Two drones almost collide with NYPD chopper

Old Man

Active Member
Its probably much worse than that.
I can understand why people might not be able to post inspirational footage that gets the kind of views a video of flying your dead cat around

Geez, You had to remind me of that one. That one had to top the poor taste scale.


There's a simple answer to all of this. Force any consumer device that flys to have severe limitations. Such as no higher than 20 meters or no further than 50 meters from take off built in to the firmware. If you want to go further you have to move in to another class of equipment and get a license. Yes, I live in a fantasy world. :)


Drone Enthusiast
Have any of you guys tried the game "Deer Hunter?" It's the WORST game ever made. Now see how negative publicity works. It can be some of the most powerful marketing strategies ever.


There's a simple answer to all of this. Force any consumer device that flys to have severe limitations. Such as no higher than 20 meters or no further than 50 meters from take off built in to the firmware. If you want to go further you have to move in to another class of equipment and get a license. Yes, I live in a fantasy world. :)

That would be so boring, but I could see restrictions like that happening due to the capability of cheap multi-copters and other remote controlled aircraft. The manufacturers may end up engineering the stupidity out of the masses. I like having the freedom of flight. That's what makes flying fun. DJI has already taken initiative by restricting flight near major airports.

Anyone think that MAYBE the FAA is doing this to back their agenda? Get a few RUBES throw them a few bucks, a joint and a Phantom and let "Merica" take over?
2 crazy incidents in 2 weeks right after their announcement?

I ain't buying it.

(tin foil hat on)


Drone Enthusiast
Anyone think that MAYBE the FAA is doing this to back their agenda? Get a few RUBES throw them a few bucks, a joint and a Phantom and let "Merica" take over?
2 crazy incidents in 2 weeks right after their announcement?

I ain't buying it.

(tin foil hat on)

This presupposes there weren't enough raging idiots with too much money on their hands and a lack of brain cells floating around BEFORE the FAA stumbled onto its own version of raging idiocy with too much money on its hands :)

seriously though folks. The FAA doesn't need to spend any energy looking for help in this matter. There are enough kids without common sense or awareness of consequence around to do this all on their own...


These are all good points, most on this forum have been doing this almost since the inception of MR's, how many of you have first hand knowledge of anyone sustaining a life threatening injury? or have seen a mid air with a real airplane?

I'm not saying that there aren't an army of idiots out there but I don't believe its nearly as bad as its being reported. No doubt that some people will unbox their Phantoms and firewall the throttle and wonder where it went but you can't legislate stupidity.

I agree that I think the FAA will certainly use all of this hype and hyperbole and the comments period to push its agenda, its interesting that the FAA has made this about compensation and not safety.


Just look at car and truck accidents. Hundreds per day, often with serious injury or even fatal. But it's fine because everyone understands and tolerates the risk equation. It's the opposite with MR's. They are new and scary to the vast majority of people. All they see is privacy infringement and/or something weaponized. That and because it's still novel to most folks it draws significant attention and scrutiny. But even if a MR killed someone every day for the rest of the year it wouldn't hold a candle to what auto accidents do.

The perception of MR's is in a horrible state, overall, and without a doubt most of the idiots with phantoms are destroying public perception more and more every day.

News Robot

Drone Enthusiast
New York Police helicopter and sUAS Airprox update

Well done to*David Handschuh of the New York Daily News for securing this video.*Remy Castro, 23 and Wilkins Mendoza, 34 who were charged in Manhattan Criminal Court with felony reckless endangerment on Tuesday for flying there RPAS at night in…Read more →


Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
They seemed like really nice guys! Shame they weren't videoing the flight from the Phantom, that would be great evidence in their defence.


Mr take no prisoners!
Just look at car and truck accidents. Hundreds per day, often with serious injury or even fatal. But it's fine because everyone understands and tolerates the risk equation. It's the opposite with MR's. They are new and scary to the vast majority of people. All they see is privacy infringement and/or something weaponized. That and because it's still novel to most folks it draws significant attention and scrutiny. But even if a MR killed someone every day for the rest of the year it wouldn't hold a candle to what auto accidents do.

The perception of MR's is in a horrible state, overall, and without a doubt most of the idiots with phantoms are destroying public perception more and more every day.

32,000 gun deaths in the US every year, no one cares, go figure!

Old Man

Active Member
38,000 to 48,000 deaths due to traffic accidents, yet no one cares. Sorry, you brought up guns and many do care, but understand the guns aren't the problem. It's the people.


Arducopter Developer
Have any of you guys tried the game "Deer Hunter?" It's the WORST game ever made. Now see how negative publicity works. It can be some of the most powerful marketing strategies ever.

Clearly you have never played ET for the Atari. ;) (yes, I actually had it)


Arducopter Developer
These are all good points, most on this forum have been doing this almost since the inception of MR's, how many of you have first hand knowledge of anyone sustaining a life threatening injury? or have seen a mid air with a real airplane?

I'm not saying that there aren't an army of idiots out there but I don't believe its nearly as bad as its being reported. No doubt that some people will unbox their Phantoms and firewall the throttle and wonder where it went but you can't legislate stupidity.

The thing is, it's like the Infinite Monkeys Theorem. Given enough monkeys flying Phantoms, eventually one of them will bring down an airliner. It's just a question of how much time it takes. Just because it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it never will. Owning and flying a multirotor has only been possible for the completely brainless for about 1 year or so. They are exploding in popularity. I was in Ottawa for Canada Day last week, and I was truly walking around, expecting to see a Phantom. I didn't see one, but I probably wasn't in the crowded area for long enough.

These things can't continue to go unrestricted. I fully support a hard 400 foot limit in the software. There's not many reasons to go higher. If you do have a reason, get professionally licensed, and buy a professional system without the limit.


Keep in mind that the FAA isn't trying to regulate the hobbyist, most of the restrictions are aimed at commercial use. I agree with what your saying, the only thing I'm pointing out is that there aren't nearly as many Phantoms out there being flown recklessly as are being claimed.

Like most toys, some will play with them for a while, get bored and then relegate them to the floor in their closet and for those that really get into them they might go onto become pilots or at the very least commercial SUAS pilots.

I think the problem with continually posting YouTube examples of people doing dumb things is that it creates this "us verses" them attitude. We were ALL them the first time we flew a multirotor, some were a little older with a little more common sense, Some had a mentor to encourage and advise us, some found their way to MR flying through forums like this and others just purchased a Phantom from B&H and had no clue what to do with it. Like US, THEY will figure it out.

32,000 gun deaths in the US every year, no one cares, go figure!

The figures are all over the place according to who presents them and according to their agenda.
It seem that there were about 32,000 gun related deaths in the US however, 60% of those were suicides and don't really count because they would have found a way no matter what.
Early numbers suggest that there were nearly an equal amount of highway deaths.
For the purpose of our discussion, there were no Multi-copter related deaths other then John Smith of Palo Alto who died of complications when his wife, who told him not to purchase the Phantom V-2, shoved it up his a$$.

My point is, all this discussion is fruitless and a waste of good flying time.
Stay Flying My Friend.

2 Sides to every story. New York Morons might not be Morons!

And people said I was crazy to think the FAA might be pushing buttons to get their way.

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Welcome to!!
it's going to be interesting to see what witnesses will have to say once they're under oath.
