Keep in mind that the FAA isn't trying to regulate the hobbyist, most of the restrictions are aimed at commercial use. I agree with what your saying, the only thing I'm pointing out is that there aren't nearly as many Phantoms out there being flown recklessly as are being claimed.
Like most toys, some will play with them for a while, get bored and then relegate them to the floor in their closet and for those that really get into them they might go onto become pilots or at the very least commercial SUAS pilots.
I think the problem with continually posting YouTube examples of people doing dumb things is that it creates this "us verses" them attitude. We were ALL them the first time we flew a multirotor, some were a little older with a little more common sense, Some had a mentor to encourage and advise us, some found their way to MR flying through forums like this and others just purchased a Phantom from B&H and had no clue what to do with it. Like US, THEY will figure it out.