The next rig for Yonder Blue Films - "Less Is More"


Aerial DP
that u7 experience is very different than what i'm seeing..... were 50 flights in with gh3 and it is performing well,,,,,

but, the kde are really nice too.... i got them 4014 going on a disco soon to look at them next to the 3520.... i blew a bearing already in a kde 3520,,,, never hit anything, but getting jello and had a minor vibe induced attempt to leave.... naza hates motors coming apart...

One big part of the build showed up on Friday.

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More about the M5 later... First impressions... It's brilliant!


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Aerial Fun
Well, right off the bat, the M5 is WAAAAAY easier to tune. I think I'll start a new thread about the M5 in a few days. We used it handheld on Monday. Today is flight testing.

Once your alexmos was tuned for your gh3 or whatever you were using, did you have to do much post stabilization work?
I've found it hoovers and glides pretty good in calm wind. However, I have problems when I start flying as opposed to kind of drifting/gliding. Also wind gust are some what problematic. Just curious as to how stable others have gotten, esp. with your HFP.

Once your alexmos was tuned for your gh3 or whatever you were using, did you have to do much post stabilization work?
I've found it hoovers and glides pretty good in calm wind. However, I have problems when I start flying as opposed to kind of drifting/gliding. Also wind gust are some what problematic. Just curious as to how stable others have gotten, esp. with your HFP.

We still post-stabilized with the Alexmos, though it enabled us to get smoother footage so that the post-stabilization crop was very minimal. For example, 100% crop is no crop at all, and we were doing between 101% and 103% just to take care of any small bumps so it would be perfect. There were occasions when it didn't need it. But we are totally obsessed with getting the shot as smooth as possible.

Hey everyone,

I love the thread and all of the input regarding this potential build! Learning a bunch!!

My question is, do you guys not prefer or interested in dji products? I am thinking about S1000 with zennmuse gimbal and A2.. how would it compare to the build you are talking about here? is DJI much more inferior to what you Ben planning?

Just wondering why there is not much talk about it here..?

Thank you for your input!


DJI is a great plug and play system, but It's has limitations. It is not suited to carry a RED or larger cameras. Also, I know that Ben REALLY likes the smooth flying characteristics of the HoverFly Pro in Manual mode. That is all he flys in, so any benefits of the A2 system would never be used and the A2/WKM can't even get close to the smoothness of the Hoverfly.

So yes the S1000 is a nice piece of gear, but it is slightly limited when you hit a certain level of work.

Hope that helps!


A lot of people like to bash on DJI flight controllers citing more reports of unexplained flyaways. For sure these do occur (normally there ultimately is an explanation), but they also occur with other flight controllers like mikrokopter just don't hear about it as much.
Fact is, there is EXPONENTIALLY more DJI controllers in use around the world than all the other flight controllers combined, so I don't really place much stock in the theory that they are any less reliably than any other controller. I have had great results with mine so far. As for smoothness, I can't really imagine anything being smoother than the Wookong or the A2 that I fly now. A2 will fly any camera you want. The S1000, not so much, but maybe you dont care about flying a RED EPIC.

Hey everyone,

I love the thread and all of the input regarding this potential build! Learning a bunch!!

My question is, do you guys not prefer or interested in dji products? I am thinking about S1000 with zennmuse gimbal and A2.. how would it compare to the build you are talking about here? is DJI much more inferior to what you Ben planning?

Just wondering why there is not much talk about it here..?

Thank you for your input!


Thanks for your reply's guys. Another reason i was asking is that we are in the middle of a Foxtech Kraken K130 build that will ultimately be carrying red epic or similar size camera. Right now we have DJI A2 on it but looking for for a possible better controller (if there is one). Just did a maiden flight a few weeks ago and still in tuning mode.. Will report how it does down the road.

I had good experience with WKM/NAZA in the past hence reason to go with A2. Also, when you on the job and in need of spare parts, i would think that access to the DJI products might be much speedier. I will take a closer look at the HoverFly though.

I mostly fly atti, would atti mode on Hoverfly compare to A2?



Thanks for your reply's guys. Another reason i was asking is that we are in the middle of a Foxtech Kraken K130 build that will ultimately be carrying red epic or similar size camera. Right now we have DJI A2 on it but looking for for a possible better controller (if there is one). Just did a maiden flight a few weeks ago and still in tuning mode.. Will report how it does down the road.

I had good experience with WKM/NAZA in the past hence reason to go with A2. Also, when you on the job and in need of spare parts, i would think that access to the DJI products might be much speedier. I will take a closer look at the HoverFly though.

I mostly fly atti, would atti mode on Hoverfly compare to A2?


I've flown both but prefer DJI to Hoverfly myself. An yes I've flown RED Epic with Wookong no problem. I'm really curious about Gemini from Zero-Tech though. I really like the redundancy factor. Our next bird is going to be an X8 Hammer from Kopterworx. With the way the regulations are going for commercial use your copter will soon need to be certified and Dejean does amazing builds that are CAA certified. I've seen someone fly dual red epics on Wookong actually.... Would I personally? no because there are much lighter 4k cameras out there now.

Fat Corgi

I mostly fly atti, would atti mode on Hoverfly compare to A2?

Same here. How does the Hoverfly atti mode compare to the DJI WK or A2? Preparing a larger rig, and looking for peoples opinions on the best option. It will be a 7-8kg (15-18lb) flat 8.


Aerial DP
it does the self leveling part awesome, the alt hold part is an additional switch you kick on but mine never worked.... it works differently than a dji, not a true atti mode you can just fly,,, gotta turn stuff on and off.... weird controller, but amazingly smooth
