XAircraft SuperX


Drone Enthusiast
I had the same problem and this is what Anthony from XAircraft in Australia responded. It basically means the compass is not used to support the GPS operation. I had made a few changes to my copters without doing the compass calibration. After doing the calibration, I did not see the yellow light anymore.

MikeSF is one of the few people I optimistically believe about this stuff :)


I sincerely hope Xaircraft aren't going to do a DJI on you when problems arise. The SuperX started with such good results and now problems occur they should be all over the forums like a rash.


Aerial DP
We have to build an actor "drone" and when they asked what FC i wanted, picked another superX. Were invading mexican airspace with it....


I just got a superx and installed it in a trooper Q700 in an x8 config. I'm currently running into some issues with vibrations/oscilaltions in fast forward flight. This is evident in the brushless gopro footage. I currently have the att gain set to 20% and i'm trying to dial it in by changing the basic gains in the app. I started at 1.2 and now i'm on .9. I'm not sure if the vibrations are from the wind hitting the camera during FFF. The gimbal is mounted on a clean plate and the 6s 8000 pack is mounted to an adjustable CG tube also on this clean plate. If you grab the battery and move it side to side, it does shift a bit and can see it causing the movements i'm seeing in the video. I'm hoping that dialing gains down further will reduce it.

Also, does anyone have an X8 coaxial log I can look at? the motor output seems weird.
Here's mine from yesterday: http://log.xaircraft.com/report.htm#2014_09_18_190951.750_38.1.03.32

I'm running 13x5.5" on top and 13x6.5" on bottom.

Arm 1: M1=54%, M5=34%
Arm 2: M2=32%, M6=52%
Arm 3: M3=54%, M7=34%
Arm 4: M4=36%, M8=56%

It's weird that the top and bottom motors alternate roughly the same power outputs on each arm. I wonder if this is a coaxial thing or all 4 arms are out of alignment by the same amount. With the trooper, the motor mounts and tube is indexed for alignment. I feel like if the motors were out of alignment, the motor outputs wouldn't be that consistent per arm. Unless all the arms are off by the same amount.

Any thoughts or comments about my log?

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I just got a superx and installed it in a trooper Q700 in an x8 config. I'm currently running into some issues with vibrations/oscilaltions in fast forward flight. This is evident in the brushless gopro footage. I currently have the att gain set to 20% and i'm trying to dial it in by changing the basic gains in the app. I started at 1.2 and now i'm on .9. I'm not sure if the vibrations are from the wind hitting the camera during FFF. The gimbal is mounted on a clean plate and the 6s 8000 pack is mounted to an adjustable CG tube also on this clean plate. If you grab the battery and move it side to side, it does shift a bit and can see it causing the movements i'm seeing in the video. I'm hoping that dialing gains down further will reduce it.

Also, does anyone have an X8 coaxial log I can look at? the motor output seems weird.
Here's mine from yesterday: http://log.xaircraft.com/report.htm#2014_09_18_190951.750_38.1.03.32

I'm running 13x5.5" on top and 12x6.5" on bottom.

Arm 1: M1=54%, M5=34%
Arm 2: M2=32%, M6=52%
Arm 3: M3=54%, M7=34%
Arm 4: M4=36%, M8=56%

It's weird that the top and bottom motors alternate roughly the same power outputs on each arm. I wonder if this is a coaxial thing or all 4 arms are out of alignment by the same amount. With the trooper, the motor mounts and tube is indexed for alignment. I feel like if the motors were out of alignment, the motor outputs wouldn't be that consistent per arm. Unless all the arms are off by the same amount.

Any thoughts or comments about my log?


Your vibes aren't too bad in the log as far as I can tell. Strange to see those big differences in the motor values. Not sure about X configs since I don't fly one. Where are the camera/battery mounted?


I just got a superx and installed it in a trooper Q700 in an x8 config. I'm currently running into some issues with vibrations/oscilaltions in fast forward flight. This is evident in the brushless gopro footage. I currently have the att gain set to 20% and i'm trying to dial it in by changing the basic gains in the app. I started at 1.2 and now i'm on .9. I'm not sure if the vibrations are from the wind hitting the camera during FFF. The gimbal is mounted on a clean plate and the 6s 8000 pack is mounted to an adjustable CG tube also on this clean plate. If you grab the battery and move it side to side, it does shift a bit and can see it causing the movements i'm seeing in the video. I'm hoping that dialing gains down further will reduce it.

Also, does anyone have an X8 coaxial log I can look at? the motor output seems weird.
Here's mine from yesterday: http://log.xaircraft.com/report.htm#2014_09_18_190951.750_38.1.03.32

I'm running 13x5.5" on top and 12x6.5" on bottom.

Arm 1: M1=54%, M5=34%
Arm 2: M2=32%, M6=52%
Arm 3: M3=54%, M7=34%
Arm 4: M4=36%, M8=56%

It's weird that the top and bottom motors alternate roughly the same power outputs on each arm. I wonder if this is a coaxial thing or all 4 arms are out of alignment by the same amount. With the trooper, the motor mounts and tube is indexed for alignment. I feel like if the motors were out of alignment, the motor outputs wouldn't be that consistent per arm. Unless all the arms are off by the same amount.

Any thoughts or comments about my log?

You have major motor alignment issues. 5% max between motors. Battery needs to be mounted secure, absolutly no movement.
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Your vibes aren't too bad in the log as far as I can tell. Strange to see those big differences in the motor values. Not sure about X configs since I don't fly one. Where are the camera/battery mounted?

The gopro and battery are on opposite ends. But I think part of the problem is that the battery isn't close enough to the camera and is acting like a lever, exaggerating any little movement it sees. If i'm flying slow, it's pretty smooth.

I attached some pics of the rig. The battery attaches to the cf tube that's extending off the back where the strap is. Unfortunately with this frame, the CG is pretty far aft and I need to push a lighter battery further back to get proper CG. As an experiment, I can try adding another battery. That would allow me to push the batteries further forward. I could also look into stiffer dampeners or mount it direct to replace the ones that came with the frame. Here's a different shot of the mount: http://www.rccanada.ca/rccforum/attachment.php?attachmentid=354481&dateline=1404114611



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My vibe issues were solved when I centered the camera under, and put the batteries on top and got rid of the camera/battery counterbalancing gig.

The gopro and battery are on opposite ends. But I think part of the problem is that the battery isn't close enough to the camera and is acting like a lever, exaggerating any little movement it sees. If i'm flying slow, it's pretty smooth.

I attached some pics of the rig. The battery attaches to the cf tube that's extending off the back where the strap is. Unfortunately with this frame, the CG is pretty far aft and I need to push a lighter battery further back to get proper CG. As an experiment, I can try adding another battery. That would allow me to push the batteries further forward. I could also look into stiffer dampeners or mount it direct to replace the ones that came with the frame. Here's a different shot of the mount: http://www.rccanada.ca/rccforum/attachment.php?attachmentid=354481&dateline=1404114611



If you have a look at this guys (kcsajtai) log on his Y-6, his motor outputs are more even. The top props are 28% and bottom are 38%, where as mine is alternating between top and bottom per arm.


I'm not totally dismissing that my mounts might be mis-aligned. I'm trying to understand what the FC is doing. Could it be because I have different pitch blades on top vs the bottom? If could see a well running x8 log to compare too, that would be helpful.


Drone Enthusiast
My vibe issues were solved when I centered the camera under, and put the batteries on top and got rid of the camera/battery counterbalancing gig.

I think in general you're better off centering things up if possible - instead of doing the balance fore/aft dance. The props should be working to keep the center level, not working against odd shifts on weight. Obviously this particular frame makes that a bit difficult with the canopy.

also, it it the photo, or are the booms angled down toward the back???


My vibe issues were solved when I centered the camera under, and put the batteries on top and got rid of the camera/battery counterbalancing gig.

yeah, that's what I was thinking. Unfortunately there isn't a ton of room on top to mount any batteries. I'll try mounting two packs to shift the batteries more forward to see if it helps.


I think in general you're better off centering things up if possible - instead of doing the balance fore/aft dance. The props should be working to keep the center level, not working against odd shifts on weight. Obviously this particular frame makes that a bit difficult with the canopy.

also, it it the photo, or are the booms angled down toward the back???

lol That's because the skids are angled and causing the rear to droop. It's not like that now. The skids are straight now. I can only imagine the amount of prop strikes I might get if I flew it like that.
