Things They Do Not Tell You

Long time no post have you sorted things out Chris?

No ben. Since I have nothing to go on nor any information to apply to the situation I have a very nice and well equipped hexacopter that decorates my bedroom.

However, I have gained access to a DJI Phantom quadcopter which I can fly all over the place. That aircraft is amazing and could be flown in the basic movements in the Attitude Mode by an eight year old child with five minutes of instruction.


I understand the hex copters can be very hard to set up so that is why I'm going to stick to quad copters for the time being. Maybe sell the hex or are you going to wait to you get more multi rotor savvy? Sometimes hanging onto stuff is the better idea.

I understand the hex copters can be very hard to set up so that is why I'm going to stick to quad copters for the time being. Maybe sell the hex or are you going to wait to you get more multi rotor savvy? Sometimes hanging onto stuff is the better idea.

After all the time, money, blood, sweat and tears Ken put into that bird for me I certainly could never think of selling it. No, I have a very good deal there and when I learn enough about the NAZA system I will put my GoPro 3 on that hexacopter and make some fantastic aerial videos. The DJI Phantom uses the NAZA system and is teaching me quite a bit about it. You should look into the Phantom. It does some quite amazing things.


Mr take no prisoners!
I understand the hex copters can be very hard to set up so that is why I'm going to stick to quad copters for the time being. Maybe sell the hex or are you going to wait to you get more multi rotor savvy? Sometimes hanging onto stuff is the better idea.

A hex with a Naza FCU is exactly the same to setup as a quad, both very easy.



Mr take no prisoners!
I keep thinking about making a quad with a foam "Back To The Future" car body but so many other projects happening I never quite get around to it, that and I am useless at carving foam. Maybe a flying saucer will be much easier to do, I would probably end up with a, ellipse.....


Hello Ken,

I have been having much trouble trying to send you a PM. Don't know if I succeeded. My computer is really acting up. Hope you can get it this way.

It sure sounds as if you are under a lot of pressure from all directions. I hope that quota number becomes a reality and then some. Anyone with a head for business has my complete respect, but then, what do I know? If I knew anything I would be living in Malibu.

My major MR problem is that I am locked in for the moment. We live in a mobile home on my daughter's property and there is precious little space to fly anything, plus the fact that trees abound to cut off any satellite signal that may want to poke around. Add to that the fact that any decent flying area is some distance from here and I can only use my wife's car when she isn't using it, which is a rare occurrence. Oh yeah, and then getting around is a real chore, so I really need a little help, which is nonexistant. These is absolutely no one in my family who shares my MR interest, so any setting up or traveling to a flying area I must do alone and needing a walker to get from one place to another makes it difficult to pack all my gear including the walker into the car I can rarely use, all by myself.

So, presently I am just flying the Phantom around a bit outside my back door and as soon as possible I intend to check out a Community Center about ten miles from here where I know there is plenty of space to fly. That is, if they will allow it. You would think that would not be in question, but I have a genius for creating unique and frustrating situations where none existed before. If I can surmount all those circumstances and gain some piloting ability I shall turn my attention to the hex, which I really want to get off the ground. And then FINALLY I may be able to think about mounting my GoPro 3 and actually shoot some video.

I have been pitching an idea out on the Internet, but get no response. Where the heck are all the retirees who don't want to sit on a park bench and feed the ducks? All those who may want a challenging and satisfying hobby like aerial videography. I want to explain to them that their life isn't over. It could have a satisfying new beginning. I want to start an Over The Hill Multirotor Aircraft Association just for retired people who still have a creative imagination no matter what their "well-meaning" relatives tell them about the "home" not really being all that bad and all they have to do is adjust. The home is still where the heart is and flying mutirotor aircraft can take the heart soaring into the clouds and bring satisfaction they never knew existed. I want to let senior citizens know that even if they are old in body, their free spirited minds can fly above, and look down upon, this sad old globe called Earth. I know they must be out there. I just have to find them.

Thanks for listening Ken. I will keep you posted on my new adventures as soon as I have any. I will appreciate any further flying advice you can offer.

All my thanks,
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Nice to hear you got it off the ground Chris! As far as I know trees don't do a good job of cutting off satellite reception then again I don't get a strong signal until I'm ten to fifteen feet off the ground and we do have some big trees near. I'm getting a Fat Shark today and in the next week I'll try to get it up and working so at that point I can let you know if I find it a way to get beyond your boundaries and fly out there without any help, that is if you want to go that route.

Nice to hear you got it off the ground Chris! As far as I know trees don't do a good job of cutting off satellite reception then again I don't get a strong signal until I'm ten to fifteen feet off the ground and we do have some big trees near. I'm getting a Fat Shark today and in the next week I'll try to get it up and working so at that point I can let you know if I find it a way to get beyond your boundaries and fly out there without any help, that is if you want to go that route.

Hi ben, long time no hear. Yeah, I'll go any route that will take me to my of ultimate goal of aerial videography.

One of my problems is that I'm so cramped here at home I can't build up my control confidence by being able to spread out and really fly my Phantom. Really only room for forward, back, up, down, left, right. If I could only find an assistant more than half my problems would be solved.

Well, I shall carry on old man and see what the future brings. A future which gets shorter all the time.
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You do need the room to learn how to bank corners at speed and navigating in panic situations. Learning to fly RC helis first which made flying quads much easier BUT the frustration level with RC helis is off the scale compared to these things and far more difficult. How much room do you have for flying?


I know! Break out the chainsaw and remove a couple of dozen trees that should really improve your sight line. LOL

You do need the room to learn how to bank corners at speed and navigating in panic situations. Learning to fly RC helis first which made flying quads much easier BUT the frustration level with RC helis is off the scale compared to these things and far more difficult. How much room do you have for flying?

Not a heck of a lot. Tommorow I will take some pictures of my flying area and post them here. You will see that I only have room to do the most basic maneuvers.

Hi Ben,

Here are two shots out my back door. This is the area in which I can fly my Phantom.

As you can see, not much flying room. Thursday morning I am going to a local community Center and fly in an open space for the first time.

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Not much room down low but turn on the GPS and put it above the trees where you can see it and that will increase your area just don't go too fast. Glad you are going to a large area make sure you take lots of batteries!

Not much room down low but turn on the GPS and put it above the trees where you can see it and that will increase your area just don't go too fast. Glad you are going to a large area make sure you take lots of batteries!


Hope you still check this thread. I'm still GROUND BOUND because I have no way to get physically away from home. I have hit upon a great idea from which I can get no response so far. I have posted the following plea in various forms on various forums. Tell me what you think.

Ladies and/or Gentlemen,

I am an 84 year old retired photographer living in Homeland, California. I am trying to start what I call the Over The Hill Multirotor Aircraft Association. It would be a new lease on life for retirees who don't want to just sit on a park bench and feed the ducks while they wait to go to the home or die.

Flying radio controlled quadcopters is an exhilarating and rewarding experience. Mount a camera such as the GoPro 3 on a quadcopter such as the DJI Phantom and you become a videographer who can soar above the earth and see its true beauty through aerial videography. Trouble is . . . I don't quite know how to promote the idea. I am writing this email because you guys have that know how. The DJI Phantom is the most inovative quadcopter on the market and through Colin's tutorials and enthusiastic support of the product more and more people are discovering the Phantom and all that it can do. But that is only half the story. The elation comes from the spectacular high definition footage that the GoPro 3 can provide of the Earth far below the Phantom. I want to show retirees how the GoPro 3 mounted on the DJI Phantom can give their mind more freedom than most people know exists. With the GoPro 3 camera they can discover the true meaning of the phrase, "a bird's eye view".

But I need your help and advice. Help me get the message across to retirees in my area that retiring isn't the end of their productive life. It can be the beginning of a whole new field of endeavor . . . aerial videography. Any advice or path to which you can point me will make this old man's day.

Christopher R. Mohr Senior

Where am I going wrong?



Hi Chris, long time no hear from you. Do you have video footage you can post on You Tube? You may want to contact local community centers and churches to put the word out locally. You may find an interested party or two there.

Hi Chris, long time no hear from you. Do you have video footage you can post on You Tube? You may want to contact local community centers and churches to put the word out locally. You may find an interested party or two there.

I have tried those avenues ben. No one seems to want to answer an old man who isn't offering them another way to make a buck. After chiding them for ignoring me I did get an answer from GoPro who was very sympathetic, but unresponsive. I live near Hemet, California which is a fairly large city. I wrote directly to the City Of Hemet and they didn't even take the time to tell me to bug off.

I know there are seniors out there who would love my concept, but with all the power of the Internet I cannot find a logical way to reach them. The Internet has balooned to a point beyond anyone's ability to deal with the inflated confusion that comes with that development.


I think one of the problems you are facing is your lack of mobility. One thing common with a lot of people I find is if they have to do something that isn't all about themselves they aren't interested, not all people just most people. Did you contact your local RC clubs, can you move your quad around a track and video races? If you can do that or let them know you want to do that it may help you to get involved in a group.
