert to a previous version too. Thanks Rob!!

Total airframe assembly time was under 2 hours, with another hour or so for the power harness (had parts needed on hand). I am certain I could now assemble one in half the time. The setup of the FC and extra IMU was a piece of cake, but I have been using a YS-X6 for a while now.

All in all very happy to date with the Steadi-470 and am now waiting for my used NEX-5 and Sony CCD camera to turn up and I will be ready to go!

Thanks to all who have answered my questions (posts), you have made this project much easier for me.



Does anyone know if I need to make a shock mount for the two IMU units? I believe the IMU requires a shock pad when bought separately???

Hi,Socratic I bought everything together and there wasn't anything special to mount the IMU's the assembly video just used double sided tape, I bought a roll of thick double sided tape which has a sponge centre seems ok.I don't know what you could buy that would give support and be a shock mount as well.
