Quadrotor project


Drone Enthusiast
Sorry, my fault. I didn't mean telemetry. I meant The waypoints are done through the FC. Seems like you know that already. But I'm not sure if the waypoints can be changed during flight. You might need to land to make updates to the route. I know I read that you can flip it off, do some moves, and then flip it back on and continue your route.

You'll have to research that in threads that pertain to the specific FC. It seems to me that changing it on the fly would partially defeat the purpose - since the original goal was to program and then launch - without actually controlling anything after the fact.

EDIT: Check out THIS site. They talk about changing things on the fly - but reference your laptop. But if a laptop can do it - then the android phone must be able to, or can't be far behind.
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I found my answer it's called guided mode here is a link to it (the bottom of the page).Ok i think i know everything i need for now.In the next few days i will try to come up with what exactly i want the quadrotor to do,what parts i like for achieving this purposes and the way i will try to achieve them.I hope i will get more help from this forum ,i am sure i will need it.:)

Hello again,
So first here is a wiring diagram of the quad electronics(it might have made a mistakes somewhere i draw it very quickly and amateur :nevreness:)
View attachment 16169
the parts i am thinking of using:
ESCs - i am changed them because this ones have crystal oscillator(as far as i undestood)
programing tool for escs
Power distribution
UBEC - i chose this one becuase it measures voltage and current as well as powering the FC.
Main Batteries x2
parallel adapter
FC -Arduflyer 2.5.2
Mounting pads
Airspeed sensor
GPS and magnitometer
gps mount
3x ferrite ring - 1 for gps ,receiver and one spare.
Telemetry kit looking for a good antenna set,because i read that the stock ones are not even for this frequency ,they are 2.4ghz antennas.I am open for suggestions :)
Radio ,still considering if i should buy it ,if you know a 8-9ch radio which is better then this one and at about the same price feel free to suggest it.:)
FTDI for programing OSD
Camera - i have been thinking about it ,but i watched some videos recorded with this camera and they are not that bad.I know that you suggested using a security camera 2000 and a mobius but i donl't want to spend 100 dollars more and add extra weight just so i can improve a little the video quality. :)
FPV tx and rx i am taking the 800mW because the actual power that gives is 680mW and the price difference with the 500mW kit is 10 dollars ..;)
low pass filter
Battery for the fpv system
Radio tx battery - is it good? it says designed for turnigy 9xr is it compatible with 9x ?
Chargers -honestly i have no idea i have to choose them.Any suggestions? :)
Ok i think that this is all,but i keep thinking that i forget something...Anyway i will write it when i remember haha.What do you think?Any suggestions?Thank you for your help :) :)


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antenna choice

the rp-sma or just sma refers to where the pin is inside the male or female connector. The way I figured out which one I needed was to go on HK website and look at the pictures of bot sma and rp-sma. looks like they will work with your tx selection but not sure about the rx you picked out because it does not say.

What is the 3s battery going to be used for? the RX? Don't forget a bec voltage regulator for the multirotor to run the cam. some are 5v and some might be 12v. also power dist. board, battery connectors of your choice. what flight controller? KK2.1 board?


Drone Enthusiast
you had problems with HK boards motopreserve? I have the kind you soldier and never had a problem yet. I like it cause I can add extras like LED lights, or BEC for cam later without messing with everything else. here is pic of sma and rp-sma. http://hobbywireless.com/images/support_photos/SMA%20vs%20RPSMA.jpg

Mine me was the type with the bullets soldered to it. I had planned to replace it from day 1, but got sidetracked. Then it caused a crash and broke my GPS and FC. Lessen learned...

the rp-sma or just sma refers to where the pin is inside the male or female connector. The way I figured out which one I needed was to go on HK website and look at the pictures of bot sma and rp-sma. looks like they will work with your tx selection but not sure about the rx you picked out because it does not say.

What is the 3s battery going to be used for? the RX? Don't forget a bec voltage regulator for the multirotor to run the cam. some are 5v and some might be 12v. also power dist. board, battery connectors of your choice. what flight controller? KK2.1 board?
Hello.Do you mean telemetry kit antennas?If so i don't know if they are reverse polarity or not i have to look.The 3s battery is going to be used for the fpv system as i said in my previous post.I also listed a BEC which is going to be used to supply my FC(Arduflyer 2.5.2),gps,telemetry ,OSD and radio receiver.About the camera it can be supplyed with 7-16V DC so i don't need a BEC.I will use xt60 connectors for the battery,because i read that they don't make sparks while connecting them and this is important because sparks can fry the 3.3v regulator on the FC.You can see the wiring diagram in my last post:)
Motopreserve,Lar176 Thank you for the answers.You are sayng that i have to buy a PD board and solder the ESCs to it?


Drone Enthusiast
You are sayng that i have to buy a PD board and solder the ESCs to it?

yep. Or you can make your own with good thick wire. If you decide on a store-bought board, Just make sure the PDB is rated for the amount of power you will be drawing - and that it's made solid.

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Drone Enthusiast
Power input connector 2.1mm x 5.5mm barrel connector. (Customized power plugs can be found here)

that leads me to believe you'll be using power from a battery, no? Unless you are operating near a power outlet.

ohh...I'm sorry for the stupid question i didn't see it:shame:..
I was looking for a battery for the turnigy 9x and i saw that this one fits(unless i missunderstood something) but it says "LLF" what is that?Can i charge it with the charger i have chosen?
Oh and i read in the rc forums that the stock receiver of the 9x is not very good.So i am thinking of doing this mod. i have selected everything i think i will need:
1. 5db range extending antenna
2. the frsky DIY kit (tx)
3. frsky receiver (rx)
4. extended antenna for receiver
But i have some questions:
1st.Are all the rx and tx completable i read in the tx details says completable with "V8FR-HV recievers in 1way non-telemetry Mode." and in the rx details says "V8FR-II (HV version)" are they still compleatable?
2nd.I am doing this mod for the extended range and i see that the frsky has a failsave.What exactly does it do when it looses signal, because the flight controller is programmed to return to launch when it looses signal from receiver.
3rd. The tx have "Transmitter telemetry module" but i wont use it ,so my question is: Is it going to mess with my telemetry kit for arduflyer or any of the other frequencies?
Sorry for the annoying questions,but i couldn't find any info.
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Drone Enthusiast
It seems that's the battery listed on the product page - so we can only hope it works :)

You can check out THIS page to see about upgrading the 9x Tx. Not all Tx and RX are compatible. In fact, most are not. But frsky is making products specifically to adapt these other Tx.

Thank you for the site provided it looks very helpful i will look at it more detailed tomorrow.In the mean time i saw this 2 posts originally posted in rcgroups.
I purchased a FrSky V8FR-II 2.4Ghz 8CH Receiver (HV) with FrSky DHT 8ch DIY Telemetry Compatible Transmitter Module.
Yesterday i did the mod described by Zen09 on page 2.
First I installed the Frsky module by the manual. I soldered the 3 cables (yellow, black , red) like described without cutting any traces.
Then I added all the cables to flash the firmware like the manual described.
And for last followed Zen09's tutorial. I cut the traces on the frsky DHT module and scrapped the two others. Soldered them to miso and mosi like described in the picture.
Then I had to remove the 220ohms resistors to be able to cut the traces more easily, and replaced them with 2 other 220ohm resistors.

I was able to flash the firmware to er9x-frsky correctly. Then I was able to bind the tx with rx with the 2way telemetry setting, but i still get the No data message. My receiver led gets a stable green color and my tx gets a flashing orange color.
Is there a way i can check my connections with a voltmeter?
What could be wrong?
Your mod is likely OK, you just bought the wrong RX. You need a 'D' series one, ie) D8R-II plus

From FrSky website:

1.3 New feature of V8FR-II over V8FR-HV

Compatible with all FrSky modules (V8_mode & D_mode), receive only (V8FR-II can talk with module of either mode, but it does not send telemetry information back to the transmitter).
Which is obvious because on hobbyking is written "FrSky V8FR-II 2.4Ghz 8CH Receiver (HV)" not "FrSky V8FR-II 2.4Ghz 8CH Receiver with telemetry(HV)", but anyway i know now that the rx and tx are compleatable.
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Hello again in the few days i was reading about the 433mhz modules.As far as i understood people are recomending a dipole antenna for the ground module.I also undestood that i will need a low pass filter for 433mhz so i can protect the higher frequencies such as the fpv system ,GPS and radio.So about the telemetry kit i am thinking about going with this setup:
1.Rctimer 433mhz telemetry kit.
From this tread i understand that the rctimer telemetry kit has a female sma connector.So i will need antennas with male connectors.
2.Ground module antenna.I am thinking about this one,but there are lots of different cable sizes what is the difference between them?Oh and does it matter if the antenna is meant for use with dragonlink as long as the connectors match?
3.Air module antenna
4.Low pass filter for 433mhz
Any comments,thoughts,suggestions and recommendations will be highly appreciated.
P.S. I forgot i found out that a high pass filter can be used on the fpv receiver to block any interfierence which the telemetry can cause to the fpv system even when it has a low pass filter installed.
Best regards,
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