XAircraft SuperX


Active Member
Thanks @SleepyC, I'll give it a try. I saw your X4 on Instagram (a little off topic), I didn't see the esc's under the motors. Where did you mount them? I'm guessing in the center plate, how did you get the motor wires through the small opening of the arm mount? Remove bullets?


Active Member
Here's a couple photos of my top plate and where things are mounted. I moved the auto pilot to the top of the IMU this morning, it was on the GPS puck pole on first few flights. Not sure if this will make a difference in my GPS interference or not, any other suggestions as to where I should move things are appreciated.


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Active Member
Went out for some more tuning today, latest logs - http://log.xaircraft.cn/#2015_05_02_102302.502_77.1.04.22
While I was plugged in to the SuperX I went to the gains page to see what my settings were.
Strange thing is that I turned the gain dial down and the hex flew better but when I looked at the settings they were all what I set them at Pitch - 1, Roll - 1, Yaw - 1, Height - .9. When I turned the dial up and down I do no see the gains move while plugged in, should I? I know that when I set up my NAZA I can see the gains move when I rotate the dial but I don't see the same thing using the SuperX. Is this normal or do I not have something set properly?

Also, I didn't think it held GPS position well but after looking at my pilot cam the OSD says I was in Atti mode, I'll have to check this again in the morning. I does fly pretty nice in Atti though.
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Went out for some more tuning today, latest logs - http://log.xaircraft.cn/#2015_05_02_102302.502_77.1.04.22
While I was plugged in to the SuperX I went to the gains page to see what my settings were.
Strange thing is that I turned the gain dial down and the hex flew better but when I looked at the settings they were all what I set them at Pitch - 1, Roll - 1, Yaw - 1, Height - .9. When I turned the dial up and down I do no see the gains move while plugged in, should I? I know that when I set up my NAZA I can see the gains move when I rotate the dial but I don't see the same thing using the SuperX. Is this normal or do I not have something set properly?

Also, I didn't think it held GPS position well but after looking at my pilot cam the OSD says I was in Atti mode, I'll have to check this again in the morning. I does fly pretty nice in Atti though.


The SX is not like the NAZA in that the gain knob on your transmitter (RC Gains) works on a percentage of what you set in the software GUI, so it doesn't change your software settings at all (therefore you will never see a change there). Of f the top of my head I think the range might be -200% to +150% but check the manual it is definitely covered in there.

So set your gains in the software GUI and then the RC Gains will act as a multiplier behind the scenes. The SX will remember the settings if you disconnect the Gains control.

Also make sure you have your gains control channel setup correctly in your transmitter or you will experience some very bad results!



Active Member
Thanks Mouse, Anthony, I set it up as Drew explained in YouTube video as set end points to 30 to limit %
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Active Member
@fltundra, here is this mornings log, no wind, GPS and hovering for about first 15 seconds then couple laps around the field. Seems like the vibration is up a little from the other day.
I'm going to have to upgrade the drive system, my poor KDE 2814 515's from my original UAP1 hex are not going to cut it with this beast. Looking at some used KDE 4012's here on MRF.

Thanks for looking.

Crap, forgot to paste URL - http://log.xaircraft.cn/#2015_05_02_195159.636_78.1.04.24
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@fltundra, here is this mornings log, no wind, GPS and hovering for about first 15 seconds then couple laps around the field. Seems like the vibration is up a little from the other day.
I'm going to have to upgrade the drive system, my poor KDE 2814 515's from my original UAP1 hex are not going to cut it with this beast. Looking at some used KDE 4012's here on MRF.

Thanks for looking.

Crap, forgot to paste URL - http://log.xaircraft.cn/#2015_05_02_195159.636_78.1.04.24
Alignment still needs to be better, motor graph plots should be bunched closer together at beginning and end of flight and clean air hover. Might be CG is a little off. :)


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Active Member
I went out to burn a few more batteries today and get accustomed to the SuperX. I load three 5000mAh 6s battery to simulate having a camera and gimbal underneath. First battery, everything went well, motors a little hot but that is expected running just 2814's for now (have 4012's on the way) so I took off the first battery after test flight to lighten the load. Plugged in battery 2, esc and motor tones all around but the motor 6 keeps beeping. Unplug, reconnect, same thing, third time now issues. Arm and fly, no issues except I did not get a low battery warning this time. I have been getting the alarm on the OSD to this point. Third battery, armed without issue, flew great - Atti this time - but still no low voltage warning. Battery 2 tested at 16% when I landed and battery 3 was 19%. Battery 1 landed at 29% after I got the Low Battery alert. All batteries came back up above 20% once they cooled from flying.

My question is, what would cause the Low Battery alert not work on two of the three batteries, to this point I have not experienced this issue.


Drone Enthusiast
I have the issue with the #6 esc/motor chirping and not arming on power up. Same procedure as you, power up eventually "solves" it. Several others have had the same experience - IIRC 2 others specifically with motor 6.

With me, it has happened with multiple ESCs and motor combos. And it never happened when I ran it on a quad (pre-Hex upgrade).

I've never really gotten an explanation of why this happens.


Active Member
Having trouble logging into the BlackBox to access my flight logs. Is the XAircraft site down? Is there an alternative URL rather than the default .cn address? Tried for multiple times for about half hour with no success. Thought someone mentioned a Canada or Aussie URL.




Active Member
Almost had a fly away this morning while test my Tarot X6 with Super X. I burned three batteries on Friday morning and all went well. I did notice a slight horizon issue with the OSD, the false horizon seemed to be a little tilted to the right, not much but I need to input a little stick to keep it level but nothing serious.

Today however was a different story. After takeoff I hovered at that point for about a minute, everything seems fine, held position nicely and allowed me a chance to take a photo of it hovering in the sunrise. Checked my monitor, every thing looked good, sats, batt, horizon, all good. Flew down field made a sweeping left turn and headed back towards my starting point. Hex began to drift to the right a bit, corrected with stick, got closer to home and noticed it took more stick to keep it level, at about the 2:15 point of the video you can see the false horizon start to tilt right, more stick correction to level out. At the 2:45 mark I left the sticks center themselves and the the hex rolls and lists of kilter. I get it back in control but taking almost all stick motion to keep it level and heading back to me. I was giving it full forward stick and it was barely heading forward. Landed best I could and it tipped over breaking a couple props, thankfully that's all! Probably should have tried flicking it into ATTI or Manual but was concentrating on getting it back to earth.

I've been trying to upload my BlackBox info but not having any success. Tried multiple times and all it does is tell me file uploading. Frustrated...



Drone Enthusiast
Good job getting it down and only having broken props! That can get pretty scary.

I know there is an alternate site for black box. I'll search around and see if I can find it.


Active Member
Thanks Scott, you can upload from your phone? or just access? Can we use a Mac to upload or just a PC. I know the application only works on PC but wondered if I could hook up and upload from my MacBook Pro?
