XAircraft SuperX


now here when the super x is working properly look at after picture of the level


  • 2014-05-18 23.28.55.jpg
    2014-05-18 23.28.55.jpg
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While I understand what you guys are saying (obviously the further from the center the weaker the boom, and the further from the hub the weaker the tip), I hope you're not suggesting that the superx is not supposed to be with rigs spinning 12" or more props.

I am banking on the fact that this thing can be smooth, and at least close to vibe free as possible, as long as the props/motors are in balance, and level.

There are plenty of pro's flying large rigs with SX so you should be able to do this thing. As a hobbyist I have found that smaller craft with smaller faster props behave better in wind, are more portable, and fly longer between teardowns. They already shoot pretty decent video and as cameras improve, you will start seeing the pro rigs get smaller too.

Electro 2

I hope you're not suggesting that the superx is not supposed to be with rigs spinning 12" or more props.

I hope not either. I run 13s on one SX bird, and 14 or 15s on the other. Vibes are sub 0.4 on either machine. High vibes on large props ? Loose those plastics and get into some woods or CF. Above 12 inches or so, plastic, even filled plastic, is just not an OK material for props. Only time I use 'em is on madiens and testing where you might chew through a few as you trim it in.


I hope not either. I run 13s on one SX bird, and 14 or 15s on the other. Vibes are sub 0.4 on either machine. High vibes on large props ? Loose those plastics and get into some woods or CF. Above 12 inches or so, plastic, even filled plastic, is just not an OK material for props. Only time I use 'em is on madiens and testing where you might chew through a few as you trim it in.
Has nothing to do with what your saying, I had bearing issues with 10 hrs on my tigers that made it impossible to get balanced. Bigger props only amplified the problem.

I'm getting .2 and lower now:) If you find Kloners log post you will see he's lower then .1


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now here when the super x is working properly look at after picture of the level

Looks like we have some similar gear. I have a Taranis TX and the 8XR receiver you do. I'm just now at the stage of setting up the RX with the SuperX. Never done this before so if you have any pointers I'd be grateful.


Looks like we have some similar gear. I have a Taranis TX and the 8XR receiver you do. I'm just now at the stage of setting up the RX with the SuperX. Never done this before so if you have any pointers I'd be grateful.

Do a search in this thread. All you need is sbus from the receiver. Setup failsafe by setting ch 6 to 100%. All the rest is in the transmitter.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk


Has nothing to do with what your saying, I had bearing issues with 10 hrs on my tigers that made it impossible to get balanced. Bigger props only amplified the problem.

I'm getting .2 and lower now:) If you find Kloners log post you will see he's lower then .1

That's really low. I'm getting .4 with nylon/carbon props. Just put cf props on and will test today. Hoping for similar numbers to yours.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk


Yes you can use the 16 channel so you can use it for tilt roll if you will be using a gimbal. I f you don't know how to do that let me know.I also switch all the ail,rud,elev,thro to same setting as in the super x manual that is done by going to the mixer page. I also have all the switches with voice on like if you switch to gps it will say gps, Than i have expo on 1 switch for smooth panning. i just installed 3 axis gimbal so that 16 channel come handy for panning swicth. any question just ask me. Also i got the throttle stick to beep when i am 50 percent that in first page.


Drone Enthusiast
Some of you may recall how I harassed this thread with issues I was having getting my hex set up with the superx coupled with hobbywing platinum pro OPTO (or not - that's for another time). The hobbywing ESCs were constantly beeping indicating an incorrect (or lack of) throttle signal. The superx had/has worked fine on a quad.

With a ton of help from this thread (and some PM help as well - thanks RTRyder!), I was able to get it working, but was never totally comfortable because I wasn't sure WHAT made it work. That's always a little odd and off-putting, since I just repeatedly did the same programming, calibrations and procedures over and over again. But eventually it just worked, and the hex powered up without the beeping.

Come to find out, the motor stats were incorrect on the retailers product page, and instead of the motors being 28 pole as listed, they are actually the more typical 12S/14P. Now I needed to reset the advance timing for the correct motor type, so back into the ESC programming I went. Set it to 15 degrees, and recalibrated the ESC/throttle.

Plug it back in and constant beeping again. Ugh!!!! Weirder still, certain motors would work (the non-beeping ones), and others wouldn't. If I recycled the power, different motors would work. Exhausted by this round and round crap - I finally decided to try a different FC to see if I could narrow the issue.

Had a Naza M V2 on the bench, quick change over and joila! No beeping...

So, same setup and programming exactly, same Tx settings, and the only variable is the FC. Works just like it should.

What say you? Any thoughts? Any tests you can think of I might try to get this superx to work?

sorry for the long post, but man! This has me exhausted and frustrated.


Some of you may recall how I harassed this thread with issues I was having getting my hex set up with the superx coupled with hobbywing platinum pro OPTO (or not - that's for another time). The hobbywing ESCs were constantly beeping indicating an incorrect (or lack of) throttle signal. The superx had/has worked fine on a quad.

With a ton of help from this thread (and some PM help as well - thanks RTRyder!), I was able to get it working, but was never totally comfortable because I wasn't sure WHAT made it work. That's always a little odd and off-putting, since I just repeatedly did the same programming, calibrations and procedures over and over again. But eventually it just worked, and the hex powered up without the beeping.

Come to find out, the motor stats were incorrect on the retailers product page, and instead of the motors being 28 pole as listed, they are actually the more typical 12S/14P. Now I needed to reset the advance timing for the correct motor type, so back into the ESC programming I went. Set it to 15 degrees, and recalibrated the ESC/throttle.

Plug it back in and constant beeping again. Ugh!!!! Weirder still, certain motors would work (the non-beeping ones), and others wouldn't. If I recycled the power, different motors would work. Exhausted by this round and round crap - I finally decided to try a different FC to see if I could narrow the issue.

Had a Naza M V2 on the bench, quick change over and joila! No beeping...

So, same setup and programming exactly, same Tx settings, and the only variable is the FC. Works just like it should.

What say you? Any thoughts? Any tests you can think of I might try to get this superx to work?

sorry for the long post, but man! This has me exhausted and frustrated.

i have the same hobby wing esc and when hook up to motor it beeping so i gave up bought the tiget esc that same as in the 650 pro kit and all is fine no beeps it's an opto esc just like hobby wing but it works .


Drone Enthusiast
i have the same hobby wing esc and when hook up to motor it beeping so i gave up bought the tiget esc that same as in the 650 pro kit and all is fine no beeps it's an opto esc just like hobby wing but it works .

Thanks Dhardjono. I have another set of ESCs here that I could try - and they may work like your new ones have. I tested with the Naza so that I could determine whether the SuperX was playing a role in this whole mess - which it seems that it is. I'd love to know the reasoning behind the Hobbywing issues specific to the board - what causes it, and whether there is a solution. More out of curiosity at this point, I'm done banging my head against the wall for now...

I was also trying to avoid having to tear the whole hex apart to resolder the integrated PDB :)


Thanks Dhardjono. I have another set of ESCs here that I could try - and they may work like your new ones have. I tested with the Naza so that I could determine whether the SuperX was playing a role in this whole mess - which it seems that it is. I'd love to know the reasoning behind the Hobbywing issues specific to the board - what causes it, and whether there is a solution. More out of curiosity at this point, I'm done banging my head against the wall for now...

I was also trying to avoid having to tear the whole hex apart to resolder the integrated PDB :)

Yes it's superx cause i try nasa on my hobby wing esc it works fine.


One more thing to try the esc tiger motor that i bought from buddy rc .com he told me to pull the white wire to make the hobby wing esc to work but that's the signal wire but give it a try . at that point when he told me i had all esc out already so could not try it


Drone Enthusiast
One more thing to try the esc tiger motor that i bought from buddy rc .com he told me to pull the white wire to make the hobby wing esc to work but that's the signal wire but give it a try . at that point when he told me i had all esc out already so could not try it

That definitely can't work - it needs the signal wire for sure. You sure he said the white wire???
