XAircraft SuperX


Drone Enthusiast
Atti mode has all the security of the level flight - just no GPS lock. So it will not try to maintain position to an exact spot - but you won't come hurling toward the ground either :)

So you should be fine testing in Atti to see if GPS is causing the issue. At least to rule it out for certain.

Also, did your batteries seem low to you???


Drone Enthusiast
I don't have time to go through all the flights - but the last 2 seem very short for where the vltage ended up. The second to last dips down to barely safe level (and definitely not healthy buffer safe), in only 1 minute or so.

That right there is an issue that needs to be addressed before you move on. Is the craft underpowered? Are the batteries shot?


I know you all love your Super X but I'm about to throw in the towel on this build I've got going, just don't feel the confidence that you all describe and I can't quite put my finger on the problem. Maybe it's not the FC at all, maybe it's the esc's? Not sure but after my last couple test flights I'm more frustrated than ever. I've tried 15" triple props, 15" T-Motor props. I moved my batteries to the top plate because I felt having the gimbal and batteries mounted under the centerplate dropped the CoG to low from the IMU. Feels better balanced when I'm doing the sat-dance so that can't be a bad thing. I tried recalibrating the esc's from the radio although with the KDE esc they don't calibrate like normal esc's, you don't get the tones since they are factory calibrated. I may need to swap in some older ZTW's I have used before just to see if it makes a difference.
When I dug into the setup video and re did all my center throttle and max stick movements I realized that my gains may have been set to high, everything set to 1.1, so I brought them back down to 1.0 and lowered the Yaw and Height to .9 after Drew mentioned something about lowering the gains if you are running a heavier hex or octo. First flight went ok, seemed pretty stable in the light wind at hover and in forward flight. Second battery gave me a toilet bowl effect on hover that I've never had before, landed, restarted and had the same effect. Landed, swapped batteries and tried again, lift off good but hover became a twitchy little bugger that I decided was better to land than crash. Back at the house and getting ready for work so no time to tinker some more.

Worst part is, after looking at the video on my Sony handicam (not imported yet for viewing on computer) it seems to be the best result gimbal wise I've had...sigh...

Here is the latest logs, if anyone sees something in them or in my post that stands out, your expertise is welcome as always. Strange how the last flight on the report there is no minimum voltage recorded.


Before you give up try some 14"s on her. When I was testing my rig on 6S, when I was below 50% in hover it never flew right. Many have posted it is due to disc loading, which makes perfect sense.


Drone Enthusiast
I also think the battery situation needs to be sussed out. No reason it should be dropping to that low a voltage after so short a time. That tells me there may be something going on in the initial design for thrust to weight.


I finally made the jump to UHF. All I can say it is amazing! If anyone is interested I will post a list of what I used. I figured out a really neat way to complement the SuperX osd and still retain all the telemetry I had and more on 2.4gig with the UniSens-E.
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Active Member
Bought a couple new batteries to replace the beat 5000 6s I was using, hopefully this will help my tuning as a few suggested. These SLS7000 batteries look pretty nice, about the same physical size as my 5000's and weigh just 100g's more each so it should be a power to weight ratio issue. Plan to run them in parallel.


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Drone Enthusiast
That's the best way - strip it back to the basics and start from scratch. I honestly think it's less frustrating that way, despite feeling like you are going backwards sometimes.


Much better results on the logs. Still doesn't have that locked in feel yet but was able to fly for about 9 minutes on two batt's and land with 35%, I'll take that on first flight on batteries.

Last log has lower vibes too, could be the graph has more time to digest info compared to the 3 minutes I was getting...

Your motor vibs are great now and should not be causing any issues. On the other hand, I would work on getting the motors aligned better.
And being that your in the 4o's percent wise, still think your over propped. The SuperX does not like anything even slightly out of wack.
But once you get it right, it will amaze you.
