Hey David,
That is a good procedure and to some extent helps the lack of radio inputs in the setup software but you have to admit it's a bit tedious and you would need to remember the sequence of events you went through on your radio while on the bench to compare it to the black box to make sure they all went through.
Much easier procedure and like most other modern FC's is being able to see the radio commands in the setup software. Quick one stop setup
With that said, I do love my Super X. I can honestly say it's the best FC I've used.
Paul the issue was one of 'subjectivity' some may
wish for something that doesn't exist except somewhere else, I work with what I have got! because I know the
chances of change are slim in the immediate future so to get on with it is the best plan, don't you agree?
Now remembering the sequence is not an issue, the clock starts the moment the motors turn and that is recorded in the Black Box, a system I suppose is required but I go thrust and Yaw, then right stick up down left right all of which is shown and permanently recorded as a percentage and motor thrust in data and graphically.
I then do Manual/Attitude/Gps modes again all recorded data and graphically, I can see if the GPS has cut in I can see if the motors are pulling okay and how is the vibration? at this time I put the props back on and go for a short flight, then I can compare the thrust and Vibration with props and without props.
In a couple of weeks I may change a motor or the props, I an go back and reference a different time event to compare data.
My Taranis also gives real time indication of stick movement -100 0 100 and switches pressed, but I have mentioned that before as to the logging function
Now you may believe your way is better but that is a SUBJECTIVE opinion :tennis: I hope I have made my point clearer