The next rig for Yonder Blue Films - "Less Is More"


Active Member
With my larger builds so far, I've been using a harness I built for each. I may give a distro board a go this time though.

Noooooo! that would be a step backwards! IMHO those Gryphon PDBs (and many others) look cute but have a fundamental flaw - bullet connectors! One of those little suckers will work itself loose and disconnect in flight!

On props, I firmly believe that in a few years we'll all be flying folding props. Easier balancing, safer, easier transport, etc. Plan for it now ;)


Hey Ben, good luck with the build. I'm contemplating another "heavy lifter" myself but we all run into the same questions.

ESC's/PDB Herkules III is the way to go if you ask me.

FC: I'm waiting for Synapse, I've been speaking with the lead developer and it looks like the release is coming up at NAB (ssshhhh). I want the first one.. MK is rock solid but a little bit of a learning curve and DJI well, you could go with A2. I hear great things about it but if you follow DJI the price will likely drop quite a bit in the next few months. I spent $20k building an S800 a little over a year ago and can get the same setup now for $6500...

Batteries: depends on the environment. Less windy days I go with a 4S on 15" prop for more flight time but for heavy wind 6S on 12" on my Y6

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Props: I love the TMotors, been flying them for awhile now and other than wood I'd say they are the best out there.

Frame: I'm keeping my eye on the Gryphon Dynamics frames, they are strong yet break down easily. If they are good enough for the kopterworx X8 Hammer 20kg lifter they are good enough for me. Quadrocopter carries the line in the US if they ever get any stock. I like the Sky Hero frames too, we have a 750mm Spy Y6 and a 850mm Spyder X8 on it's way. They break down quick and can take a beating.

Motors: Your call, the UPower series looks good but I like the shaft size on the Avrotos. They just seem to be built stronger.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents. I'll keep an eye on this thread to see how it goes, best of luck! All and all I keep leaning towards the boys over at Kopterworx. I'm going to pay them a visit in the next few months. The gear is expensive but if you follow what's happening with FAA and in my case TC all commercially used UAV's UAS's will need to be certified by the manufacturer and KW has been the only company (oh wait there is also that are doing builds in EU that are being certified by the CAA. If you are lining up for future commercial use (and I know you are) it's worth a little research. Spend a little more now, save a lot more later.

That said, and I know we aren't talking quads I'm really liking my RECON ($3500) for it's 30+ minute flight time with NEX7. 60+ minute with gopro. It handles great in the wind and fly's like a disco. I see steadydrone has recently released the Qu4d X boasting a 60min flight time as well but it's $15000 base.

Fly Safe!


I am sorry but we dont use gryphon for our hammer rtf solution. We make the frames ourselwes at kopterworx.

Noooooo! that would be a step backwards! IMHO those Gryphon PDBs (and many others) look cute but have a fundamental flaw - bullet connectors! One of those little suckers will work itself loose and disconnect in flight!

On props, I firmly believe that in a few years we'll all be flying folding props. Easier balancing, safer, easier transport, etc. Plan for it now ;)

It looks like there are a few connection options (see photo). What do you think of the other two connection options (terminal and solder)?

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Aerial DP
the hexacrafter is distributed like this. he does a killer job, not sure if it is included or not but there rock solid. think it handles well over 250 amps, current sensing on the 1100 shows less than 50 amps cont with gh3 and 88 amps with a red and brushless gimbal..... 15+ minute i was trying to brag about 6-8 minute red flights last year,,,,, you get worked flying that stressful for so long, fingers get all cramped



yeah you can just sodder Benjamin if you bullets... since you need step down still think the power disc is a nice setup.


Aerial DP
the red cap covers the one side, black the other.... think it's 2mm thick, torch soldered and wire wheeled so no flux to eat it...... when this was 3mm thick is was good to 400 amps...... it's just a tad under that now


Active Member
It looks like there are a few connection options (see photo). What do you think of the other two connection options (terminal and solder)?

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Crimped terminals lugs - I like crimped connections (more durable than soldered) but the ampacity of the connection to the board may be a bit variable since it depends on tightness of the securing nut.

Soldered - big problem is that there is no built-in way to support the joint, so big vulnerability to vibration eventually breaking the wires inside the insulation.

Bullets - worst solution of all - no built-in way to lock the connector.

IMHO PDBs (in general) are a triumph of marketing over common sense - the manufacturers jumped on the opportunity to sell you a component that you don't actually need :)


Aerial DP
I won't touch any connector between esc to motor. no lugs, no bullets, nothing.... they always fail sooner or later. Solder never fails, only problems i've seen over the years is soldering to pcb and the pcb breaking form strain or the lack of strain releaf crashing

I haven't had any issue with building wiring harnesses in the past, so I think I'll stick with that approach. I do like the bus bar arrangement that Hexacrafter has done, though.

In conclusion, no PDB for now.

Now, for some more debate... Hex vs Y6? I've got my opinions, but I'd like some more. Feedback welcome.


Drone Enthusiast
Aye up Ben

I have a nice set up apart from the A2 on it. Its a XM with 410 booms and AXi 2820/18 with Jeti ESC's. when the A2 is behaving it flyes really nice. I can either fly 12x5 or 13x6 Graupners on it depending on whats slung underneath. I have extended and standard landing gear with AV200 for GH3 a AV130 for CX730 and a ZEN GoPro with full Data/osd for waypoint flying if required . It will fly on either 4 or 5cells depending on where I am taking it. with all the restrictions on lipos these days if I am flying to location I can get enough 5200 4 cell packs in hand luggage to do the job. AND have enough flexibility for any shoot.

Now all I need to do is get the A2 working with the Sbus and get rid of the dam flashing turquoise lights and it will be good to go. I may just take off the A2 and stick a wooky on it so I can getit paying for itself.

If I was building it again I would probably go for TMotors so I could use the carbon props on it but for now when it is flying it really does fly nice and the A2 really does a good job of holding the tail and yawing.. bloody sbus and turquoise lights do my head in!

Below is a pic of when I was all excited about getting hold of the new A2!


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Welcome to!!
I haven't had any issue with building wiring harnesses in the past, so I think I'll stick with that approach. I do like the bus bar arrangement that Hexacrafter has done, though.

In conclusion, no PDB for now.

Now, for some more debate... Hex vs Y6? I've got my opinions, but I'd like some more. Feedback welcome.


I'f you're going to consider a Y6 then I'm going to beat you over the head if you don't consider an XY8, if it's traveling then that's another story but if you're talking a local operation then my XY8 is worthy, two fit in a small car and it flies like any other frame except to SX but that'll probably even happen eventually.. i've been working on a hexacopter design to make the 360 pan work better but if you think the lower props won't factor into pans then my hex idea may be old news before it even flies!



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the pic shows the 14" version but the one with arms for 16" props fits back there too. I've got a few frames sets left and a ton of other spare parts if you want to have a go at it.

i'll even fit the wiring harness to the frame for you although i'm not putting ESC's out by the motors anymore.

there's a portable version on my bench, i'll put a few pics up later.


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Drone Enthusiast
I never had a problem panning (seeing props) with the XY8. Though I had an av200/360 under it which is substantially lower than your BartBilt. Having the XY8 AND Y6 I would definitely take the XY8 over any config as my goto rig. But if i already had an octo I would take the y6 for flying anything less than a dslr. it is just easier to make the 2 arms fold back without having to undo connectors. Its also easier to tell orientation in the air at further distances. Though the XY8 is way easier to tell over a X8 it's still no comparison because there is so much more room in between arms. Both configs fly insanely well with the HFP. It kinda makes you want to tear up its so nice. I never had a problem with my yaw being twitchy on the HFP but I did with the Wooky. I sure hope I dont regret giving up my 2 HFP coax rigs.
